Dear family and friends, What a year this has been! For the most part, that is a positive statement! Without a nod to the economy or politics, I hope it's been a good year for you too. I offer you greetings of the season with my prayer that peaceful, simple joys will surround you this holiday season.
Some of you are already aware, but for those of you who are not, earlier this year I lost the use of my left arm. The bad news is that this makes me a quadriplegic with a brand new set of challenges.
However, there is good news! And I've been busy counting my blessings!
Todd is home safe-and-sound from Iraq ~ hallelujah! And we are all anxious to see Connie very soon!
Jen is happy with her new 9-5 job in Accounting at Time Warner; Tim is busy tinkering on his play car; Kailyn had a once-in-a-lifetime mission trip this year which gave her a fresh outlook on life; Natalie has a case of teen-itis, but it's curable and she gets the family "comedy prize," second only to her Mom.
Mark is busy growing his business-no easy feat in these difficult times; Ben is reading at a 4th grade level – not too shabby for a 2nd grader; Grayson too is very smart and enjoys entertaining the girls in his class/church; Bev's year has been more bittersweet as she is having some health issues, but she's still happy with her work at JPMorgan, had a good time coaching soccer, and continues to be very active at church.
Mother has reached 97 and still lives alone with only minimal help. Chuck and Mary live nearby and keep her in line!
But the best blessing this year was the one God dropped in my lap! It's two new friends, computer experts, who have gifted me with fabulous software technology that enables me to email, word process, read books including the Bible, adjust my TV, play my CDs, and other cool stuff! What a Godsend it is for a "quad"! And in case you were wondering, I still get good care here and the food is still a daily surprise!
There are many other blessings too ~ and you know who you are! I wish each of you all the joys of the season!
Christina Adams: You make it so easy!
Thank you so much for giveing me the freedom of my thoughts typed out. You have made everything so easy to access.
Jon, I love this new picture thing, i its so smart. Thank you very much. By Christina
[email address](HI)MERRY
Email on your cell -
PM 7:37 12/18/07
Gloria Kaswen: I am grateful every time I use the program. Thankyou for being so dedicated to help people like me be able to access the computer.
I use the email almost every day to keep in touch with my family. I really enjoy that!