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The Bible can be installed and configured as one of the books to read in Browse mode. Since it is a special book it is not under the Books folder but at the top level menu. At this point there are five translations available:

KJV - King James Version
MSG - The Message
NCV - New Century Version
NIV - New International Version
NWT - New World Translation
In the Sue Center Configure program you specify which is the main translation and also which translations you wish to have available.

If you have configured multiple translations you can jump between them easily. Assuming you have KJV, MSG and NIV available then when viewing the KJV version of Matthew 3, choose 'Jump' and you will see 'Bible MSG' and 'Bible NIV' in the choices. Choosing 'Bible NIV' will move you to the NIV translation of Matthew 3.

There are some special mechanisms for browsing the books of the Bible. If you first enter 'B_' (B space) then Sue Center will fill the word list with the names of the books of the Bible. For example, if you have:

the word list will fill with:
because those are the only two books of the Bible whose names begin with 'G'. If the message area contains:
B Galatians
and you choose 'Go' then the first book of Galatians will be brought up in Browse mode. If you have:
B Galatian 3
then you will see the third chapter of Galatians.

If you have:

B John 46
This will not work because John does not have a 46th chapter! You will be given an error:
only 21 chapters in John.
At this point you can choose DelWord to clear the error and then you can re-enter the chapter.

If you have:

B Galatians 3:1,4,5-9
then you will see verses 1, 4 and 5 through 9 of Galatians 3. There will be a button at the bottom to allow you to read the entire chapter.

If you have:

then because it is known that 'FAITH' is not the name of a book in the Bible a concordance search will be done for you. The Nave's Topical Bible concordance at this website:
will be consulted. Mail will be sent (in the MailMe style) with the results of the concordance search. In this email you can choose from the Bible verses that are relevant to the topic 'FAITH'.

If you have only this:

A concordance search will fail to find a topic named 'AN'. A search will be done of all the topics in the Nave's Topical Bible and you will be presented with a list of topics that begin with 'AN' like so:
If you know that you want to search the list of topics you can do so directly with:
The list presented above does not include a multitude of Biblical names that only serve to clutter the view of the topics you are likely seeking. If you do want to include these names (i.e. show ALL topics) use this:
and you will see:
Note that BTN stands for Bible Topics (including) Names.

If you are not sure how the name of the topic you are seeking begins you can prefix the pattern with an asterisk '*'.

and you will see:
Note that each of these has 'ani' somewhere within it. If one does this search:
it will show the first chapter of John since it is the name of a book of the Bible. If instead you wanted to do a Nave concordance search for John (the Baptist) then you can do this instead:
N stands for 'Nave'.

The Select command in Browse has a subcommand of 'Verse'. When verses of the Bible are displayed you can use this to select a particular verse and paste it into the message area and Speak it if you wish!

In addition to having access to a Concordance there is also a Commentary. John Wesley's commentary on the whole Bible which was produced between 1754 and 1765 is referenced from this web site:
To access it you put 'C' followed by a book of the Bible and a chapter. Like so:
C Matthew 5
and then you choose 'Go'. This will result in mail being sent (in the MailMe style) containing the commentary on Matthew 5.

Furthermore, if you are viewing a chapter of a book of the Bible and wish to see the commentary for that chapter, just return to the main screen, enter 'C' and 'Go'.

Viewing the commentary letter will automatically create a bookmark for you to the given chapter. This will facilitate going back and forth between the chapter and the commentary on it.

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