Sue Simpson - first user
Karen Mare - Sue's devoted daughter
Alan Nerenberg - friend
Katy Brownfield - friend
Dan Brian - interview on perl.com
Jouke Visser - pvoice.org
Miriam Van Dreser - user
Tom Van Dreser - Miriam's son
Maryse & Danielle Meijer - friends
George Hofer - friend
Mike Seagraves - occupational therapist
Gloria Kaswen - user
Christina Adams - user
Janet McKenzie - friend
Debbie Drennan - CSUN conference advisor
Wendy Lezin - MS Community Services, newspaper
Jeremy Lezin - script consultation
Kurtis Lemke - user
Martha Mandell - user
The Lindahl Family - friends
Steve Jacobs - the SmartDrive project and also general advisor
Audhild Skancke - friend
Jamal Killou - logo, icon and web design
Diana Steil - user
Christopher Thompson - cinematography
Andrew Allansmith - narration, script consultation
Jim Griffin - friend
Tk - Nick Ing Simmons, Steve Lidie, Nancy Walsh
LWP::Simple - Gisle Aas
Net::FTP - Graham Barr
CGI - Lincoln Stein
Image::Size - Randy J. Ray
Win32::Sound - Jan Dubois
Win32::API - Cosimo Streppone
Win32::OLE - Jan Dubois
Win32::SerialPort - Bill Birthisel
Win32::RASE - Mike Blazer
Win32::Printer - Edgar Bināns
Mail::Sendmail - Milivoj Ivkovic
Mail::Sender - Jan Krynicky
Mail::SendEasy - Graciliano Monteiro Passos
Mail::POP3Client - Sean Dowd
Net::IMAP::Simple - Colin Faber
Math::Trig - Jarkko Hietaniemi
Lingua::EN::Inflect - Damian Conway
File::* - Nicholas Clark
HTML::Parser - Gisle Aas
MIME::Parser - David F. Skroll
MIME::Decoder - David F. Skroll
ControlX10::CM17 - Bill Birthisel
advancedinstaller.com - Windows Installer
indigostar.com/perl2exe.htm - Perl to .exe
capture-screen.com - Screen recording - video
kingkongcapture.com - Screen Capture - stills
axialis.com - Windows Icons
tortoisesvn.tigris.org - SubVersion client for Source Code Control
oatsoft.org - Assistive Technology Site & SubVersion server
lynx.browser.org - Text web browser
naturesongs.com - Bird chimes
freesound.iua.upf.edu - Tibetan and Westminster chimes
hostmysite.com - Web hosting
gutenberg.org - Public domain literature, Dictionary
m-w.com - Spell Check
wordwebonline.com - Thesaurus, Dictionary
bible.crosswalk.com - Biblical texts
bibleresources.bible.com - Biblical texts
cepstral.com/demos - Voices
youtube.com - Online Hosting of the Sue Center film
photo.net - Pictures
comics.com - Cartoons
chinese-fortune-cookie.com - Fortunes
horoscopes.astrology.com - Horoscopes
ahajokes.com - Jokes
cnn.com - News
quotedb.com - Quotes
weather.com - Weather