
Interpolation, String Operators, STDIN


Variables occuring within a double quoted string are 'interpolated'.
$n = 4; $name = "Joe"; print "I am $name. I am $n years old.\n"; will print: I am Joe. I am 4 years old.
Very convenient.

Dollar Sign ($) is special.
To get an actual dollar sign: \$
To get an actual backslash: \\

SINGLE quoted strings take their contents literally - no interpolation, no backslash interpretation.

print 'I am $name. I am $n years old.\n'; will print: I am $name. I am $n years old.\n

At Sign (@) is special, too - more on this later.

Concatenation and Replication

There are two simple string operators: '.' and 'x' - dot/period and lower case x.
$full = $first . " " . $last; # concatenated
Interpolation often works better than concatenation:
$full = "$first $last";
The x operator replicates the string n times. It is not used often but is very convenient to have when you need it.
$divider = "-" x 40; $greet = "hello "; $n = 5; print $greet x $n;

Reading from the keyboard

Read from the keyboard with this construct:
print "Name? "; # note - no newline here $name = <STDIN>;
STDIN must be capitalized.

This gets a line from the terminal keyboard up to a newline (Enter or Return). Note that the newline (\n) IS included at the end of the receiving variable.

print "Your name is $name. Hello!\n";
This prints (Try it!) the following:
Your name is Joe . Hello!
This is not quite what you expect or want.

Chopping and Chomping

The function 'chop' will remove the last character from $name regardless of what it is.
chop $name;
The kinder and gentler 'chomp' will remove one newline at the end of $name. If the last character is not a newline it will have no effect at all.
chomp $name;
Now we can rewrite the reading of the name from the keyboard like so:
print "Name? "; $name = <STDIN>; chomp $name; print "Your name is $name. Hello!\n";

Integer/String Conversion

Perl will convert between strings and numbers for you:
$n = "34"; print $n*3; # 102 $n = 34; print "hello" . $n; # hello34 print 123 x "3"; # 123123123
It will generally do what you want and expect it will do.


  1. Redo the first exercise in the previous section using the new ideas presented here. Ask for the number rather than 'hard-coding' it in your program. Use string interpolation for output. Put a dividing line between the parts of the output.

  2. Quadratic polynomials:
    have two solutions which can be found with the quadratic formula:
    You may remember this from your days in high school algebra.

    For example:

    x**2 -5x + 6 = 0
    This polynomial has two solutions: 2 and 3. Can you compute them by hand using the formula above? In this case a = 1, b = -5 and c = 6.

    Perl has a square root function which takes one parameter:

    $x = sqrt 144; print "$x\n"; # 12
    Ask for values for a, b and c. Compute and then print out the two solutions. Note that some quadratic equations will have complex numbers as a solution (when the value (underneath the square root is negative). We'll deal with these soon. For now, just try these values for a, b, and c:
    a 1 b 7 c 12 a 6 b -5 c -4
