In most languages there are arrays.
Another very useful data structure which
is not always found (in C) is called
a hash or an
associative array.
The language "awk" on Unix may have been the
first to use them.
In Java there is the concept of a hash
as well but it is not built-in, not an integral part,
of the language like it is in Perl
so the syntax is more verbose and cumbersome.
Hashes are like arrays but the index (also called a key) can be an
arbitrary string (or scalar) instead of an integer.
Arrays are ordered collections; hashes are not.
To indicate that a variable contains a hash
you use the percent '%' instead of the at sign '@'.
They are initialized with pairs of scalars:
%age = ("Jon", 53,
"Helen", 3,
"Bill", 23,
"Mary", 28);
They are referenced just like arrays except that you use
braces { } rather than brackets [ ]:
print $age{"Jon"}; # 53
$age{$name} = 32; # the key can be a variable
++$age{"Jon"}; # it is now 54
One way to think of hashes is that instead
of asking for the 3rd element of an array
you now can ask for the Bill'th element of a hash :).
If you assign to an existing hash element
it will overwrite the contents (just like arrays).
Syntactic Sugar for Hashes
Perl offers this syntactic sugar:
the string used as the key does not need
to be quoted if it contains only word type characters:
print $age{Jon};
$age{Jack} = 32;
And syntactic sugar for the initialization of a hash.
Instead of:
my %age = ("Jon", 53,
"Helen", 3,
"Mary", 28);
You can say:
my %age = (
Jon => 53,
Helen => 3,
Mary => 28,
This makes it clear that the data comes in pairs.
A side effect of the => (which is very much
like a comma and can be used wherever a comma is used)
is that the word to its left is automatically quoted.
It cannot contain any blanks or punctuation.
Also note the comma after 28 above. It is not necessary
because it is the last element in the list. But Perl allows
it and it is very nice because it makes it easy to add, delete, or move lines.
To get a list of all the indices that you can validly
use, there is the function "keys" which returns
an array.
my @names = keys %age;
for my $name (keys %age) {
print "name: $name\n";
Note that the keys array is not in any particular order.
If you want a certain order - sort it!
@names = sort keys %age;
or within a for statement:
for my $name (sort keys %age) {
print "name: $name\n";
Does a Key Exist?
To see if a string can be used as an key
there is the function 'exists':
unless (exists $age{Harry}) {
print "I have no idea how old Harry is!\n";
Note that there may be an entry in a hash
for a given string but its value may be undefined.
This IS a valid value and the entry DOES exist.
Because of this it is best to check for existence
rather than definedness or for truth (because
0 or the empty string IS a valid value!).
If you access a hash with an invalid key
you will get the undefined (and false) value
Hash Interpolation
Hash elements can be interpolated into a double
quoted string but not the hash as a whole (unlike arrays).
print "$name is $age{$name}\n";
When to use a Hash?
Hashes are very useful when you need to make a
lookup table or for
finding all the unique elements of a set.
This happens much more frequently than you might realize!
Hashes prove to be a very useful part of the language.
(Do this in stages - first things first!).
Initialize a hash with names and ages.
Print out the age of one of the people.
Ask the user for a name, look up that person's
age in the hash and print it out.
Get into a loop asking for multiple names.
Extend this idea to check to see if
you know the person's age (use the function
exists). If you don't know of their
name, ask what their age is and remember it
for later.
At the end print out all the people's names
and their ages. Then print it sorted by
name. Then (a worthy challenge!) print it from
oldest to youngest.
Think about how you might have done this
exercise without hashes! Remember that
two people can have the same age!
If you are networking literate think
about how you could have done this exercise
with domain names and their corresponding
IP address. A hash becomes a simple DNS!
Instead of storing an age for a person's
name, store their telephone number. A
hash becomes a simple phone book!
Read a file of names.
Print a sorted list of the unique names found there
and how often they occurred.