July 16, 2024

Hello Everybody,

I came to Milwaukee on Sunday to be here for the protest at the RNC on Monday. I needed to DO something rather than just sit at home doom scrolling the news. I am under no illusion that my being here will have any effect on the election. I just wanted to add one more person to the protest.

The protest and march went very well and was rather well attended. There were many people from the press - including many foreign press. So many that I suggested that they interview each other! There were many issues that people were concerned about - Gaza, Ukraine, unions, abortion rights, etc - not just the candidacy of Trump.

There is a very long video (5 hours!) of the protest which you can skim.

Here are a few pictures of signs that I took:

One fellow set up a free Sign Making station. I admired that and may try to replicate it in California.

We circumnavigated the RNC convention site.

I prepared a flyer with 2 favorite Trump memes and this evening I distributed many of them here and there at coffee shops, restaurants, and hotels. Who knows if they will be read and have an impact. I enjoyed doing it nonetheless.

The text on the flyer:

HR: Let me make sure I understand. You were fired. You refused to leave and you called a bunch of your friends to vandalize the workplace. When you finally DID leave you stole a bunch of classified documents. You got caught, lied about it, and got caught again. Now you’re reapplying for the job?

The devil’s best work was being able to convince evangelicals, that a racist man who makes fun of dead soldiers, has 5 kids with 3 wives, gropes women, incites violence, and never tells the truth was sent here by God.

There are SO many issues in the news. You all have your sources to learn about them. It is overwhelming.

Should Biden stay in the race? The polls do not look promising. Myself, I would love to see Kamala Harris debate Trump. Who better to challenge him than her? To vigorously confront him with all of his lies. Kamala, the former prosecutor, cross-examining Trump, the felon.

The SCOTUS immunity decision. 😜
The motion to vacate the verdict in NY. 😜
The district court decision dismissing the classified documents case. 😜

These podcasts discuss the above legal issues authoritatively:

Project 2025 - yikes! 900 pages! 😱. I have not read it.

Money - I gave a lot but the requests continue for more and more.

Elon Musk has gone full MAGA and promises $42 million per month to support Trump’s campaign. WTF? I thought there were limits on what an individual could give to a campaign. Are the rules different for PACs and Super PACs??

It’s still a long way to the election but damn - it is not looking good.

Quoting Sotomayor:

I fear for our democracy,