June 28, 2024

Hello Everyone,

About the debate … 😜

So much has already been said by so many pundits. I don’t have that much original to offer but I will share a little bit.

First, the term “debate” is a misnomer. In my lexicon “debate” conjures up images of a high school debate competition where students use calm reasoned argument and thoughtful rhetoric to make their points.

The event last night was more of a side-by-side comparison of demeanor, energy, personality, and clarity of expression. And side-by-side short campaign speeches.

Yes, Joe’s speaking style was weak. It was perhaps exacerbated by his stutter. rump’s myriad lies and lunacies came so fast and so continuously that no one (neither Biden or the moderators) could have shot them down with real-time fact-checking.

Each side will claim that they “won” the “debate”. Each side will use short clips from the debate to illustrate the other side’s failures in myriad repetitive ads.

As has happened before it’s a case of two flawed candidates. All presidents are humans and hence flawed.

Yes, Joe is old and getting older and does not have a commanding, eloquent, and articulate voice. But he listens, thinks clearly, is experienced, and empathetic.

The other guy’s flaws are so extensive I can only list a small subset: narcissist, sociopath, pathological liar, convicted felon, 3 more trials to come, sexual assaulter, fraudulent businessman, insurrectionist, thief, racist, sexist, homophobic, bully, arrogant, delusional, etc., etc. But he can talk! He can talk and talk and blather for hours - without getting exhausted. His plans for the next 4 years are frightening.

Many people at the event last night (including Sarah Longwell) suggested that Joe should step down and someone else from the Democrat party's deep bench should be the nominee. Perhaps (?) this is why Biden asked to have this “debate” so early - even before the convention where a nominee is declared. Who should step up? Is there time for another Democratic primary in the states? Probably not. But the party certainly has convention procedures in place in case an expected candidate pulls out for some reason.

It’s not a “binary choice”. There are 3 ways to go: rump, Biden, or another Democrat.

I listened to many pundits last night and this morning. The YouTube algorithm kept suggesting them. Here they are for you to peruse at your leisure. There are many more, of course.

MSNBC hosts (40 minutes) - and the podcast

MSNBC and Gavin Newson (10 minutes)

Jon Stewart (15 minutes)

Democracy Now (15 minutes)

Step Aside Joe (a web site)

Pod Save America (40 minutes)

Time will tell. It is all very interesting!


P.S. For a kind of fun I am riding a bike back and forth to the events. Last night I got back at 10:30 pm after taking this route:

I walk the bike up the hill (marked above in red):