Paavo Airola - Let's Live - August 1973PrevNextIndex
Menstrual Disorders: A Natural Approach
In our culture, the female menstrual
period has been synonymous with
pain, discomfort, and stress for both
mind and body. The symptoms range
from cramps, sore breasts, backache, and edema, to depression, tension, irritability, and faintness. But these menstrual disorders are not
really natural or necessary. In some
other, more "primitive" cultures,
those of Central American Indians,
Chinese, and Hunzakuts, women do
not experience these side-effects of
menstruation. 2 It has also been
noted that improved environment
and nutrition have a beneficial effect
on all menstrual disorders. In this
article, we will examine the causes,
prevention, and biological and nutritional therapies for menstrual difficulties.
The Total Approach to Menstrual Problems
It has been scientifically and empirically shown that most menstrual difficulties are due to deficiency or improper metabolism of female hormones. Vitamins E, B6, C, PABA,
and folic acid affect estrogen metabolism. Zinc, copper, and calcium
metabolism play a role in some
menstrual afflictions. Because of the
bleeding, there is also a loss of iron.
Thus, it is obvious that nutrition
should play a vital role in the prevention and treatment of all menstrual disorders. Strangely, with the
exception of iron, this simple fact of
biochemistry is seemingly ignored by
the medical establishment.
All parts of the body are interrelated, and the general state of health
of an individual determines the ability of the body to withstand stress of
any kind, A specific weakness or
disorder is only a manifestation of a
general breakdown with special vulnerability in that area. This also
applies to menstrual difficulties of all
kinds, whether they are cramps,
anemia, edema, or depression.
Therefore, a general health-building
lifestyle and diet must be pursued.
The person who relies on a pill or
single therapy to "correct" the condition, without a radical change in
diet or lifestyle, can expect inevitable relapse. In Biological Medicine
we do not treat symptoms, making
them temporarily disappear - we try
to determine the underlying causes,
and, by removing them, we assist the
body's own healing mechanism to
correct the condition. Of course,
specific biological and nutritional
therapies aid this process, but we
merely wish to emphasize the total
approach to health in trying to correct any disorder.
Physical and Spiritual Perfection?
In my capacity as a nutritional
"guru" for several ashrams of young
people, members of some of the most
popular spiritual movements in California,
I had an exceptional opportunity to observe firsthand how
severe menstrual problems and irregularities may result from extreme
nutritional fads and the resultant
nutritional and hormonal deficiencies. I have been consulted by many
young women who, for example, had
very irregular menstruation, and
many who had no menstruation for
as long as three or more years. One
26-year-old girl said she hadn't menstruated since the age of 16.
In most such cases, I have found
that the women have been involved
with heavy drug use, plus a variety
of extreme dietary fads. Many of
those who didn't menstruate at all
had lived on a pure fruitarian diet
for several years. When, after some
time of eating nothing but fruits their
menstruation stopped - and males
on the same diet became impotent - they were told by their leaders
(gurus or masters, whatever the
case may be) that menstruation is a
sign that the toxic body was trying to
throw off poison from the system
with the menstrual flow, and that
now that their bodies were cleansed
and purified there was no more need
for menstruation - they had achieved the ultimate in physical and
spiritual perfection. You have to
know how much blind faith in and
reliance on their "perfect masters"
these young devotees have, to be
able to understand how they can fall
for such obviously ridiculous and unscientific reasoning.
The truth of the
matter is that according to both the
scientific and Divine order of nature
when the human body is weakened
and its health potential severely lowered by some environmental factors
- inadequate nutrition, disease, or
severe emotional or physical stress
- such a body will be deprived of its
ability to reproduce. This natural
law is aimed at preventing the individuals with inferior
health from impregnating or conceiving and producing
defective or imperfect offspring. This protects the species
from physical degeneration.
Ovulation ceases and menstruation is disrupted or stopped in females; in
males, the spermatozoa and sex
hormone production is impaired and
they become impotent. I am sure
everyone has observed either in
their own lives or among those they
know intimately, that when a person
is severely ill and weak, normal
sexual activity will be the first body
function to be deranged. To me, this
is one of the easiest Divine laws to
understand: only healthy and vigorous individuals are
given the privilege and ability to procreate.
Dietary Indiscretions
In most cases, when these sexually
and physically devitalized young
people stopped their dietary indiscretions and adhered to an Optimum
Diet of vitalizing foods - with emphasis on grains, seeds, and nuts, milk
and milk products, vegetable oils,
brewer's yeast, lecithin, kelp, and
other supplements - their reproductive disorders were quickly corrected. Girls began menstruating
again and young men became virile.
A pure fruitarian diet, with exclusion of all grains, seeds, and nuts, is
perhaps the most perverted and unnatural diet that has ever been
invented. I emphasize this because
there are so many young, sincere,
beautiful, and idealistically-oriented
people who are attracted to such a
diet, perhaps picturing it to be an
esthetically pure "Garden-of-Eden"
sort of diet. Nothing could be further
from the truth. Grains, nuts, and
seeds are the true Staff of Life - the
Divinely designed basis of man's diet
~ as given in Genesis 1:29: "Behold,
I have given you every herb bearing
seed (grains), which is upon the
face of all the earth, and every tree,
in the which is the fruit of tree
yielding seed (nuts and seeds); to
you it shall be for meat." Grains,
seeds, and nuts contain the germ of
life, the potent reproductive power
which affects the
capacity and power of human beings - in addition to being the most
nutritious of all health-building
foods, storehouses of high-quality
proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins
and natural energy- and vitality-giving carbohydrates. The healthiest
and most virile peoples of the world
- Hunzas, Abhkasians, Bulgarians,
Vilcambambans, Yucatan Indians all use grains and seeds as the basis
of their diet: In my travels around
the world, nowhere have I seen
people who eat only fruit. Even in
the most Garden-of-Eden-like places,
where a variety of wildly-growing
fruit is available for picking, the
natives cultivate stony hills with
sweat and toil, to grow some form of
seeds, such as corn, beans, millet,
or rice, for their dietary staple.
Their instinct tells them that without
seeds optimum health and long life
cannot be obtained.
Such an Optimum Diet, with an
emphasis on grains, seeds, and nuts,
and a variety of vegetables and
fruits, is also recommended by the
most respected of all independent
nutrition research forums, The International Society for Research on
Civilization Diseases and Environment. Of course, this Optimum Diet
also excludes all devitalizing and
refined foods such as white flour and
sugar in all forms, canned and
processed supermarket-quality
foods, tobacco, alcohol, soft drinks,
etc. Only natural, whole, and preferably organically-grown foods
should be eaten to build-up the body
as quickly as possible. The best
grains, seeds, and nuts are: millet,
buckwheat, rice, corn, almonds,
peanuts, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds. The next most important
food group is vegetables, eaten mostly raw. Fruits should be eaten primarily in the morning to assist the
body's own cleansing process. Milk,
particularly fresh, raw goat's milk,
or soured milks such as yogurt and
kefir, is also a health-building supplement to the Optimum Diet, which
is described in detail in my book, Are You Confused? 3
High Powered Brewers Yeast
Brewers yeast is a miraculous food
containing high-power nutrition,
including 40-50% high-quality proteins,
a large amount of natural B
complex vitamins, zinc, selenium,
and other trace minerals, and nucleic acids - all important
in eliminating menstrual difficulties.
Cold-pressed vegetable oils are
also essential for the health of the
reproductive organs. They are, however difficult to obtain, despite what
labels may claim. Olive and sesame
oils are most likely to be pure and
cold-pressed. Oils should never be
used for cooking, baking, or frying
- heated oils are carcinogenic. The
best way to eat oils is in salad
Kelp is another dietary supplement of general value,
but specifically for menstrual difficulties, since it
is an excellent source of iodine and
Lecithin is important, but since
both lecithin and brewer's yeast are
high in phosphorus, adequate calcium should also be taken, whether
in food form or in concentrated food
supplements, such as calcium lactate, dolomite, or bone meal tablets.
This is especially important because
of the previously mentioned need for
calcium during menstruation, which
we will discuss in detail later.
Iron-rich foods should be emphasized to balance the loss through
menstrual bleeding. Apricots, milk,
eggs, liver, whole grains, seeds,
legumes, nuts, grapes, raisins,
beets, spinach, prunes, and bananas
are rich in iron.
An adequate amount of high-quality protein also should be obtained.
For many reasons discussed in my
books, meat is not a recommended
protein source, despite the promotion of that image by the meat
industry. Buckwheat, milled, sunflower seeds,
pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, soybeans, peanuts, and
almonds are good sources of high quality proteins.
Milk, natural cheeses, eggs, and fish are also excellent
sources. Fertile eggs are particularly
beneficial for healthy reproductive
functions. Vegetables - especially
green leafy vegetables, avocados,
and potatoes - are also good sources of high-quality protein. Fresh
wheat germ is an excellent protein
food - but make sure it is really
If juices are used, they should be
those which will aid the body in
correcting menstrual problems. particularly anemia. Green juice (from a
variety of green vegetables), red
beet juice, and dark fruit juices such
as grape, prune, cherry, and black
currant, are recommended. Dilute
all sweet fruit juices 50-50 with
The above Optimum Diet can and
should be supplemented with a general multi-vitamin-mineral formula
and the specific nutrients mentioned
in this article for specific difficulties.
Hypoglycemia and Menstruation
One of the effects of profuse menstruation is simply due to low
blood sugar or hypoglycemia, which
is aggravated during the menstrual
period. If an individual suspects she
has hypoglycemia, the diet should be
modified to fit that for hypoglycemia,
as outlined in my book How to Get Well
and in the articles on hypoglycemia in the February and
March 1976 Let's LIVE.
Anemia and Menstruation
Many of the common symptoms of
menstruation is anemia due to loss of
blood. The diet must be supplemented with vitamin B12 - up to 50
mcg., or even as high as 200 mcg.
daily. under a doctor's supervision.
The main consideration is, however,
iron. Iron-rich foods. listed earlier,
are best, as iron supplements are
not always well absorbed. Chelated
forms may be best. They are sold in
health food stores. Dr. Louis Kervran of France advocates taking
manganese, as this will supposedly
be transmuted in the body into an
easily assimilable form of iron. 4
Vitamin C helps to absorb iron from
food sources, but dietary vitamin C
is often destroyed by smoking. Smoking, by the way, also aggravates
menstrual problems. For over 5,000
years the Chinese have successfully
used the herb Dong Quai (related to
ginseng and available at health
stores) to counteract menstrual
anemia. 5
Irregular and Abnormal Flow
Suppressed, obstructed, delayed,
slow, irregular, and excessive bleeding are some of the
common menstrual problems. Irregular or profuse
bleeding can be caused by thyroid
deficiency and corrected by a natural source of iodine, such as kelp. 6
Bioflavonoids also help correct menstrual irregularity. 7
Vitamins B12 (25-100 mcg. per day) and vitamin E
(600 IU.) are also helpful in restoring the normal cycle. 5
In excessive menstruation, two
specific herbs have been used by
herbalists: ladies mantle and amaranth 1. In painful menstruation,
wormwood and pennyroyal are specific herbs. In delayed or obstructed
menstruation, desert tea (Ephedra
Viridis), and black cohosh have been
used successfully. Motherwort and
blue cohosh have been used to promote menstrual flow. 8 10
Premenstrual Edema
Premenstrual edema, swelling, and
soreness are experienced by many
women. These symptoms are usually
relieved by administration of vitamin
B6 - 50 to 150 mg. a day - especially during the ten days preceding
menstruation. 10 Excessive salt intake may aggravate the condition.
Garlic, watermelon and watermelon
seeds, kidney bean pod tea, cucumber juice, and bromelain (pineapple
enzyme), as well as exercise, are all
helpful in relieving edema, which is
usually the cause of swelling and soreness.
Mental State and Menstrual Difficulties
The irritability, moodiness, melancholia, and depression which often
accompany menstruation, are problems perhaps more serious than we
realize or admit. Deficiency or improper metabolism of hormones is
part of the cause of the mental changes. Mental stresses contribute
to this common menstrual syndrome.
Vitamin E is well-known to be important both to the adequate
production and to proper metabolism of the
sex hormones. Due to refining of
foods, vitamin E is usually not adequate in the average American diet.
11 The trace mineral selenium
(found in foods such as brewer's
yeast, wheat germ, sesame seeds,
kelp, milk, most cereals and vegetables), has a "sparing" effect on
vitamin E 12. However, synthetic
estrogen, inorganic iron, and chlorine interfere with vitamin E's activity
and absorption.
Herbs which aid hormone production and metabolism include sarsaparilla,
elder, unicorn, and licorice.
Licorice also combats low blood
sugar. 13 which can cause all the
psychological effects associated with
menstruation and, as mentioned previously is common
during the menstrual period.
Abnormal mineral metabolism is often associated with the menstrual
period. Copper is often high, and
zinc low, during menstruation. 14
Estrogen medication (or the birth
control pill) raises the copper level
and lowers zinc level in the blood.
Zinc deficiency can lead to depression and psychosis, and elevated
copper contributes to the "blues" of
the period. Extra zinc supplementation would, thus,
be important during the menstrual period. Nutrition
in general has a very powerful effect
on our mental state, and at a stressful time like menstruation this is
particularly true. 15
Menstrual Irregularities and the Birth Control Pill
Upon going to the doctor, women,
especially young girls, who experience menstrual irregularities - a
very short or very long time between
periods or "skipping" of periods for
one or several months - are often
put on birth control pills to "normalize" the menstrual cycle. The Pill
usually accomplishes this almost
miraculously. But this approach is a
typical orthodox medical approach
of treating and eliminating the symptoms without
considering the underlying causes of the disorder.
Obviously, something is radically wrong
with the functions of the reproductive or sex organs, or even with the
general health of the patient. The
Pill will not correct the basic underlying cause.
In addition, the patient
is subjected to the danger of severe
side-effects from the treatment. The
contraceptive pill is known to cause
many serious disorders such as phlebitis, varicose veins, heart disease,
stroke, high blood pressure, and
even cancer.
Menstrual Pain and Cramps
Aches, cramps, and pains associated with menstruation (aside from
edemic soreness) are usually due to
calcium deficiency. 5 Since dietary
calcium in the American diet is much
higher than in the diets of other
peoples, it would seem difficult to
account for this. However, we also
eat large quantities of meat which
has 22 times more phosphorus than
calcium - and as every nutrition
student knows, these minerals
should be in approximate balance.
Thus, excessive meat consumption
leads to calcium deficiency, which
accounts for such calcium-deficiency
disorders as periodontal disease,
dental caries, and osteoporosis,
which are so prevalent in this country.
Perhaps this explains why lacto-vegetarians very seldom complain of
menstrual pains and cramps.
Calcium absorption is also dependent on sufficient hydrochloric acid
and proper levels of vitamin D and
magnesium (approximately half the
amount of magnesium as calcium is
needed). If supplements or good
dietary calcium sources (such as
dairy products, carrot juice, watercress, sesame seeds, almonds, etc.)
do not seem helpful, one could try
Dr. Kervran's recommendation of
vegetal silica, which, he says, can
solve calcium deficiency indirectly,
being transmuted into calcium and
easily assimilated even by those with
a calcium-absorption problem. 4
The homeopathic cell salt Mag.
Phos. (available in health stores or
homeopathic pharmacies) is one of
the most effective cell salts for
menstrual cramps and pain.
Bioflavonoids were found to be
helpful in relieving menstrual pain in
some women, according to a French
clinical team. 7
Anything helpful in normalizing
hormone production and metabolism,
such as the vitamins and herbs
mentioned previously, would help
menstrual pain. Other herbs which
are reported to be specifically helpful for relieving menstrual cramps
and pain include black cohosh, pennyroyal, wormwood,
life root, mugwort, parsley, ginger, black haw,
and balm. 1 9 16
Finally, "sitz baths", or shallow
hip-baths, are an old biological remedy for many disorders in the pelvic
and hip region. The water should be
as hot as can be comfortably borne
and the duration of the bath should
be 10 or 15 minutes, taken daily.
This is not a regular bath, just a
submersion of the hip and pelvic
region. Juniper needles or chamomile
flowers added to the water would be
beneficial. 1
Nutrition plays a vital role in both
the general condition of physical
health (and thus the ability of the
body to resist disease and stress)
and the production and metabolism
of sexual and other endocrine hormones, which have a major effect on
the normalcy of the menstrual period. The difficulties experienced by
many women during menstruation
are not only caused by nutritional
inadequacies and deficiencies, but
can be alleviated by corrected nutritional habits and supplementation of
specific vitamins, minerals, and
herbs. An Optimum Diet with supplements as outlined in this article, plus
the special biological therapies and
a generally health-building lifestyle,
including sufficient exercise, rest
and relaxation, regular sex life, and
an absence of undue mental and
physical stresses, will help to banish
these problems. Like many other of
our more serious health problems,
menstrual disorders are tied to our
denatured way of life. Adhering to
an Optimum Diet and to a more
natural lifestyle will prevent the
monthly period from being a monthly
- Airola, Paavo, How to Get Well, Health Plus Publishers, P.O. Box 22001, Phoenix, Arizona, 1971.
- Hellman, Jay, Ph.D., Hunza: Fifteen Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Oldest Living People, Professional Press Publishing Association, Escondido, Calif., 1968.
- Airola, Paavo, Are You Confused?, Health Plus Publishers, Phoenix, Arizona, 1971.
- Kervran, Louis, Ph.D., Biological Transmutations, Swan House Publishing Co., Binghamton, N.Y., 1972.
- Clark, Linda, "Ginseng: Fact or Fancy?", Let's LIVE. Sept, 1971.
- Davis, Adelle, Let's Get Well, New American Library, Signet paperback, New York, 1972.
- "Bioflavonoids: Mother Nature's Answer to Female Problems", Prevention, October, 1974.
- Lucus, Richard, Common and Uncommon Uses of Herbs, Parker, West Nyack, N.Y. 1969.
- Kadans, Joseph, Encyclopedia of Medicinal Herbs, Parker, West Nyack, N.Y., 1970.
- Ellis, John M., The Doctor Who Looked at Hands, Vantage Press, N.Y., 1966.
- Airola, Paavo, Sex and Nutrition, Universal Publishing and Distributing Co., Award Paperback, N.Y. 1970.
- Passwater, Richard, Ph.D., "Vitamin E Deficiencies Are Combinations", Prevention, April, 1974.
- Griffin, LaDean, 'Is Any Sick Among You?', Bi-World Publishers, Provo, Utah, 1974.
- Fredericks, Carlton, "Hotline", Prevention, November, 1974.
- Cheraskin, E., M.D., and Ringsdorf, W., M.D.. Psychodietetics, Stein and Day, N.Y., 1974.
- Hutchens, Alma, Indian Herbology of North America, Marco, Ontario, 1974.