Your report in the February, 1982
issue of Vegetarian Times about
B12 in non-meat sources is quite surprising.
Sure, I knew meat, dairy products and
spirulina have B12. The other non-meat
foods were not only new to me, but also
to a nutritionist I talked to who studied
under you.
While I 'm not trying to impugn these
new foods, I would appreciate knowing
how you know these foods have B12. If
there are sources (literature) that spell these
facts out, I would certainly like to know
of them. I think a lot of your readers
would too.
And while I've got your eye, a question.
Can herb teas cause deterioration of the
teeth, perhaps from some acids that may
be in them? Or can herb teas encourage
remineralization of teeth with caries? - B.M., Seattle, Washington
If the information that there are
numerous all-vegetarian sources of
B12, however low, is "quite surprising and
new" to you, it indicates that you are still
under the spell of the high-animal-protein
myth, to which this country has been subjected for the last two or three decades.
What is surprising to me is that this information was also new to a nutritionist who
allegedly studied "under me." This only
shows the extent to which we have all been
brainwashed by the slanted research, paid
for by the meat and dairy industries, which
alleges that foods from animal sources are
the only sources of B12.
You would like to know "how I know"
that the vegetarian foods which are listed
as containing "relatively low amounts" of
B12 do, in fact, contain B12. There are
hundreds of volumes of various scientific
sources of information that I have encountered in my
40 years of research on
this subject, which, of course, I cannot
even begin to list in the limited space of
this column. There are some areas in the
very complex science and art of nutrition
in which health readers must take the word
of a nutrition authority whom they have
learned to trust, unless they want to pursue
their own extensive, perhaps lifelong,
research and find all the original data for
themselves. This column is packed with
helpful advice and hints which can be used by readers to help them optimize their
health. For example, in the same issue that
my B12 information appeared, I also gave
information that surprised many: potatoes
are almost as good a source of vitamin C
as oranges; vitamin C increases production
of interferon (a current medical miracle)
in the body; the Pill causes cancer; improper food mixing can cause diabetes, etc.
If I would have listed all the scientific
sources and references in support of the
above-mentioned statements, I would have
needed a column the size of the whole
magazine! I feel that most readers of self-help-oriented magazines
do not want to be
burdened by such voluminous material filled with incomprehensible
data and scientific jargon. A few, such as yourself, who
are so oriented, should do their own research or read specialized scientific
magazines and papers, where such references can be found. Some of the sources
I can recommend are The Journal of the
American Medical Association; Lancet;
publications and reports by The Max
Planck Institute in Germany; writings by
Dr. Ralph Bircher of Switzerland;
publications by the International Society for Research
on Civilization Diseases and Environment;
publications of Vegetarian Information Sources, Washington, D.C.;
publications by W.H.O. and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture on nutritional
composition of foods.
Finally, your last question: "Can herb
teas cause deterioration of teeth from some
acids that may be in them?" Yes, although
occasional use of herb teas will not have
any adverse effects, an excessive daily use
of certain strong herb teas, especially those
containing large quantities of tannic acids,
can cause mineral loss from the teeth and
possibly contribute to dental carries. Tannic acid requires lots of calcium for its
neutralization, which can lead to a calcium
deficiency in the body - a possible contributing cause not only to dental problems.
but also to osteoporosis. Tannic acid is also
a proven carcinogen. This is the reason
why I, although a great believer in herbs
as medicines, always advise to use herbs
with discrimination. Herbal medicines, in
the form of herb teas, should only be used for a short duration (as all medicines
or drugs) for the treatment of specific conditions of ill health, never for prevention
of disease. You take aspirin to cure a
headache; you never take it to prevent a
headache. Neither should you take herbs
to prevent disease; you use them to cure
disease when disease is already manifested.
Aren't there some mild herbs that could
be used as a tasty beverage to replace coffee and regular tea?
Yes, some herbs can be used for this purpose:
(Note: Herb teas prepared for therapeutic purpose should be steeped for at
least 15 minutes and consumed without
I am very much a believer in what
you teach, and wish to thank you
for sharing your knowledge with so many.
I have read some of your books, but
cannot recall any mention of bee pollen.
I would like to know if you recommend
it as part of anyone's diet. What advantages does it possess, if any, and how much
should a person take? - P.M., Chatsworth, California
Bee pollen is mentioned in many of
of my books, especially in Health
Secrets from Europe, Rejuvenation Secrets
from Around the World that "Work" and
Everywoman's Book. I consider bee pollen
to be a very important food supplement
with demonstrated health-promoting and
age-retarding properties. Pollen contains
all the water-soluble vitamins, including
B12 which is available only in minute quantities
of other vegetable foods, as well as
many important minerals and trace
elements, plus natural steriod-like hormones and a gonadotropic hormone,
a plant hormone that is similar to the
pituitary hormone, gonadotropin, which
stimulates the sex glands.
Pollen is an excellent anti-stress food. I recommend 1-3
tablespoons of pollen granules a day for
adults and perhaps 1 teaspoon for children under 14.
In your book, How to Get Well,
page 164, you gave a remedy for
vitiligo: PABA, pantothenic acid and
hydrochloric acid. Can you tell me whether
these three items are in their natural forms;
also whether they are available in a formula
already mixed. If so, please send information
as to where it can be purchased. J.L.B., Los Angeles, California
In the quantities that I recommend
these three substances for the treatment of vitiligo, you cannot find them in
"natural" form. They must be in so-called
synthetic form. I don't know of a product
that has all three combined. But individually, they are all sold in most health food.
stores. In addition to the above-mentioned
three substances, you should take 2-3
tablespoons of brewer's yeast daily. Also,
keep in mind that it may take many months
(like 6-12) before visible improvement or
the total disappearance of symptoms can
be observed.
We were talking about fasting
one day and a friend mentioned that
fasting during the winter would be ill-advised
for those who live in the "frost belt" states.
Is this true? If so, when is the
best time during the year to fast, spring,
summer, or fall? - D.G., East Orange, New Jersey
By far the best time to fast, if you live
in a cold climate, is the spring. Fasting
is a process of cleansing, renewal, rejuvenation, rebirth, if you wish.
It fits best into the spirit and the mood of spring.
Also, warm weather is conducive to fasting
and makes it easier to get plenty of fresh
air and sunshine as well as outdoor walking,
all of which can facilitate the cleansing and rejuvenation processes.
I have read some studies that show
that large quantities of vitamin C increase serum cholesterol.
I am worried, since I have always had elevated cholesterol
and lately have been taking lots of vitamin
C, which some writers say is supposed to
lower cholesterol. Since I admire your
knowledge and wisdom tremendously and
have benefited from your writings enormously, would you kindly enlighten me on
this very confusing issue? - P.O., Tucson, Arizona
The vitamin C - cholesterol issue
does appear to be confusing, but there
is a very simple explanation to it. Vitamin
C helps to dissolve cholesterol deposits
from the insides of the arteries and veins.
Since dissolved cholesterol will temporarily
travel through the bloodstream before it
is broken down, the short-range effect of
taking vitamin C is the rise of serum
(blood) cholesterol levels, as some British
studies have demonstrated. But, eventually, as vitamin C intake is continued and
given time to do its work, the cholesterol
is gradually metabolized by the body and
the long-range effect will be lowered
cholesterol levels, both in serum and
arterial walls.
B12, Herbs & Teeth
The mild herbs most suitable for
general, non-medicinal beverage purposes
are: rosehips, catnip, lemon balm, lemon
grass, alfalfa, chamomile, eucalyptus
leaves, raspberry leaves, Spearmint,
dandelion and nettle leaves. To achieve
desirable flavor, you may combine several
herbs. To make herb tea: boil the water,
remove the pot from heat, add 1/2 teaspoon
dried herbs per cup of water and let steep
for 1-3 minutes. Strain, add milk, sweeten
with honey if desired and enjoy.
Bee Pollen
Best Time to Fast
Vitamin C - Cholesterol Relationship