I presently suffer at times from a
condition known as gouty arthritis, and
I am taking corticosteroid medication to
obtain relief. My blood uric acid level is
very much lower than normally expected in such cases. I
am not asking for
any kind of diagnosis, of course, but I
have been wondering if perhaps there
could be some nutritional aspects of
which neither my physician nor I are
aware. - D.I.V., St. Louise, Mo.
I hope you realize that cortisone only
relieves symptoms temporarily, but
does nothing to correct the condition
and restore health. In fact, with its serious side effects, cortisone only weakens the patient and his resistance and
interferes with the body's self-healing
effort, and can actually aggravate the
Gout is one of the easiest conditions
to deal with nutritionally and biologically. The aim is to prevent the build up
of excess uric acid and purines in the
system. To this end, all animal proteins
- meat, especially organ meats, milk
products and eggs - are excluded from the
diet, and they must be used only sparingly when the condition is corrected, to
prevent recurrence. Even acid-forming
grains, especially wheat, rye, beans,
and most nuts - except almonds and
Brazil nuts - are to be excluded or used
Millet and buckwheat are alkaline
grains, and are allowed for patients
with gout. Soybeans and lima beans are
also excellent. The diet should be skimpy
(systematic undereating!) and based
upon raw and cooked vegetables and
fruits, with allowed grains, beans, and
nuts mentioned above. Potatoes and bananas are especially beneficial. The
single most beneficial food used in connection with gout is cherries, especially
fresh, in season, but also canned without sugar or preservatives, frozen, or
dried. Cherry juice or juice concentrate
also is useful and most health food
stores sell both. In terms of supplements, the complete line of vitamins,
minerals, specific juices and herbs that
are recommended in How To Get Well
for arthritis, are usually helpful to those
who suffer from gout.
My open athlete's foot sores dried up
in a few days after taking B-complex
vitamins. Could it be that the human
body allows the fungus to grow because
the fungus manufactures B vitamins
which are then absorbed into the body?
- B.B.B., Ir., Anchorage, Alaska
A brilliant deduction! However, it is
unlikely that the body would resort to
this form of correcting a vitamin deficiency - although the human body is
so unbelievably ingenious in its persistent effort to restore health that I would
hesitate to dismiss even such an improbable assumption with a flat no.
The most likely reason for quick success in recovery from athlete's foot condition with B vitamins was that a severe
B-vitamin deficiency, especially of B2
and B6, contributed to the development
of the condition - and when the deficiency was corrected, the condition disappeared. It is not always possible nor
necessary to know exactly how vitamins work, as long as we know that
they do work.
Today I'm going off a 10-day juice
fast. In January I fasted for 6 days. I am
43 years old, 5'7" weight almost 150
lbs. before the first juice fast. Now I'm
down to 122 lbs. and I feel absolutely
wonderful. I've followed your instructions to the letter - dry brush massage,
hot and cold showers, enemas, organic
fruits and vegetables juiced in a juicer
and drunk immediately. All my little
aches. and pains are gone and I feel
great. My skin is like that of a 20-year
old. In fact, I feel 20 years younger!
I have two questions: The reason I
decided to fast was because I have a
great deal of mucus draining from my
sinuses constantly. I have had this for
as long as I can remember. The juice
fast has not relieved this. Immediately
below my left ear is a swollen gland
which sometimes has a slight pain
which goes up to the inside of my left
ear. Usually I can tell if I'm getting an
infection, cold, sore throat, etc., because this gland swells a little more and
has the pain. It's as though there's an infection in that gland which remains dormant until conditions are right for it to
flare up and attack my respiratory system. Have you any suggestions? Are the
sinuses and this gland affecting each
other? The right gland is fine. I've never
been able to get a doctor who examines
me to be interested in the slightest. I
tell them about this gland as they examine my neck, and they ignore it. Can
anything be done for my swollen gland?
Also, after the last fast, my period,
which has always been regular, came
two weeks early, then after that I've
been having them regularly. Is this to be
expected? - M.D., West Chester, PA.
You must have a severe chronic sinusitis, which poisons your system and
causes the swelling in the lymphatic
glands. Since a ten-day fast was not sufficient to correct this condition, perhaps
you can try either several short fasts
(10-14 days each) or one longer fast
(four weeks). Between fasts, in addition
to the Optimum Diet, don't forget to
take all the supplements I suggest, especially large doses of vitamins C, A,
B12, and bioflavonoids.
There may be other causes for your
persistent sinusitis; such as allergies
and mental stresses. Both can mimic
symptoms of infections, which are
nothing more than the body's reaction
to stress. Check carefully to see if you
are allergic to any foods or any substances in your environment, and eliminate all allergens, if possible. To begin
with, stop eating all milk and milk products, all wheat in any form, and all
citrus fruits. These are the most common allergens. This alone may solve
your "sinusitis".
Regarding your second question: yes,
temporary menstrual irregularity, or
skipping one or two periods, may be
caused by fasting - in fact, is is a quite
common occurrence. No cause for concern. Just the body's natural reaction to
temporary stress caused by fasting.
Having followed your principles of
diet and exercise for a number of years,
I can say that I have been truly rewarded with very good health in my
mid-forties: firm muscles, no aches or
pains, and good aerobic capacity. However, there is one problem that I have
not been able to budge, either with nutrition or exercise.
Being very highly myopic, and
progressively so since my early teens, I
am wondering if it is possible to overcome such a problem with physical
therapy. Eye doctors say no, having
only stronger and stronger glasses to offer. Then there are others who state that
refractive errors are the result of the external muscles of the eye being out of
balance, with uneven contractions pulling the eyeball out of round. Supposedly these muscles can be trained to work
evenly, and thus the refractive errors
will be corrected. I have practiced the
Bates and Hagmann methods at home,
with only small and temporary gains.
While these methods may well benefit
those with relatively minor errors, I feel
the magnitude of my problem requires
the personal help of a professional
teacher in this field. Thus far, I have
been unable to locate one. I have read
every book I could lay my hands on
pertaining to eye exercising, with some
of the most interesting to me being the
ones authored by R. Brooks Simpkins
from England. Are there any other
specialists in this field that you know of
either here or abroad who would help
me in my endeavor? Or am I wasting my
efforts? Are my eye doctors telling me
the truth - that the only thing that can be
done for refractive errors is to prescribe
glasses? Your comments would be most
appreciated. - N.H., Camp Hill, PA.
The truth is probably somewhere between your eye doctor's opinions and
your wishful thinking that nutrition and
exercise will correct anything. You can
probably improve, and what is more
important, prevent the progressive deterioration of your eyesight, with better
nutrition and special exercises such as
the Bates. But, it would be unrealistic to
expect that you can completely correct
an advanced case of myopia such as
yours, although, as you said, these approaches may help greatly those with
minor refractive errors. You will be
much happier if you relax, do the best
you can nutritionally - have faith, expect miracles, but do not feel disappointed if they do not appear.
I have a problem which came on me
about a month ago, after many years of
very good health. My mouth burns constantly. My tongue is like I tasted red
pepper. I take lots of vitamins, and was
afraid I was getting too many, so I stopped them all, but after about three
weeks, no difference. I went on fruit
juice diets - lemons, grapefruit,
oranges for 3 days. Then I started eliminating foods that I thought might be
acid. No better. I feel fine otherwise. I
am down to about bananas and buttermilk. No better. I take lots of herbs.
Is it possible I have been poisoned by
sprays used on vegetables? I drink two
glasses of vegetable juice each morning
- romaine lettuce, carrots, celery, raw
potato, and other vegetables in season. I
sure wish you could help me. It is terrible having a burning mouth all the
time. It is also dry. - Mrs. T.G., Sacramento, CA.
The burning mouth and tongue is usually indicative of B-vitamin deficiencies, particularly B6. You might wish to
try 500 mg. of B6 for two weeks, then
reduce to 200 mg. daily. Simultaneously, take a high-potency B-complex formula, and 2 to 3 tbsp. of brewer's yeast
every day. Leave all other vitamins and
supplements out for two weeks. then resume taking them. And, don't forget to
adhere to the Optimum Diet, with emphasis on B-vitamin rich grains, seeds,
and nuts.
A year ago I had a complete hysterectomy. Since then I am a new person
and am very thankful. I feel wonderful,
but here is my problem: On a TV program, a group of doctors were discussing hormones, and said anyone taking
premarin was liable to get cancer, as it
was connected with the development of
cancer, and should not be used. My doctor says I should take it the rest of my
life. Please tell me if it is safe or not. RR, Daytona Beach, FL.
This is one of a dozen letters I have
received from worried women after
they have read or heard of the studies
that linked estrogen therapy with increased risk of cancer of the uterus.
I have the reports of scientific studies
referred to in the readers' questions before me as I write this. One study was
made at the University of Washington
in Seattle, and the other by the Kaiser
Permanente Medical Center in Los
Angeles. Both studies show that taking
estrogen pills (Premarin and other
brands) to counteract the symptoms of
menopause and slow the signs of menopausal aging increases the risk of cancer in the lining of the uterus. The risk
factor increased five to seven times in
middle aged women on estrogen therapy.
During menopause, which normally
occurs between the ages of 40 and 50,
the ovaries drastically slow down estrogen production and eventually they degenerate. This results in typical menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes
and chills, menstrual disturbances, nervousness and depression, and accelerated aging processes. The same symptoms are experienced by those who have
had a hysterectomy, or surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries. Replacing decreased natural estrogen with
estrogen medication decreases these
symptoms, and millions of American
women take estrogen pills daily. Many
doctors prescribe them indiscriminately
and keep assuring responsive female
patients that they are perfectly safe,
and that they "must" take them. Government authorities say that estrogen
drugs may be "overprescribed".
Estrogen is also the main ingredient
in birth control pills, taken by about 12
million American women. The Pill has
definitely been causatively linked to increased risk of developing cancer and
heart disease, especially when taken by
women over 40.
In spite of the fact that the scientific
studies linking estrogen therapy and the
birth control pills with cancer were well
publicized, the readers of this "Forum"
still ask me: please tell me if they are
safe or not. My answer is: They are not
safe. Both menopausal estrogen therapy
and estrogen-containing birth control
pills are extremely dangerous and increase the risk of developing not only
cancer of the uterus, but also cancer
anywhere in the body, as well as thrombophlebitis, heart disease (the Pill-taking women between 30 and 40 have
3 to 5 times more heart attacks), blindness, infertility, and many other health
The solution seems to be obvious:
stay away from both - estrogen pills or
injections, and the birth control pills.
There are many natural ways, with
special diets, supplements and specific
natural estrogen-containing herbs, to
help the body during the menopausal
period and prevent the accelerating
aging processes caused by slowed down
estrogen production. They are described in detail in the section on
"Menopause" in my book, How To Get
Well (available at health food stores),
and also in special articles on menopause and birth control in the June and
July, 1976, issues of Let's LIVE.
The so-commonly-used birth control
pill must be replaced by less harmful
methods, or preferably totally harmless
methods such as rhythm or ovulation
methods. Personally, I am of the opinion that women should be completely
freed from responsibility in this regard,
and the man should shoulder it 100%.
There are, and have been available for
hundreds of years, very safe and simple
birth control means for men sold in
every drugstore for pennies. Any man
who is immature, inconsiderate, or irresponsible enough to refuse the responsibility of birth control, and demands
that his woman should endanger her
life for his convenience and pleasure,
does not deserve a woman.
I have read in your books and also
in this magazine, that a large percentage of baldness in men is due to excess production of male hormones.
My diet is quite adequate: natural
foods, 1 natural, multi-vitamin and
mineral supplement, plus 400 I.U. of
E, extra zinc, selenium, C, pantothenic acid, and cell salts.
I am in excellent health, with only an allergy to
peanuts, walnuts, mustard, flax, and
dust. I am 42 years old, live and work
in a rural area, and drink one to two
cups of coffee a day. I massage my
scalp daily, wash my hair with Panthenol shampoo three to four times
weekly. My hair has been thinning
since age 23. I have lost about 2/3 of
my hair on the top. Just a general
thinning all over the top. The hair I do
have grows well to a long length.
Since I have done all I can in diet
and massaging, I am assuming that
my problem is hormones. Can you tell
me how to equalize my male hormones? - B.L.A., Camp Meeker, CA.
As you are aware, the main cause
of male-pattern baldness is an excess
of male sex hormones. The only way
you can equalize the hormone levels is
by either taking female hormones or
using herbs that contain female hormones, such as licorice, black cohosh,
unicorn, elder, etc. In both cases, you
may get "feminized" in the process.
So, most men choose to remain as they
are - with thinning hair, but their
masculinity intact.
In addition to the nutritional approach, with which you are familiar,
the singularly best thing you can do to
improve hair growth, even when it is
caused by excess male hormones, is to
do a headstand several times a day.
This is the most effective way to
increase circulation in the scalp and
supply more nutrients to the hair
I have read that the phytate in whole
grains, which are not cooked, combine
with certain minerals and inactivate
them. Is this also true of whole grain
sprouts, or is it all right to eat them
raw? - Mrs. S.I.G., Peoria, IL.
Either cooking or sprouting breaks
down the phytates and makes minerals
and trace elements of grains more readily available and assimilable. Thus,
grains are best eaten raw, like in
sprouts, or cooked, like in cereals or
Athlete's Foot Cure
Juice Fasting Experience
Burning Mouth
Estrogen Therapy - Cancer Link
Male-pattern Baldness
Phytate And Sprouts