Could you give me any suggestions
regarding the treatment of lactose intolerance? I cannot tolerate most milk
products, with the exception of ripened
cheeses. Should I be able to tolerate
yogurt? My digestion has improved by
eliminating refined foods and taking
some vitamin supplements but I still
have a coated tongue most of the time,
and occasional constipation.
Any suggestions you have will be
greatly appreciated. - W.M., St. College, PA.
Lactose intolerance means that your
body is lacking the digestive enzyme,
lactase, which makes the digestion of
milk (actually the digestion of lactose,
the milk sugar) and milk products possible. The treatment is very simple: you
must completely eliminate milk and
milk products (except butter) from your
diet. This is the logical and sensible solution of the problem. Yet, I constantly
am amazed at the number of people
who, knowing they are intolerant to
milk, are insisting on using it, while
searching for some magic treatment or
pill that will assure trouble-free milk
eating. The Optimum Diet, based on
grains, seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits,
can be nutritionally adequate without
milk. Some of the healthiest people in
the world, especially in the far east
countries, Africa, and Central America,
obtain a high level of health, long life,
and freedom from disease on a totally
milk-and meat-free diet. Milk is an excellent food for those who can tolerate
it, but if you can't, you'll be wise to
leave it alone.
Recently, I purchased a heme water
distiller after the contaminated water
controversy aroused my concern. Since
much of our water is from the Missouri
River, this seemed to be the safest and
least expensive method of assuring pure
drinking water. After further reading
on the subject, I am doubtful if my
family is getting the proper amount of
minerals. We try to follow nutritional
eating habits and take natural
vitamin/mineral supplements. I use four
teaspoons of sea water to every half gallon of distilled water. but would very
much appreciate any help, comments.
or suggestions you may have on this
matter. - P.H., Columbia, Missouri
There is much scientific research
that shows that natural minerals in
water are important for our health. It
has been shown by actual statistics in
the US. and England that the persons
who live in areas where drinking water
is naturally hard (with plenty of minerals) have less heart disease, less hardening of the arteries, and less tooth decay,
as compared to those who live in soft water areas. Based on all available scientific information, the best drinking
water, therefore, would be pure,
naturally mineralized spring or well
water. The notion, promulgated mostly
by those who sell water distillers, that
natural "inorganic" minerals in water
are harmful, is totally, unsubstantiated
by scientific evidence. Water minerals
are, actually, very beneficial and necessary to our health. Through millions of
years of genetic adaptation, our bodies
are now dependent on water as an important source of mineral nutrition.
The polluted water, which contains
man-made chemicals and toxic material, is an altogether different matter. I
agree that such water is unfit for human
consumption. The solution seems to be:
if your water is polluted, as obviously
Missouri River water would be, buy
bottled spring or mineral water, which
is now sold in most health food stores
nationwide. If such water is not available in your area, distilled water will be
the next best, but distilled water must
be re-mineralized if it is to be used for
any length of time. One or two tablespoons of pure sea water (or one teaspoon of sea water concentrate) per
each half-gallon of distilled water will
help restore the minerals removed in
distillation. Although pure distilled
water has its therapeutic uses in the treatment of certain diseases, the prolonged
drinking of distilled water by healthy
individuals may lead to a severe demineralization of the body and contribute to the development of such conditions as osteoporosis, tooth decay,
periodontal disease, diabetes, and heart
Dear Dr. Airola:
Regarding your July 1976 Forum, and
the question asked by a reader about
whole sea salt, I have found the kind
that is sun-dried on the coast of Brittany
in France. It is imported and distributed
by Erewhon, Inc. Their address is: 342
Newbury St., Boston, Mass.02115. The
Los Angeles address is: Erewhon, Inc.,
8454 Steller Drive, Culver City, CA
90230. I hope this will be of help to your
readers. I looked long and hard for a
whole sea salt, and finally tracked it
down. - Miss Karin Lidh, Boston, Mass.
Thank you, Karin! I am passing this
helpful information on to my readers.
Brewer's yeast seems to be the most
popular supplement these days. Your
writings must be, to a great degree, responsible for its popularity. However,
my problem is this:
After several days, having had the same
result, I stopped the brewer's yeast and
my night's sleep returned as before the
yeast - not great, but enough to make
me alert the next day.
May I please have your advice or explanation as to what I may be doing
wrong? Thank you. - N.T., Philadelphia, PA.
You are doing several things wrong.
Apparently you have not read my long
and detailed article on brewer's yeast in
the September 1976 issue of Let's LIVE.
I suggest you study it carefully.
First, I would never recommend
drinking that much orange juice, period
- with or without yeast. Orange juice
contains too much sugar, which is a
very bad combination with the protein-rich yeast. Yeast should be taken mixed
with grapefruit or lemon juice: 1 tablespoon yeast in 1/2 glass of grapefruit
juice, or mixed with the juice of 1/2
lemon in 1/2 glass of water.
Secondly, yeast in juice should never
be taken at night, but one hour before a
meal, on an empty stomach. When you
take a glass of orange juice just before
going to bed, the sugar from the juice
raises your blood sugar level too high,
which interferes with your sleep. Also,
orange juice contains lots of vitamin C,
which can also keep you awake.
You might wish to begin with 1 teaspoonful and increase to 2-3 tablespoons a day, and you will see that your
body will respond better. The best time
for taking yeast is at 11:00 a.m. Those
who wish to take yeast in the evening or
before going to bed, should mix it not
with fruit juice, but with kefir or yogurt.
This will help to assure a very good
What heated oils, if any, are safe to
cook with? I understand vegetable oils
become carcinogenic when heated. -K.K., Sacramento, CA
Vegetable oils should never be used
for frying or cooking, although they are
beneficial in the natural, raw unheated
state, as for salad dressing, for example.
If you insist on frying your food, or need
some fat for cooking, use butter. While
unsaturated essential fatty acids in
vegetable oils are damaged by high
temperatures, saturated (animal) fats
seem to tolerate heating better.
I've had trouble for a number of
years with my bowels being loose. I use
Colon Cleanse and Bentonite. I wonder
if I am doing the right thing? Would you
recommend a high colonic treatment
and how often? I live on a vegetarian
diet, lots of fruits, and a large liquified
salad every night, and supplement with
natural vitamins. I eat about 5-6 eggs
a week, and perhaps some cheese once
weekly. I don't eat too many grains,
only have beans and rice occasionally. I
eat nuts and mostly raw food. Can you
advise me nutritionally? - Mrs. K.A.H.,
Brooklyn, New York.
Now, let's talk some common sense:
Constipated people should eat foods
that would be laxative - foods that
facilitate more frequent bowel
movements and prevent constipation; on
the other hand, those with loose bowels
should eat constipating foods - foods
that would prevent too frequent evacuation, such as cooked grains, cheese,
milk, carob, cooked vegetables. You are
doing just the opposite. Yet you take
bowel loosening and cleansing medication (albeit natural), and even contemplate taking high colonic treatments.
Your diet is not only highly laxative,
but also lacks sufficient grains. Grains,
seeds, and nuts are very important
foods for optimum health. Cooked
grains, especially as in cooked cereals
and bread, help to normalize bowel
Here are a few nutritional tips applicable to a condition such as yours:
I would like to become pregnant in
the future, but would first like to prepare for the pregnancy. What advice, in
terms of nutrition, vitamins, etc., would
you give to future mothers? Do you
recommend any current publications or
literature on the subject? Do you feel
preparing for a pregnancy assures its
successful outcome, i.e., a healthy
baby? - K.I.F., Los Angeles, CA.
I must commend you for your attitude, understanding, and a sense of responsibility in regard to motherhood.
Yes, preparing for a pregnancy will definitely improve the chances of delivering a healthy baby, although it would of
course, not guarantee it - so many
other factors are involved.
To prepare yourself for pregnancy,
nutritionally speaking, make sure your
body obtains the Optimum Nutrition.
Follow the nutritional program - the
Airola Diet - as outlined in my book,
How To Get Well. Avoid smoking (including grass), alcohol, and all drugs.
Not knowing your age, I find it difficult
to advise you regarding vitamins and
supplements, but even if you are young,
you should take such supplements as
brewer's yeast, kelp, fish liver oil, and
natural vitamin C and B in addition to
your diet of high quality organically grown foods.
Also, do not ignore exercise - you need plenty of exercise in
fresh air to build a strong body and
good resistance to disease and to produce a healthy baby - nutrition alone
will not do it. Relaxation, peace of
mind, exercise, and optimum nutrition
work wonders together.
Lactose Intolerance
Distilled Water
Reader Helps on Sea Salt
Brewer's Yeast
Safe Cooking Oils
Loose Bowels
Since I am so often misunderstood,
misinterpreted, and misquoted, I must
stress that Bentonite and other bowel
cleansers are okay for those who need
cleansing and who are chronically constipated.
Preparing For Pregnancy