I was shocked to read the following
in my daily newspaper today: (San Gabriel Valley Daily Tribune, June 3, 1976)
He is, in fact, a biochemist and a distinguished one.
He is professor-in-residence of medical physics and lecturer
in nutritional sciences at the University
of California at Berkeley.
His fields of research, in which he has
received credit for pioneering work,
have included various vitamins and
other organic substances, antibiotics in
nutrition, the amino acid code, protein
chemistry, and molecular evolution.
So it's cheering to hear such an expert
rebut all those scare stories about the
trashy food we're all eating these days.
'Nonsense,' he says. 'American food,
as produced by scientific agricultural
methods including the use of chemical
fertilizers, pesticides, and approved
food additives, is the safest, most nutritious,
and most diverse in the history of
the world.'
Jukes criticizes what he calls the
'nutritional counter-culture' - health buffs and food faddists whose attacks on
fertilizers, pesticides, cyclamates, white
bread, sugar, beef, bacon, and a host of
other products have 'caused many to
mistrust our food supply.'
He says there's no reason for anybody
to be uptight about sugar.
Neither does he see anything wrong
with many people's preference for
white bread, 'especially when it is enriched with thiamin, riboflavin, niacin,
and iron'.
He regards the organic food movement as a retreat from reason.
Jukes said that food crops grown with
chemical fertilizers are as rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals as when
they are grown with so-called 'organics'.
What kind of a joker of a biochemist nutritionist is he?
And, who is paying for his research sugar companies, or
"Wonder Bread"? I would like to hear
your comments on this misinformed
man. Just think of all the people who
read this and believe it! Mrs. J.P., La Puenta, CA.
I don't think I can improve on your
own excellent comments. The sad part
is that although the statements by Dr.
Jukes sound like jokes to us,
the average reader of a daily newspaper may swallow them as scientific fact.
I don't know who pays Dr.
Jukes for his enthusiastic support of the junk food industry
(perhaps our friends at Berkeley can check and find out) but I do know that Dr.
Jukes' counterpart on the East Coast,
the Notorious Dr. Frederick Stare of Harvard University,
was lavishly paid by food processors and sugar industries to
unleash his vicious attack on natural health and the health food
movement and lend his total support to the junk food industry.
I think California is too enlightened to tolerate the Jukes among us.
If all the readers of Let's LIVE would send a protest to the president of UC at Berkeley,
we could get that "joker" out of there quicker than fast.
I have a lot of trouble with acne.
I eat only nutritious foods,
but when I eat dried or fresh fruit,
or anything that is naturally sweet,
my face breaks out.
I would hate to give up these foods because I know they are so
nutritious. Could you please give me
some advice. S.W., Port Hardy, B.C., Canada.
Acne may have many causes, one of
which is allergy. You are apparently allergic either to concentrated sugars, or
to fruit acids, both of which are present
in abundance in the foods you mentioned as aggravating your acne.
The solution is simple: you must stop eating all
the foods that cause you trouble! Don't
worry about their nutritional value.
You can obtain adequate nutrition from
vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, sprouts,
milk and milk products, especially if
you take vitamins and supplements as I
suggest. Juice fasting (7-10 days) would
also be very beneficial in your case. It
would cleanse your body and increase
your natural resistance to and tolerance
of allergens. After a prolonged cleansing juice fast, you may find that you
will be able to eat your favorite foods
without being troubled by them.
My daughter gets her monthly regularly, but the cramps sometimes are so
severe that last week she actually passed out. Do you know of anything that
will cure or reduce the cramps? She has
taken some of the commercial products,
but they don't help much and I would
rather have her take something natural.
Mr. R.K., Coopersbury, PA.
Not knowing the age of your daughter, it is difficult to advise - is she 13,
23, or 53? At each of these ages, the
cause of severe cramps would be totally
different. At 13, it could be puberty-related hormonal imbalances; at 23, it
may be associated with the Pill or other
birth-control devices; at 53, it may be
associated with menopause. It is amazing and amusing how many people
write for advice on personal health
problems, using several pages describing their symptoms, but failing to mention their age.
You see, it would be helpful for me to know the age of the person.
If someone is falling apart at 18, I
would advise drastic and immediate
corrective measures; on the other hand,
if someone is 92, I may suggest that she
count her blessings and thank the good
Lord that she is still hanging on.
But, whatever age your daughter is,
you will find the answer to her menstrual problems in my special article,
Menstrual Disorders: A Natural Approach,
in the August issue of Let's LIVE, in the
section on Biological Medicine.
Please study it carefully, and take heed of
the many nutritional, herbal, and other biological approaches
to menstrual problems offered in the article.
Somewhere I read that wheat germ
starts getting rancid after it is exposed
to the air for more than 3 days. Is this
In the May, 1976 Nutrition Forum, you wrote
a short section on rancid oils, which has
whetted my appetite for more information on rancidity.
What about wheat flour and other
whole-grain flours? How long will they
keep? And, bran? I understand that
nuts will keep for months if allowed to
remain in the shell. How long will they
keep after they are shelled?
Several years ago I became desperately sick with what my nature doctor said
was stoppage of the bowels. Among
other instructions he gave me, one was
to take olive oil. We had some olive oil
in the cupboard, which had been sitting
there for several months. Since I had
never heard of rancid oils or that rancid
oils can be poisonous, I started taking
this olive oil as prescribed by the doctor.
(Why didn't he prescribe 'fresh'
olive oil!) It was a small bottle, thank
heaven, and it tasted terrible, but I kept
taking it until it was gone, and I kept
getting gradually sicker. The doctor was
puzzled and could not figure out what
was the matter. After the rancid oil was
all gone, I bought some that was fresh. It
tasted so good, and I started to improve
at once. When I read your mention of
rancid oils, I remembered this past experience.
Just how poisonous is rancid
food? Could it cause death? Mrs.
H.A.N., Medford, Oregon.
Rancid foods can be very toxic - the
more rancid, the more dangerous. Toxic
chemicals produced during rancidity,
such as peroxides, aldehydes, free radicals, malonaldehydes, etc. can cause
serious health disturbances and even
lead to the development of cancer.
Now, to your direct questions:
Dear Editor:
My mother receives your magazine
every month, so therefore, I, too have
the chance to read it. I believe it is a
very informative magazine and I enjoy
reading it very much. As I understand,
Let's LIVE is supposed to be about the
natural things in life. I hope I am correct in assuming this.
In your June issue, you published an
article on birth control, titled "Birth
Control: A Biological Perspective", by
Paavo Airola, Ph.D. In many ways, it
was a great article. In most respects he
is very right. However, I do disagree
with him on one statement. He states
that this is a "promiscuous age". To a
certain extent that may be true. But, as
a reader, I feel I have the right to question that statement.
I have been told by an authority of
the law that the age of consent in North
Carolina is 12 years of age.
If two consenting adults perform the act of sexual
intercourse, is it really promiscuity?
I am very sorry to say the article containing
that statement contradicts the
whole purpose of your magazine.
In hopes of an honest reply, I ask you:
What is more natural than sexual intercourse?
Does it really make any difference if you are married to one another
or not? E.S., Conover, N.C.
First, thank you for considering my
article "great in many ways".
I've stated in the article that this is a promiscuous age,
without expressing moral judgement on this fact. You seem to agree
that this is indeed a promiscuous age,
but do not feel there is anything wrong
in being promiscuous. There is a severe
lack of logic in several of your conclusions and statements.
Frederick Stare's Double
Dr. Thomas H. Jukes doesn't feel
your pulse, listen to your heartbeat, or
dispense pills or medicine but he is a
real tonic to meet."
Menstrual Cramps
Rancid Foods
Since your appetite was whetted for
more information on rancidity, I suggest
you read Are You Confused?, where
there is a whole chapter on the dangers
of eating rancid foods, with a detailed
report of research material, which we
cannot possibly squeeze in the limited
space of the Forum. Ask for Are You
Confused? in your health food store.
Promiscuous Age