I have read about the harmful
effects of fluoridated water. Is using
a water purifier a safe way to get rid
of fluorides? Also, would distilled
water leach minerals from the body?
What is the best type of water pipe to
use in the home? L.B.B., Alpena,
Fluoridated water is definitely
harmful and is now solidly linked as
the cause of many disorders, including mongoloidism, heart disease, and
cancer. Dr. John Yiamouyiannis'
studies have proven clearly that
artificially fluoridated water causes
cancer in humans.
Since you do not mention what kind
of water purifier you refer to, I would
not know if it would remove fluorides.
Most water purifiers will not remove
fluorides, neither does the boiling of
the water - it actually concentrates
them even more.
Distilled water will definitely leach
minerals from the body, so it is
inadvisable. Contrary to what a
couple of books claim, inorganic
minerals in water are not harmful - in fact they are beneficial. Having
been subjected to mineralized waters
for millions of years, the human body
not only effectively utilizes the minerals from drinking water, but is
nutritionally dependent on them. The
human body has the ability to chelate
the inorganic minerals into organic
forms and use them effectively. Those
who drink hard (heavily mineralized)
water have less heart disease, tooth
decay and pyorrhea, osteoporosis,
and diabetes, as is scientifically
established by world-wide, reliable
studies. All major nutritionists
Roger Williams, Carlton Fredericks,
Gaylord Hauser, Lelord Kordell, Bernard Jensen, John Tobe, Emmanuel
Cheraskin to name a few agree
with me that distilled water should
not be used on a regular basis. Use
only mineralized spring or well
water, available at most health food
stores. If distilled water is used, it
should be fortified with minerals from
sea water 2-3 tbsp. of sea water
for each gallon of distilled water.
Finally, to answer your last question, the best water pipe for your
house is an "old-fashioned" galvanized iron pipe. I disapprove of all
plastic and copper pipes.
Could you give me any suggestions regarding the treatment of diverticulosis?
L.R.C., Panhandle, Texas
According to the newest medical
opinion (largely influenced by Drs.
Denis P. Burkitt's and Neil S. Painter's research), the prime cause of
diverticulosis and diverticulitis (and
even colonic cancer) is the "low residue diet" of Western man. These
diseases are seldom encountered in
the "less civilized," non-industrialized areas where people
eat a high residue diet of unrefined, whole,
natural, unprocessed, bulky foods.
Thus, diverticulosis is primarily a
deficiency disease the deficiency
of high residue foods. Even conventional hospitals have now switched
from the usual "bland diet" they fed
to patients with diverticulosis, to a
high residue, high roughage diet of
whole, unrefined foods, fortified with
In addition to a special high residue diet,
take the following supplements daily. These are specific for
your condition.
Is there anything one can do
nutritionally or through natural
therapy for small breasts? Or to keep
breasts firm? I am 34 years old and
very "flat" - I mean very, very!
Short of silicon implants, what can I
do? K.W., Hollywood, Calif.
First, I am very much against
silicon implants - too little is known
of their possible pathogenic effect.
Exercise of the pectoral muscles,
with or without special exercisers,
will cause the breasts to protrude
further, although this will not actually increase the bust size itself.
Research shows that women who live
in dry, mountainous climates tend to
have larger breasts than those in
low, wet climates; and a cold climate
causes breasts to remain firmer than
a hot one. Massage, with or without
vitamin E, tends to help breasts
become firmer, due to the swelling
caused by stimulation.
It is also possible that certain
herbs, such as licorice, saw palmetto, sarsaparilla, and black
cohosh stimulate hormone production.
Vitamins E, C, PABA, B6, and folic
acid might aid breast growth, though
I am sure they would not work in
every case. Dr. Melvin Page reports
remarkable success with a pituitary
hormone therapy. You can ask a
nutritionally oriented doctor about it.
Reversing the gravitational pull by
doing a form of headstand regularly
might be helpful for firmness. Some
doctors administer female hormones
on the premise that low sex hormone
output is responsible for small
breasts, which are secondary female
sex organs. Hormone therapy is,
however, not always successful. If
you wish to consider it, make sure by
proper tests that your hormone level
is actually low.
No doubt dietary heredity plays a
role in breast development, and a
general optimum diet should help in
prevention of abnormally small or
infirm busts in future generations.
Keep in mind that in most cases of
underdeveloped breasts, the condition is corrected by itself as soon as a
woman becomes pregnant - nature's way to assure that the baby
can be breast-fed.
Finally, if none of the tips for
breast enlargement mentioned here
work for you, think of all those of us - and we are legion - who think
that small breasts are very beautiful!
I've read in some books that
garlic and onions are toxic and that
we should avoid them. I am so
confused! I've always thought that
they are super health foods. Europeans eat huge quantities of them,
especially Russians and Italians.
What is the score? Are garlic and
onions health foods, or are they
harmful as some health writers
suggest? A. , . S. , Vancouver, Canada
Garlic and onions are perhaps
the most important health foods of
all. Indeed, garlic is "the king" and
onion "the queen" of the vegetable
kingdom. Both have been used for
thousands of years as food and
medicine. Miraculous healing powers
seem to exist in both. Babylonians
used garlic to cure diseases as early
as 3,000 B,C. Chinese, Greeks,
Romans, Egyptians, Vikings - all
used garlic and onions to cure
everything from intestinal disorders
to senility. All the great ancient
physicians Pliny, Dioscorides,
Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus, to
name a few prescribed garlic for a
variety of disorders.
Modern research has confirmed
that garlic and onions do indeed
possess miracle healing powers.
Russian electrobiologist, Professor
Gurwitch, discovered that garlic and
onions emit what he called mitogenetic radiation (Gerwitch rays)
which stimulate cell growth and
regeneration and have a rejuvenating
effect on all body functions. A great
amount of scientific research has
been done in various countries on the
therapeutic properties of garlic and
onions. Finnish Nobel Prize winner,
Dr. A.I. Virtanen, discovered 14 new
beneficial substances in onions. In
clinical studies in Russia, Germany,
France, and the United States, doctors have successfully used garlic on
thousands of patients, treating high
and low blood pressure, common
colds, intestinal worms, coughs,
asthma, whooping cough, pneumonia, intestinal putrefaction,
dysentery, dyspepsia (gas), tuberculosis,
and diabetes. American research has
shown that garlic is a powerful agent
against tumor formation in cancer.
Russians discovered that garlic has
antibiotic properties; they often refer to garlic as Russian penicillin. In
Russian hospitals, garlic is used extensively, mostly in the form of
vaporized extracts which are inhaled.
I have used garlic very successfully
to treat patients with diarrhea,
intestinal putrefaction, gas, asthma,
insomnia, and high blood pressure. In
some cases, blood pressure was
reduced 20 to 30 mm. in one week by
taking large amounts of garlic.
In addition to having such miraculous healing qualities, garlic and
onions are most delicious foods. Used
widely, they can improve the quality
and enhance the taste of many dishes
and salads.
So, don't let anyone confuse you
regarding garlic and onions. They
are most certainly terrific health
I only wish someone would soon
discover an effective garlic breath
remover, so that we could all enjoy
this miracle healing plant without
social limitations! Many garlic pills
are somewhat odorless, but not
completely. Eating parsley and other
chlorophyll rich vegetables helps,
but not completely. There is a garlic
product from Japan, called Leopin,
which is guaranteed odorless if taken
as directed. Perhaps your health food
store can get it for you. The best
solution, however, would be for all of
us to eat garlic all at the same time so
we wouldn't notice the garlic aroma
from each other!
I am only 43 years old, and my
blood pressure has been too high for
many years. My doctor advises using
drugs, but I have never liked the idea
of doping myself with drugs, although
when I take the pills, my pressure
goes down. Are there some natural
things I can do, like special diets or
vitamins? I am also 20 pounds overweight. Mr. F.S., Phoenix, Az.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is not a disease, but rather the
body's own defensive and corrective
measure, initiated to cope with pathological conditions
in various functions of the body, such as general
toxemia, impaired kidney function,
glandular disturbances, defective
calcium metabolism, hardening of the
arteries, emotional stress, overweight, etc. These are the underlying
causes of high blood pressure. Lowering the pressure with drugs does
not get to the basic causes of the
condition - it actually does damage
by interfering with the body's own
effort to correct the problem. The
objective of the biologically-oriented
doctor is not to lower the pressure
with drugs, or even with specific
vitamins, herbs, or foods, but to
determine the reasons for pressure
elevation. When these are removed,
the blood pressure will return to
normal by itself.
It is obvious in your case that your
overweight may be one of these
contributing causes to elevated blood
pressure. You should begin with
bringing your weight down to normal.
In my book, How to Get Well, I outline
a complete therapeutic program for
those with high blood pressure,
which should keep your pressure
normal after following it for a short
I have been reading so much
about microwave ovens, the pros and
cons on radiation, and now many
articles are saying that sales are
increasing and there should be a
microwave oven in every kitchen
because of the fast and convenient
way to prepare food and it saves
My question is: What nutritional
value would the foods contain after
having been cooked at such intense
heat? Would there be a greater loss
of vitamins and minerals than when
foods are cooked by gas or electricity, taking into consideration that
they are not overcooked? Mrs.
M.D., Austin, Texas
Intense heat damages fatty acids
in food, and also makes proteins less
assimilable. The N.H.F. investigation
of the alleged claims that microwave
cooking retains more of the vitamins
failed to find any proof to substantiate the claims. Then, there is always
the danger of possible radiation
leakage. The scientists from HEW's
Division of Electronic Products stated: "the potential health effects of
microwave ovens are that some organs of the body, such as the eyes,
are unable to rapidly dissipate heat,
and are therefore highly vulnerable."
Why take any chances? I am definitely against using microwave ovens and
wouldn't have one in my kitchen.
You recommend not combining
fruits and vegetables, because they
need different digestive secretions.
However, I'm stuck with a problem:
I'm confused as to just what is a fruit and what is a vegetable?! I know that
oranges and apples are fruits, that
spinach and carrots are vegetables,
but some plants I'm unsure of, like
melons, tomatoes, pumpkins, avocados, etc.
Also, are there some vegetables that combine with fruits, and
vice versa? R.R., Lexington, Mass.
From a nutritional standpoint
(note: nutritional, not botanical)
there are three distinct groups:
fruits, vegetables, and melons. Fruits
are: all fresh fruits that grow on trees
and bushes, all berries, and pineapple. Vegetables are: all greens,
green beans, root vegetables, such as
carrots, beets, rutabagas, potatoes,
onions, garlic, and yams, squashes,
pumpkins, and tomatoes. Papayas,
avocados, limes, and lemons, although botanically fruits, can be used
with both fruit and vegetable meals.
Melons - watermelon, cantaloupe,
casaba, honeydew, etc. should not
be mixed with either fruit or vegetable meals, but eaten separately,
either as a complete meal or as a
snack between meals.
In my diet, the three meals of the
day are each made up of one basic
food group: breakfast is mainly a
fruit meal - fresh fruits and berries
in season, with raw seeds and nuts,
and soured milk; lunch is a cereal
meal cooked or sprouted cereals,
such as millet, buckwheat, rice, etc.,
with fresh milk, butter, or oil; and
dinner is a vegetable meal raw
and cooked vegetables in season,
possibly rice and/or beans, potatoes,
bread and butter, and a glass of
soured milk or homemade cottage
cheese. If animal proteins are used,
they can be eaten at this meal. Never
eat fresh fruits for dessert after a
cooked cereal or vegetable meal.
Fruits are excellent as breakfast food
and as a snack between meals.
I would very much like to know if
there is any advice you might be able
to offer me about a problem which I
find very distressing, although I feel
it would not be considered a problem
of any real seriousness. I was never
very firm, but now my flesh is
becoming so flabby it seems to be
melting and simply hanging from my
bones. It does not seem to be the
muscles, but all the surrounding
tissue. I do exercise (including riding
a bicycle 5-10 miles a day) and try to
be very careful about diet and have
been for over 5 years. I try to get
enough complete protein (not necessarily from meat - I eat little meat),
raw goat's milk, eggs from free-running chickens,
use only honey sparingly, stay away from processed, empty
foods and preservatives, take mineral and vitamin supplements, etc. I
would so greatly appreciate any help
you might be able to give. L.V.S.,
Shiremanstown, Pa.
You say you take minerals and
vitamin supplements. How much? It
seems to me that you may suffer from
a severe vitamin C deficiency. All the
tissues of your body are held together
by collagen, a "cellular cement" of
which vitamin C is a major constituent. In severe and prolonged vitamin
C deficiency, the collagen loses its
firmness and elasticity and the skin
and other tissues (even muscles)
become flabby and loose. Even mineral deficiencies may contribute to the
condition. Your diet seems to be
adequate. Check your supplementation to be sure it includes daily
for the next 6 months the following:
I have heard and read of fasting
for a number of ailments. Can a
ganglion be cured this way or with
a special diet? I would very much
appreciate your opinion on this.
J.M. Sherman Oaks, CA.
First, please understand the
basic premise of Biological Medicine:
fasting, vitamins, supplements, special diets, specific herbs, therapeutic
baths, or any other measure employed by biological doctors, do not cure
any disease. No drug, no pill, no
herb, nor any special therapy ever
cures disease. The disease is always
cured by the body's own healing and
health-restoring mechanism. Fasting,
as well as other therapeutic measures mentioned above, are used by
biological doctors only to help the
body to heal itself. They are only
supportive measures to help the
body's own healing effort, which
actually accomplishes the cure.
So, your ganglion is no exception. It
can only be cured (apart from surgical removal, or ganglionectomy) by
the body's own healing activity. Fasting is one of the most effective
supportive measures known to man in
assisting the body in its own healing
effort. It will definitely increase the
chances of recovery. But whether a
complete cure can be accomplished
will depend on many factors: the
general health of the patient; the age
and the level of vitality; the state of
nutrition; the toxicity of the environment; the mental state of the patient;
etc. In order to help the body to heal
itself, you must give it total support,
taking all the above important healing factors into consideration.
I am so glad that you are writing
a column. It is the first thing I look at when the magazine arrives. Will you
please write about varicose veins
sometime soon? I believe I eat a good
nutritional diet - eat little meat, and
have practically no white sugar or
artificial foods. Yet, I am developing
varicose veins. Can anything be done
naturally? Mrs. M.C., Brooklyn, N.Y.
You believe you eat a good diet.
It may be or it may not be. There
are so many atrocious nutritional
fads and bizarre diets - yet all who
adhere to them believe that their
diets are nutritionally sound. You eat
"practically no white sugar or artificial foods." An Optimum Diet should
exclude all sugar and all processed,
refined or artificial foods. Emphasis
must be on whole grains, seeds, nuts,
fresh vegetables, and fruits. The best
grains for you are wheat, buckwheat,
and millet.
Here are a few points of a natural
approach to varicose veins:
Fluoridated Water
Bust size and firmness
Garlic and Onions
High Blood Pressure
Microwave Oven
Fruits and Vegetables Defined
Also, if you are overweight, you
should reduce. Juice fasting would be
an excellent way for you to cleanse
your body and correct any pathological condition
which may be connected with your problem. Fasting would
also be beneficial for the acne you
mentioned. Complete instructions for
juice fasting can be found in my book,
How to Keep Slim, Healthy and
Young With Juice Fasting - available at all health food stores.
Varicose Veins
Take the following supplements
A complete program for varicose
veins is outlined in my book. How To
Get Well (available at health food