I have great difficulty in
keeping my weight down. I am
always 10-15 pounds overweight.
I have tried to exercise, especially walking and jogging, but
now I read that exercises only
increase your appetite, so you
eat more and get fatter. Is this
true or false? Mrs. S.C., Glendale, AZ.
False! Recent study conducted at the University of California at Irvine,
under the direction of Dr. Grant Gwinup (reported in May '75 issue of
Internal Medicine, publication of the
AMA) showed that obese persons lost plenty of weight by exercise alone, without any dietary
changes. In this study, 11 obese
women lost from 10 to 38 pounds,
and averaged 22 pounds loss,
during the period of one year,
on exercise alone. Dr. Gwinup
said that brisk walks, beyond a
half hour a day, and preferably
two to three hours, are the best
form of exercise for reducing.
It stands to reason that a combination of exercise, which takes
off about a half a pound a week,
with systematic undereating
will bring quicker results.
We have been told that we
need lots of protein in our diets
the more the better. Some nutrition authorities advise 120
grams, 150 grams, or even more.
I have noticed that some of these
high-protein advocates also sell
high-protein supplements, or are
connected with such protein industries as the dairy or meat industry. So, I am confused. Do we
really need that much protein?
What is the real, scientifically
proven truth about our protein
According to the scientific
studies conducted by such famous
nutrition scientists and doctors
as Dr. R. Chittenden, Dr. William C. Rose, and Dr. Hegsted in the
C. Rose, and Dr. Hegsted in the
United States, Dr. Ragner Berg
in Sweden, Dr. Kuratzune in
Japan, Dr. V.O. Siven in Finland,
and Dr. K. Eimer in Germany,
our actual daily requirement of
protein is only 20 to 25 grams.
This is sufficient for all normal
and healthy functions of the body.
Adolescents between 13 and 20
years of age, and pregnant and
lactating women need 10-15
grams more.
The outdated and disproven
notion that we need 120 or more
grams of protein a day was based
on badly conducted experiments
by German scientists Dr. Von
Voit, Dr. Von Liebieg, and Dr.
Max Rudner at the end of the
last century. Only animal proteins in cooked form were used
in these experiments and nitrogen balance was the only criterion on which protein need was
based. No consideration was
given to the possible harm which
could occur from the excess of
protein in the diet.
Note that the official tables
of RDA (Recommended Daily
Allowances) for various nutrients, which are determined by
the World Health Organization
and the U.S. Food and Nutrition
Board, National Academy of
Sciences, reduced your daily
protein need during the last
twenty years from 120 grams to
only 46 grams in their recent
tables for 1974. Obviously, these
wise scientists and doctors who
determined your daily requirements for various nutrients know
something you are not aware of.
Namely that 1) the previous
calculations of the protein requirement were wrong, and 2)
that too much protein in the diet
(anything over the actual need)
can be extremely harmful, contributing to development of such
diseases as arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, and cancer, as
shown by recent research.
Several doctors have diagnosed my condition as iron-deficiency anemia. They all suggested iron injections and lots of
liver. Being a vegetarian, I would
prefer to solve the problem by
nutritional means. What foods
are best for anemia? P.A.,
Flagstaff, AZ.
Not knowing the severity of
your condition, I would suggest
that whatever treatment you
undertake, do so under the supervision of your doctor. If your doctor is not nutritionally enlightened, write to me (c/o Let's LIVE
Magazine) and I will send you
a list of doctors that I recommend - doctors who are
nutritionally and biologically oriented.
(Please enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope).
Foods best for the treatment
of anemia are dark-colored foods:
dark green leafy vegetables such
as spinach, alfalfa, watercress,
kale, green onions, chard, broccoli, parsley, radish, carrots,
beets, yams, tomatoes; also dark-colored fruits: prunes, raisins,
blackberries, dark grapes, apples,
apricots, strawberries. Bananas,
although not dark, are very
beneficial as they, in addition
to easily assimilable iron, contain folic acid and Vitamin B12 - both extremely important
factors in the treatment of anemia. Other iron-rich foods are:
sunflower seeds, crude blackstrap molasses, black beans,
sesame seeds (tahini), peas,
honey, brewer's yeast, egg yolks,
pumpkin seeds, lentils, and kelp.
Eggs, brewer's yeast, sunflower
seeds, kelp, bananas, raw wheat
germ, and Concord grapes also
contain natural B12. Liver,
usually prescribed in iron-deficiency anemia, would be an excellent remedy if healthy nontoxic liver was available. Due to
the fact that animals are subjected to an extremely toxic environment (hormones, insecticides, preservatives and drugs
in food, water, and air) and liver, being a detoxifying organ
collects and stores all these poisons, it can no longer be recommended.
Desiccated liver supplements,
on the other hand, are often
made of Argentine beef liver
which is much better.
The diet should also include
moderate amounts of whole
grains such as wheat, rice, buckwheat, millet, oats, beans, and
soybeans. The diet should be
supplemented with an organic
iron supplement (the dosage for
each individual determined by
a doctor), B12, B6, folic acid,
B-complex, vitamins E, C, PABA,
manganese, and bone-meal tablets. Hydrochloric acid should be
taken with each meal. HCl and
Vitamin C both promote iron
absorption in the body.
It is advisable to drink several
glasses of fresh vegetable and
fruit juice each day. The best
juices are green vegetable juice,
red beet juice, and grape, blueberry, black currant, prune, and
apricot juice.
Avoid tea and coffee - both
interfere with iron absorption
in the body.
I have a two-month old baby,
and although I believe strongly
in breast feeding, I don't have
enough of my own milk to nurse
her. Please tell me what I should
do, since I do not wish to feed
her commercial formulas or
canned baby foods. I wish you
would have written about this
in your books. I looked and looked,
but couldn't find anything on
baby feeding . K.A., Venice, CA.
Yes, I wish I had written
about it, since so many people
are asking me about baby feeding. I have some personal experience, being the father of 5
children. Although their mother
wasn't able to breast feed them
longer than 4 months, they are
all very healthy, have no allergies (which are usually caused
by feeding babies anything but
mother's milk before the age of
8 months), and three of my
children are cavity-free, although
now in their twenties.
It would be impossible for me
to give you a complete and detailed baby-feeding program in
this column because of space
limitations, but here are the
most important points to remember:
I am so confused on water
drinking. Some experts say I
must drink 8 glasses of water a
day, three of them first thing in
the morning. Is that good? After
three glasses of water and lemon
juice in the morning, I feel
frozen for several hours. Also,
drinking water with meals is
confusing. I've read in several
books that this is an absolute
no-no. Yet, many of my friends
always drink water with meals
and have no complaints. I deliberately never drink anything
with meals, and I have indigestion and gas like you wouldn't
believe! What's wrong? Mrs.
J.C.M., San Diego, CA.
Of late, I am beginning more
and more often to ask myself
this not very "scientific" question when I wish to determine
the soundness of a certain fad,
practice, or advice: does it make
sense? Common sense is something we often forget to use
while trying to orient ourselves
in this growing labyrinth of
contradictory and confusing information on issues of nutrition
and health. Please, follow my
example and use your common
sense when you are in doubt.
Does it make sense to you to
drink that much water, even
though you are not thirsty, only
because someone said so? To me
it doesn't. In deciding when and
how much we should drink, and
when and how much we should
eat, follow the common sense rule
that no scientist will ever improve upon: drink when you are
thirsty and eat when you are
hungry! Conversely, do not drink
if you are not thirsty and do not
eat unless you are hungry -
it doesn't matter how many "experts" tell you otherwise.
Regarding drinking with
meals, although the general rule
(remember, it is only the general
rule, and it may not apply to you)
is that we should avoid drinking
with meals, there are numerous
exceptions to this rule. If you
come to the table thirsty, not
having had an opportunity to
satisfy your thirst before the
meal, your chewing, salivation,
and digestion of food will be impaired unless you drink some
liquid while eating. Even under
"normal" conditions, some milk,
juices, or herb teas, if not in
excess, are permissible parts of
a meal, if you feel like having
them. Remember: common sense
is the rule! Drink when you are
thirsty and eat when you are
hungry and you can never go
wrong no matter what someone else says.
Exercise to Lose Weight?
How much protein do we need?
Anemia - Nutritional Approach
Baby Feeding
Good luck, and God bless you
and your baby.
Drinking Water