Showstopper Chocolate Cake

Original source is Brandi at TheVegan8 cookbook.

Yields 16 servings.

Always use a scale for accuracy when baking following the gram weights listed below. You never need cups, just the scale and bowl! This article explains Why using a kitchen scale made my life easier! And this one offers 9 reasons to ditch your measuring cups and get a scale!

Whisk well in large bowl and set aside:

Melt in double boiler: Whisk in until smooth: Add in and whisk again: Preheat oven to 177° Celsius or 350° Fahrenheit (F = 9C/5 + 32)

Add the flour mixture in thirds to the chocolate mixture, whisking each addition in gently.

Line 8" square pan with parchment paper.
Pour mixture into pan.
Bake 30-35 minutes. (Note that it may take longer in a non-aluminum pan.)

Cool completely (1 hours). It will flatten out as it cools.

Tightly seal leftovers in foil to keep moist.