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December 5, 2022

Hello Everybody,

I last wrote from Georgia on October 31. I returned before the election on Nov 8th. The feared RED TSUNAMI gladly did not happen. The polls were again quite wrong. It was more of a 'pink trickle'. 😊

There has been a veritable avalanche of reporting on the election and the aftermath. As an amateur journalist I have collected a random jumble of things here. I do this mostly for my own record. If you have some time to skim/peruse it all I hope you find something of interest.

I occasionally listen to the podcast of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. It was rather satisfying for me to hear that he was outraged that the Republicans did not achieve the predicted Tsunami. Here's a 2 minute clip from his podcast on Nov 14th.

It is now the day before the Warnock/Walker Georgia Senate runoff election.

There is a podcast entitled 'Politically Georgia' which does a rather good job of following the election. Here is the one on Dec 5th (34 minutes)

Here is a very clever recent Warnock campaign ad (2 minutes) followed by the recent full rally with speeches by Warnock (16 minutes) and Obama (32 minutes).

I extracted a short 7 minute clip from a sermon that Warnock gave at Ebenezer Baptist church on October 9th. I really like how he turns a Christian Psalm into a Hindu maha mantra.

I like his expanded vocabulary - precise, intention, compelling, unambiguous, unassailable, overt, microcosm, propitious, variegated.

These two videos illustrate the intense oratory of the Baptist tradition. Even Obama has some of that oratory in his delivery!

Saturday Night Live brilliantly satirized the Herschel Walker campaign (5 minutes).

Here's a report from Nov 23 (one author is Eugene Daniels - I saw him at an Ebenezer church service).

I did do some phone banking for Warnock but it was rather unsatisfying. I got the sense that Georgians are exhausted and very ready for this all to be done.

The partisan divide confuses and depresses me. Each side is accusing the other of being evil and dangerous and unpatriotic. We're all Americans!

The pleas for money keep rolling in from all directions. I donated a little directly to Warnock again. I figured if everyone donated a little it would add up to a big pile. I continue to be mystified why money matters so much.

Lindsey Graham has campaigned for Walker. Here he is at a Waffle House restaurant (where I ate several times when I was in Atlanta). I note the typo of spelling Georgia GEORIGA. And a YouTube video of him. I note the typo of 'thier liberal agenda' in the subtitles.

Before I went to Georgia, I donated just $1 to a Trump affiliated committee (only for fun and research purposes - to get on his list). I then started receiving multiple email and text messages daily asking for more money. Here's one example from November 1st. It's ridiculous. Trump, the billionare, is begging for money. He invites you to join the elite Trump Inner Circle.

The indictments are coming. Maybe for grins I'll get on Trump's mailing list again.

There. That's enough.

Let's pray for Warnock. He prays for us.


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