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Sleep Haiku By Navin

Forgotten moments
Bob to the surface of dreams
Sleeping mind's flotsam

Words said unaware,
Fragments of dreams remembered
Are these sleep tchotchkes?

Night shift work schedules:
Empathy for the sleepless
Goes on vacation

Slumbering abroad
Awakened my long sleeping

Sleeping mind conjures
Ephemeral images
Gone upon waking

In dully-clad forms
Sleeping minds wear dreamy clothes
Of electric weave

Enjoy same sleep time
With no falling or springing
Near the equator

Softening edges
Of sharp memory pictures
Sleep's nightly whitewash

Coloring the sky
Sun makes dramatic exit
Eyelid curtains fall

Reading before bed
Calm end to the day's chapter
Sunrise brings next page

To be competent
At daytime tasks requires
Somnolence at night

If falling asleep
Were a volitional act
Rest would be easy

Night cachinnation
Helps one fall lightly in bed
And smile into sleep

Staying awake late
Can bring one much cheerlessness
Regretting missed sleep

While we are asleep
Bacteria continue
Their work in the dark

Getting a night's sleep
Unsullied by wakeful times
Is a true delight

Work and home backlogs
Make it difficult for one
To sleep like a log

Sleep's never boring
Dreams provide entertainment
On the mind's own stage

Don't lose sleep over
Ignominious defeats
Name will recover

Are toolsmiths' designs
Forged in the foundries of dreams
By the hands of sleep?

May your sleep be sound
Your dreams be adorable
And alarm be soft

The eyelids embrace
Fingers loosen and mind floats
Happiness awakes

Tired, sleepy feet
Approach bed at languid pace
Sigh when weight comes off

Maximum strength sleep
The ideal prescription
For free better health

Sleep takes over brain
The zamindar of the night
Pay up its due hours

Comfort and darkness
I sink into the embrace
Of essential sleep

Exquisite pleasure
To wake up from deep slumber
When one wishes to

Rhythmic breaths begin
Limbs relax into stillness
Dreams dance in the brain

Powerful yearning
Tugs upon the day's curtains
Lights dim on mind's stage

Daylight wilts to dark
Lids descend over eye-buds
Sleep flowers in brain

Bright sky has darkened
Bed looks so tantalizing
Sleep beckons early

The best quotations
Are ones that you can recall
Even in your sleep

Sharp knife and splinters
Make somno-xyloglyphy
A bad idea

Ardent hat-lovers
Appreciate hatlessness
When it's time for sleep

It was good to end
My dalliance with late nights
And choose beauty sleep

A night of less sleep
Is as a pittance received
For day's wakeful hours

From day's wastebasket
Some events return to keep
Us from sleeping well

With pillows and sheets
In the cozy sleep kitchen
Let's whip up sweet dreams

Let not sleep be lost
To mutinous wakefulness
That strikes before dawn

Off to wonder at
Dream palaces' opulence
In my king-sized bed

I'd like to become
A virtuoso of sleep
Let me practice now

If the loss of sleep
Were physically painful
None would dismiss it

Often in our dreams
Unexpected countenance
Long unseen appears

Sipping hot coffee
And reading the newspaper
While quiet world sleeps

Find rest for the night
Under the sleep umbrella
Before next day's rains

Sleeplessness and stress
Are two terrible parents
Of unhealthy life

Some take advantage
Of free weekend afternoons
For some extra sleep

Sleep often suffers
Intrusion by minutiae
From the day gone by

Every night in sleep
We pose in darkened tableaux
Awaiting dawn's light

I love those rare nights
When I promptly fall asleep
On getting in bed

If only blather
Weren't most often annoying
It could help one sleep

Not giving up sleep
Is considered laziness
In common "wisdom"

Salience of sleep
To ones overall wellness
Is often ignored

We wake up recharged
By the miracle of sleep
Nature's free health aid

Some day I would love
Naps scattered throughout the day
A buffet of sleep

Beware distractions
With their subtle knavery
They may steal your sleep

Cool wind blowing in
Redolent of rainy nights
Of far away sleep

Overnight journey
Passenger in sleeper car
Rocked to sleep by train

Does springing forward
Bamboozle people's senses
Of sleep and wake times

Let day's dry rind fall
Bite into night's juiciness
Let sweet sleep flood you

Events in some dreams
Leave one feeling quizzical
Upon waking up

I don't remember
If I have laughed in my sleep
At a funny dream

Fall in bed tired
Wake up refreshed and buoyant
The sleep of good dreams

Don't let it keep you from sleep
With fraudulent fears

Under warm blanket
Shut eyes in peaceful darkness
Let sleep take over

Let's be punctual
To our appointments with bed
So we don't lose sleep

Luxury of sleep
In uxorial absence
The whole bed is mine

Primed by the day's thoughts
Perhaps some hypotheses
Will emerge in sleep

Temperature drops
Oblique rays of sunset fade
Eyes begin to close

The best nights are ones
When I sleep successfully
Without waking up

The hungry alarm
It is never satisfied
Till it eats your sleep 😴😁

Chinese gooseberry
Sweet supplement to dinner
Natural sleep aid

Nebulous question
Who took more sheets while sleeping?
Debbie claims I did

Need complete darkness
To best enjoy Sleepy Way
Rural locales best 😁

The nightly show where
Dreams play with reality
Entertains sleepers

When it's newly night
Foreigner must learn to sleep
In what was his day

Memorable times
Sleeping brain puts them in safe
To retrieve later

It would be so nice
To always be able to
Sleep straight through the night

Such comfort it is
To snore in soliloquy
On my king size bed

Despite discomfort
Maybe an earthenware bed
Would be cool for sleep

When we go to sleep
Lachrymal glands stay awake
Watching over eyes

Sublime is the sleep
That is uninterrupted
By demands of work

The magic of sleep
Gives futuristic transport
Into next morning

In quiet of night
Calming one's disquietude
Soothing balm of sleep

The fingers of sleep
Loosen the day's knottiness
Tangled threads slip free

The rhythm of breaths
Stillness of limbs, waves in brain
Harmony of sleep

I wish I had known
Good sleep in your youthful years
Keeps the rust away

Let's all retire
And get collateral sleep
By taking long naps

Many throw about
Jocular sleep shortage quips
The joke is on them

Sacrifice of sleep
Given to the god of work
To get ruined health

While falling asleep
Mind awakens wistful thoughts
Restless hours trudge by

It's time to reap
Sleep's bounteous benefits
And learn a language

Under dark's blanket
Breath steadies and limbs relax
Sleep immersion starts

Early this morning
After alarm stopped ringing
My sleep continued

I'll go to sleep brown,
Wake a person of color,
Euphemisms rock!

With hindsight I see
I should have been sleeping more
In my younger nights

Off I go to bed
Where generous sleep awaits
To refresh my brain 🧠

Sleep's overcoming
Tired man's every tissue
Gametic cells too 😴😴😴

Fluid and soothing
Sleep flows in to wash away
Phlegmy weariness

From the quiet depths
Of sleep's nautilus spirals
Nothing shell wake me

Spumescence of dreams
Bubbling through sleeping circuits
Refreshes worn brain

After a bass day
Time for falsetto snoring
Altogether beat

Be sanguine about
Mistakes in embroidery
Try sleeping them off

To preserve good sleep
Don't awaken sleeping dogs
They may bark all night

While other parts rest
Zymolysis continues
By third shift enzymes

The hour of shut eyes
When waves embroider the brain
Is now upon us

Now to go fulfill
The necessity of sleep
See you tomorrow

Despite pipeline leaks
Sanguine about seasickness
I drift on sleep waves

Brain will now ignore
Minor sounds funneled to it
By auriculae

Maybe late tonight
Sleeping brain will decipher
What the SACSman wants

Kentucky winter
Not a night to bivouac
Sleep itself would freeze

Lambent the phone's light
Soft, insistent alarm's tone
Nudge the man awake

Sleep and let the day
Fade into obsolescence
Wake to a new one

The best years of life
Of a centenarian:
The ones spent asleep

I sleep well at night
With bibliomania
Looming by my side

Since the sky has turned
An obsidian color
I'm going dormant

When my eyes open
Their gaze will shift to the next
Marked calendar block

Good sleep is needed
To do justice to one's health
Else we court illness

Closing eyelid drapes
Hide the twinkle of my eyes
Until the morning

Dreaming of the night
When refreshing sleep and rest
Are ubiquitous

Off I go to feast
At a delicious banquet
Served in soft darkness

In a dream rainbow
Colors arc across mind's sky
Without refraction

No need for any
Elaborate rituals
Lie down, fall asleep

A strong dose of sleep
Is nature's vaccination
For many ailments

Abundance of rest
Watching a bun dance in dreams
The pleasures of sleep

Obsequious brain
Yields to the darkness of night
Turns human sleepy

Cool and refreshing
Nightly new sleep popsicle
Flavored with dream juice

I feel kindredness
With the world's sleepy people
United we snore

Although difficult
Adherence to sleep schedule
Makes for better days

I hope to wake up
Unchanged in Kafkaesque ways
Unlike poor Gregor

Kentucky zephyrs
Come floating in my window
Whispering of sleep

To light your evenings
If you choose incandescence
Sleep won't be misLED

Sleep is medicine
Missing abbreviates life
Take your nightly dose

May the well of night
Be filled with refreshing sleep
Never xerotic

Loudness of the day
Yielding to quiet of night
Blissful surrender

We have reached the end
Of an uproarious day
Well-earned sleep awaits

Good night, Jupiter,
If I had a telescope,
I could see your moons

When you sleep on it
Every negotiation
Can be a dream one

Patience is needed
As we sleep another night
Without certainty

I have my ticket
For the journey to Morning
In the sleeper car

Climb onto your bed
Enter the dream carnival
Where rides last all night

My favorite thing
Quality sleep in my bed
Stranger to the world

Heavy eyelids say
Turn off all things luminous
Lie in soft darkness

Now the day is done
It's time to go underground
Till the alarm-quake

Sleep tutorial:
Lie down, turn off light, shut eyes
Put phone...oh, alarm!

Sometimes I use my
Bedward orientation
Other times, SleePS

The hue of pumpkins
Fades away from evening sky
Sleepy darkness falls

Waking to the smell
Of a fragrance alarm clock
Brewing fresh coffee

Adjacent eyelids
Top bottom top bottom top
Like sleepy neighbors

I hope tonight's sleep
Is not slender as toothpicks
But as stout as logs

Now I shall explore
The deep mysteries of sleep
With a night's sample

No need to fill forms
To become an immigrant
To the land of sleep

I am off to see
The beloved characters
Mattress and Pillow

Behind closed eyelids
The literature of dreams
Will compose itself

The phantom of sleep
Glides unseen to occupy
Brain bed for the night

The day's gambling done
Time to roll double shut eye
To win dream prizes

After, but not from
Analytical haikus
I am somnolent

I celebrate night
With a strong cup of snoozie
Drug of choice for brain

In my dreams it is
Possible to stay asleep
As long as I want

Brain on rest setting
No interference allowed
Until clock strikes five

Another day gone
Its moments chewed and become
Excrement of time

Time to exercise
Night's highest priorities
Leave behind day's shit

With courage I go
Into this nightly coma
Trusting I will wake

Nightly departure
From the wakefulness station
Boarding the bed train

Time to become a
Sleep study participant
Sample size of one

Time to imitate
The volleyball move "pancake"
Until the morning

Better decisions
Than the one to go to sleep
Exist but in dreams

What blend of events
Will be highlighted tonight
By my sleeping brain?

Time to start clicking
Photographs on the sleep film
With my lens caps on

Entrepreneurs burn
Some of that midnight oil
Punsters get the rest

Creatures of the east
Shut your eyes and rest your limbs
While your brain cleans up

It's healthcare o'clock
Off to take my nightly dose
Of medicine sleep

Warm in bed, I am
In my imagination
Asleep already

Unlike the sleepless
Who are liabilities
I'll be an azzzzzet

While I sleep tonight
Let memorial trimming
Erase his dumbate

Brain regions function
Nightly collegial effort
And put me to sleep

When the word arrives
I will be represented
By this emoji: 😴

I am ready for
The day's best experience
Until my alarm

Let me shut my eyes
And meditate till morning
To motivate thought.

It's time to answer
The biological call
From the land of 💤

Dear Tempurpedic,
I greatly appreciate
Your constant support.

I go to embrace
My fine nightly destiny
With my eyes closed tight

Maybe I'll dream-swim
In the Indian Ocean
To Madagascar

Turning off the lights
Shutting down attentiveness
Drifting off to sleep

Eyelid shutters fall
Sleep wheels begin to rotate
Brain's automation

I am off to type
63375 on
My calculator

In the night-time brain
Such sweet chocolate of sleep
Melts deliciously

Sleep is essential
For maintenance of good health
I'm off to get some

And now it's time for
Suspension of wakefulness
Until the morning

Melatonin's rise
Body temperature's fall
Make poet's eyes close

I am off to scale
Enchantment mountains of the
Dream variety

Sleep approaches
Consciousness will return soon
At the alarm's call

It is time to go
To bed and enrich my night
With sleep enchantment

Sunglasses are off
Let the light of my dreams shine
Unpolarized bright

Overcome by sleep
Brain slowing to glacier speed
I melt into bed

Off I go to sleep
Without taking aids made in
Any laboratory

Such sweet regression
Toward the reclining form
Fitting curves to bed

Resistance to sleep
Ends with turning out lamps of

It's time to descend
The mountain of wakefulness
To the sleep valley

Bedtime article
Of my constitution now
Compels me to bed

The kingdom of yawns
Becomes drooping royal head
Worn out from ckingfu

Monitoring ends
So dreams may start motoring
Through sleeping mind roads

My anklebones are
Unburdened until morning
Unless I sleepwalk

Slumber's adoption
Of my eyelids now has me
Dormitory bound

Good night, C-DOPS, the
Never unpopular sleep
Puts eyelids to bed