Pangram Haiku

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By Navin

Wrecked by endless hours
Some wash up on the far shore
As work life's flotsam

Where have you traveled,
In your xenomania?
Tchotchkes tell the tale.

Lifting others' worlds
With understanding muscles
In Empathy Gym

It's foreign to me
Perhaps that's why I love it

Through these life windows
Ephemeral joys and pains
Flit on daily wings

Precisely measured
And tailored words fit haiku
As clothes do bodies

Sweat pours equally
During all months of the year
At the equator

Pleasant history
Smiley face drawn on whitewash
Over dark bloodstains

All the world's a page
The words merely players in
Dramatic haiku

For lovers of books
Today's word is endearing
Binding us to joy

Only if you aren't
Reading it literally
Then it's different 😁

In job interviews
Many more are competent
Than are judged to be

Habits run our days
Volitional actions make
Guest appearances

Moments when sudden
Cachinnation takes over
Make fun memories

Bringing cheerlessness
At the click of a button
The semester ends

Diet of millions
Consuming bacteria
In every meal

No place unsullied
By the destructive effects
Of global warming

Immigration law
Creates decades-long backlog
For many people

One can utilize
YouTube for entertainment
And graduation!

End of semester
Ignominious failures
And roaring triumphs

Teachers are toolsmiths
The instruments they create
Shape the world at large

Nothing delights more
My adorable daughter
Than watching you laugh

Let's get together
For a walk of happiness
On the trail of life

Mountain of grading
Your sludgy terrain slows climb
To a languid crawl

The strength of coffee
Helping drinkers feel awake
With but a few sips

If you're a peasant
Don't let the zamindar's eye
Catch you doing well

Books are essential
For learning and enjoyment
Of worlds beyond ours

Exquisite haiku
Appear here every evening
Bringing poets joy

Rhythmic cookery
Percussion in the kitchen
Sizzling stir fry beats

Pangram haiku pause
Leaves poets yearning for verse
Now they feel better

Colorful and bright
A haiku about flowers
You can smell its words

Creeping down the face
Asimovs tantalizing
Chin with beard prospects

Some day we shall make
"We'll haiku on the beaches"
A famed quotation

I plan to resume
My xyloglyphy hobby
In retirement

On a sunny day
Hikers regret hatlessness
When trail's shade runs out

A shot to avoid
Dalliance with the virus
And stay in health's arms

Employers like best
Those employees who work more
Though paid a pittance

Discarded lessons
Fill history's wastebasket
Failing all of us

Aromas and words
Waft from the kitchen, bringing
Hunger and lessons

Mutinous minutes
Rebel against plans' commands
Set day's ship adrift

Why do people think
Someone raised in opulence
Understands their lives?

Talent is needed
To be a virtuoso
But not sufficient

Painful conditions
Be they of mind or body
Can cause great despair

A countenance seen
On a newspaper's pages
Someone misses you

"You take all the news
That the newspaper contains
There's none left for me"
These, your teasing words
Today they carry sadness
Their laughs are with you

Every now and then
We all need an umbrella
To shelter from storms

Easy for the young
To forget that their parents
Fumble as they do

Despite their having
Majority advantage
Some claim unfairness

Meetings are venues
To belabor minutiae
And hear one's own voice

The world's animals
Frozen in glass-framed tableaux
At Field Museum

Things not promptly done
Remain on the back burner
Until they're well burned

Let us require
Campaign haiku, not speeches
To prevent blather

Oh long departed
Days of easy laziness
When will you return?

Some refuse to see
The salience of science
In their daily lives

Technology's march
Things that are now commonplace
Were once miracles

Scattered attention
Makes all things come together
Slower than they should

Much knavery lurks
Beneath some honest veneers
Listen carefully

A tiny kitchen
Redolent with spicy smells
Wafts in memory

Driver is pleasant
Passenger seat is vacant
Want to come along?

Product descriptions
Often aim to bamboozle
Not inform readers

Solar energy
And water drawn from the ground
Yield sweet juiciness

Looking quizzical
Upon reading quiz questions
Is not a good sign

It's good to recall
The times we laughed together
Though they bring tears too

By this time next year
Maybe we'll be made buoyant
Needle by needle

Casting doubt's shadow
On shining accomplishments

Peaceful morning hours
Before everyone wakes up
Coffee and book time

Being punctual
Without health priorities
Brings an early end

A marriage of words
Uxorial, marital
Lexical love match

Many don't accept
Rational hypotheses
And cling to beliefs

Oblique reference
Divides those who understand
From those who do not

When at last I'd built
My card house successfully
Grandma blew it down 😢

Endless editing
It's hard to be satisfied
One more draft awaits

The night before last
I was berry satisfied
Eating Jon's haiku

Summer's sour treat
Green Indian gooseberry
Makes water taste sweet

Since Friday morning
Schedule has been nebulous
Must reset today

No summer classes
Maybe I'll get to complete
Things that I want to

Reality pot
Brewer of some bitter drinks
And of some sweet ones

Worn stairways, grooved paths
Where we step with practiced ease
Trip foreigners' feet

Many moments fade
Minor but memorable
Ones linger in mind

Why are we called 'straight'?
It seems to imply that they
Are somehow crooked

My haiku wonders
If to be or not to be
A soliloquy

Earthenware pot needs
No external energy
To keep water cool

The lachrymal glands
Keep the eyes lubricated
Make emotions run

When word tissues grow
And the story comes to life
The thoughts flow sublime

Once futuristic
Phone without dial or keys
Rarely used for calls

Limits and quotas
Cause untold disquietude
To immigrant minds

The fun of solving
And the problem's knottiness
Are in proportion

Chilly harmony
Unmarked snowflake piles gather
Hushing the night's sounds

Youthful shininess
Would make everything smoother
In one's rusty years

Pangram poets have
The collateral purpose
Of writing haikus

In difficult times
It's good to be jocular
And laugh some things off

Things we sacrifice
The weight of them is the lift
Under wings of dreams

Wistful the look back
At days spent sitting on rocks
Watching the goats play

Bounteous harvest
Sweet aroma-filled warm air
Blushing mango mounds

Poets take a dip
In deep pangram word fluid
Haiku immersion

Pause daily a while
Let the rush continue past
With its breathless minds

Euphemisms blunt
Edges of unpleasant words
For those saying them

Pain mitigation
Suddenly realizing
Bad companion's gone

Hindsight helped me see
The quarter of female deer
So did my four-sight

Committee members:
Generous portfolio
Brings DAYS of reading

Professor ponders:
What foul gametic merger
Birthed portfolios?

Portfolio moves
With phlegmy speed and thickness
Can't wait for the end

Art by secretion
Life function to nautilus
Beauty to humans

He plucks at our minds
Will great Neptune's spumescence
Wash Chump from this land?

Once this is turned in
Maybe I'll sing falsetto
And float my way home

A mistake or two
In a few hundred pages
May not be noticed 😏

Sleeping documents
Roused and driven to printer
For portfolio

Time zymolysis
By the portfolio beast
Delayed my haiku

Documenting work
To embroider my career
With a new title

Nice to hear again
A president speak just words
Of necessity

For all who have tried
To remain sanguine of late
Relief tomorrow

SACSman's brain is fried
Auriculae may be too
From promotion work

Google had trouble
When it tried to decipher
Tamil words tonight

Tired, I emerge
From promotion bivouac
For fresh haiku air

Lambent sunlight bathes
Striated Painted Wall Cliffs
Of the black canyon

Planned obsolescence
The art of making you buy
More of what you have

If you would like to
Be a centenarian
Live one percent years

I could overcome
My bibliomania
But why lose good things?

Obsidian folks
Do not take them for granite
Or they might erupt

Stalactite fingers
Touch visitors with beauty
In cool Mammoth Caves

The parade of days
Marches through the calendar
No stops on the route

What does justice mean?
Putting affairs in order
That should have been so?

On Monday evening
Amid the twinkle of stars
Two planets, one shine.

When there's work to do
Ubiquitous distractions
Make it take longer

Banquet of haikus
Served daily on our website
Enjoy at leisure

A rainbow of grades:
Will students like its colors?
Some might raise a hue.

It's a truism
To say that mugwumpism
Defeats tRumpism

Crimson Editor
Requires students to type
Code from their own minds

City connection
Fortuitous job email
Made a professor

When semesters end
Academics sigh relief
And await next term

Caught in the tight grip
Of zealous finals grading
I missed last night's fun

I wanted to write
An elaborate haiku
Too few syllables

Comfortable fools
Ignorant of history
Scorn vaccination

Leaves in abundance
Crunch underfoot on the trail
Fall in Kentucky

Obsequious ice
Acquiesces to slight heat
And turns aqueous

Ah, obsequious!
A word that does not behave
That way in haikus

Popsicle of life
You deliver much sweetness
While you melt away

Growing our circles
Of kindredness helps us all
Embrace other minds

Old habits possess
The fullness of adherence
Of a glue bottle

The world seeks escape
From its Kafkaesque prison
Some insects resist

Reaching from the west
Soft fingers of the zephyrs
Stroke the eastern lands

Ze weary old curs
Felt ze fingers of zephyrs
Run soft through ze furs

Life treads through the night
Lit by the incandescence
Of thin filaments

Artificial foods
Can abbreviate your life
Resist their sellers

The Earth bears tissues
Made xerotic by weather
Deserted by rain

Seeds sown for four years
Are now yielding bitter fruit
Eat them at leisure

Let us begin this
With uproarious applause
Then work quietly

Celestial beauty,
Planets, moons, stars, galaxies!
Through a telescope

Of the pangram challenges
Takes many guesses

It ain't an apt pet
Inept cat ate a paint can
Pat it in patience

Enjoy your journey
The miles pass by so quickly
Then the wheels go still

Racing off the page
Bradbury's carnival train
Whistles into minds

CDOPS on WhatsApp:
Home of quality haikus
And discussion fun

In the ocean's depths
Luminous fish talk to friends
In lucid language

Superheated rocks
Due to underground friction
Cause the earth to quake

Many citizens
Could use a tutorial
On citizenship

Poets who attend
Haiku orientation
Leave a little verse

Versatile pumpkins
Nourishment, entertainment
They excel at both

Fingers on keyboard
Filling curriculum forms
Fragrance of brain smoke

Stirring deeds of sides,
Opposite and adjacent:
A Tale of Tangents

Toothpick's misery
Called only to dislodge food
Never to eat it

Science can explain
All mysteries of the world
Yet in gods we rust

Immigrant brushes
Paint America's mural
In brilliant colors

Characters delight
And aggravate and sadden
Readers and writers

With a step or two
Upon literature's bridge
I can see your shore

The ones when I read
Stories of The Ghost Who Walks
Are now phantom days

Gambling without masks
Lost wages as well as lives
Death by lazy mind

Parsing haikus helps
Analytical poets
Find their elements

Let us celebrate
January twentieth
Writing harriskus

The poet dipped in
The well of possible verse
And drew some haiku

Interference makes
Light and dark patterns appear
In light and in life

Practicing a craft,
Some pieces bring excitement,
Some are excrement.

Day's priorities:
Walk, sleep, eat, teach, find pangram,
Craft haiku and share

When it comes to health
The courage to face problems
Counts less than foresight

When the moment comes
Can anyone be prepared
For their departure?

Exercise helps you
Be a strong participant
In life's marathon

Lovably like kids
MoDa went with their friend Tom
To play volleyball


Decision kitchen,
Where one cooks the dish of life
With no recipe.

Yesterday's haikus
Highlighted how developed
We are as poets

An old photograph
Of an unrecalled moment
And a hug still felt

Punsters' buzziness
Is to be entrepreneurs
Of the word market

Creatures that best fit
Their surroundings' mesh, pass through
Evolution's sieve

Please remain patient
Your healthcare will continue
As long as you live

I draw my haikus
From my imagination

Nation's balance sheet:
tRump-supporting asse(t)s are

Ink records poorly
My memorial for you
Unlike these teardrops

Faculty meetings
Hours of collegial talk
For minutes of work

In our haiku group
Debbie is represented
By today's puzzle

A nice evening
To experience my friends'
New fire pit and chill

Motivate students
To learn math and programming
In only eight weeks? 🤔

Life forms that are logical?
That excludes Chump fans.

Dear account balance,
I don't appreciate when
You lack interest.

Dear Tempurpedic,
I greatly appreciate
Your constant support.

River of choices
Wherever your flow takes me
Is destiny sea

Madagascar stayed;
Indian subcontinent
Left to join Asia

Writing a haiku
Requires attentiveness
And a pangram word

Earth's revolution
Celestial automation
By gravitation

School arithmetic:
Adding a calculator
Subtracts from learning

Choco-late person:
One who takes long to unwrap
A chocolate bar

Maintenance is good
Of vehicles and bodies
To prevent breakdowns

Standing suspension
Bridge hangs across the river's
Flowing suspension

Lake Superior
Sub-zero temperature
Sculpts icicle art

The glacier's water
Irrigates variety
Of bountiful crops

How will I use this
New day's gift of consciousness?
The daily question.

Come to Kentucky
Enjoy nature's enchantment
Emerald forests

Eyes shielded from sight
Release long-captive sorrows
Behind sunglasses

The River Ganga
Born of Gangotri glacier
Dying of people

I make my haikus
In my poem laboratory
Distilling verse words

After brief focus
Regression to digressions
Faculty meeting

When first exposed to
Electricity's power
Everyone was shocked

Relentless forces
Continental collision
Birth of a mountain

Citizens employ
Their strength of constitution
To repel the Chump

Sun-rusted wheat fields
Thirst to be irrigated
Thoughtless rain declines

Semester's end sky
Rains pleas to accommodate
Months-long homework drought

Ckingfu, the Kungfu
Of fucking monarchs too good
For lay martial arts

The lizard crept up
Monitoring the insect
To thwart lunch's flight

Into night's darkness
Artificial lighting brings
Sight and sleeplessness

By writing under
Anonymous, one could make
A name for oneself

Enlightening thoughts
Swift comets across mind sky
Lightening darkness

Lovers of wisdom
Decant philosophy drops
From the swill of thought

Winter sun-fingers
Brush Kashmir sapphire sky
Hopeful eyes open

Pendent cases clear
Dependently upon all
Parties agreeing

Ghoulish yellow men
Wear patriotic symbols
To claim false greatness

X-rays diffract through
Crystals and reveal clues to
DNA structure

The Bytecode Octet's
Songs were hard to interpret
I boycotted them

Forget bogeymen
They creep but in fictive nights
Exorcise the Chump

My neighbor's hum bled
Through the walls so fluidly
That it humbled mine

When I am humbled
My humility's more pure
Than that of others

Today I received
An induction to duction
When I rolled my eyes

It is hard to solve
Pangram puzzles when you have
An anklebone break

Flying color orbs
Splat on moving canvases
Paintball artistry

I will realize
My fanciful dreams someday
With just one windfall

Assembled apart
Lines fit together smoothly
Modular haiku

While potable flowed,
Galumph stumbled awkwardly,
And audibly popped.

Dreams of a windfall
An air-formed mountain of cash
Or hill of mangoes

Potable water
I walk miles for you daily
Some day you'll run here

To dormitory living
I practiced sleeping

Heavy, sluggish words
Galumph into my haikus
Blocking my triumph

Uninspired thoughts
Fill my mental encampment
Pre-coffee squatters

Words seek adoption
Eagerly hoping you will
Give them a good poem

I'm not foraging
Picking wild fruits and berries
Helps me remain young

Unpopular Paul
Not a man of the people
His fall leaves none cold

Don't eat this pangram
While it is calorific
It lacks nutrients