Pangram Haiku

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By Denise

Haiku floats adrift
Flotsam born from fractured views,

Shiny glass tchotchkes
Colorful dust collectors
Bring me smiles and cheer

Kinder, gentler world
Would blossom if empathy
Liberally applied

Internet browsing
Assists xenomania
In lieu of travel

Ephemeral thoughts
Sail into mind and drift off
Without anchoring

Colorful cotton
Nonrestrictive clothes a joy
Glamour not for me

Mount Chimborazo
Equator's highest mountain
Graces Ecuador

Ninety two percent
Of plastic not recycled
Marketing whitewash

Loved one with cancer
Dramatic circumstances
Bring fear of death, loss

Reading is sublime
Historical romances
A guilty pleasure

Often overlooked
Older, graying-haired worker
Is most competent

Lusty interlude
A volitional escape
From reality

Cachinnation heard
All the way from Kentucky
Guffaws of relief

Scouring cold wind
Oppressive overcast sky
Cheerlessness ensues

Microscopic life
Healthy gut bacteria
Help us to flourish

New life unsullied
Innocence and purity
Treasured and guarded

Entire life backlogged
Complements of rusty years
Slow body and mind

Dancing liberates
Expressive entertainment
Feelings given voice

Smokers defile air
Ignominious habit
Too bad death not fast

Life before toolsmiths
Teeth, fingernails, sticks, and stones
Love heat and AC

Babies and youngsters
Adorable beyond doubt
But mountain of work

Happiness happens
When I gaze upon content
Feline, family, friends

Dreams of languid days
Beckon me incessantly
To happier realm

It takes strength to ask
Would you please lend me a hand?
Both sides benefit!

Tenant cat Snowy
Walks all over zamindar
And friend Aruna

Delicious sunlight
Essential ingredient
Driving all of life

Pachamama gifts
Exquisite myriad life
Man obliterates

Bouncy rhythmic tunes
Take over my old body
Making me feel young

Yearning for peace, love,
Acceptance, end of sorrows
For each living soul

Delicate flowers
Intricate designs and hues
Parading for sex

Tantalizing thoughts
Better than reality
And repercussions

My fortune cookie
Quotation offers wisdom
Mistakes do likewise

Rosewood ganesha
Xyloglyphy impressive
Sadly, tree threatened

Hatlessness now chic
Bare head in grandparents' day
Like face without mask

Fun motivation
For learning foreign language
Friendly dalliance

Amount of fun time
Pittance compared to work time
Unhealthy balance

American mouth
Is the junk food wastebasket
For corporate crap

Love and heartbreak shared
Over coffee and cookies
At kitchen table

Mutinous body
Does not obey brain's commands
When nerves are fatigued

Churches' opulence
Antithetical to their
Purported dogma

Born or made or both?
Virtuoso is much loved
Though not understood

Human acts painful
Born of ignorance, malice
Enlightenment slow

Countenance hidden
Behind pixelated screen
Your clicks tell all, though

Newspaper tactile
Rustling pages, Inky smells
Soon to be obscure?

With a pleasing pop
Cheery umbrella opens
To kiss Spring raindrops

Young, clueless parents
Did their best to raise wild child
Love was the best tool

Change disgruntles me
But, haiku share time change brought
Friendship advantage

Self and friends delight
In the minutiae of things
Many overlook

Lifelike wax tableaux
Are disconcerting but fun
Artworks to behold

Addicted to speed
People want things instantly
Or, at least, promptly

Some are happy to promptly
Postpone until death

Blather bothersome!
Are nerves or deceit to blame?
A masking of self?

Laziness feels good
If there is no guilt attached,
Stressful otherwise

Vast background clutter
Acquired salience when friend
Said she would help sort

Miracle needed
To bring humans back from brink
Of death, destruction

Breeze-scattered garbage
Unhoused by birds and raccoons
Collects along fence

Women attracted
By knavery; pay a price
When it's aimed at them

I hope home is not
Redolent of cat urine
Box cleaned twice daily

Fierce motion sickness
Makes being a passenger

Pretty packages
Brightly colored and shiny
Bamboozle shoppers

Round, firm, heavy orange
Nature's healthy, quenching, sweet
Ball of juiciness

Some haiku perplex
Quizzical thoughts drift through brain
Fingers text question

I've laughed many times
When I have wanted to cry,
Then pushed myself on

Buoyant, fluffy clouds
Skimming gaily overhead
To sprinkle snowflakes

Fruit of labors ripe
Bounty feels unmerited

Cacophonous life
Peaceful moments elusive
Humans clamorous

I am late to wake
But punctual to a fault
For delicious meal

Solo life hectic
Uxorial help needed
Prefer bossy cat

Bad hypotheses
Celebrated annually
Posit at BAHfest!

Oblique language used
By people dodging the truth
Parents are not fooled

Five AM wake up
Successfully accomplished
If eyes droop by ten

I am satisfied
By a smile, a sunny day,
A piece of chocolate

Lowly gooseberry
Hero born of thorny bush
Aids in human health

Nebulous future
Allows for much surmising,
Dreaming, and planning

The day feels complete
When I'm in the recliner
With Snowy on lap.

One's reality
Malleable, input based
Thoughts, feelings, beliefs

Those from distant lands
Rudely called foreigners, are
Friends we have not met

Dry, dense, purple rind
Breached to savor sweet white lobes
Memorable joy

From days of high school
'Straight' was a forbidden word
'Forward' used instead

My soliloquy
Provides me good company
Informs my smart cat

Ancient child near fire
Fashions doll out of wet clay
First earthenware birthed?

Old, stern countenance
Softens and turns lachrymal
When family visits

Mix warm winter day
With freedom from work and chores
Sublime pleasure forms

Futuristic world
Electromagnetic based
Thank you to photons

Family disquietude
From rageaholic father
Impact is life long

Rampant bouncing thoughts
Tangle into knottiness
Trouble soon follows

Friends bring harmony
Calm, soothe, buffer life's stresses
Add dimension, joy

Youthful company
Exuberance ignites mood
Unlocks my old mind

Human expansion
Equals collateral death
And soon, our demise

Intense, heavy world
Jocular friend provides bridge
Into lighter realm

Reflection on past
Reveals mom's sacrifices
Boundless love bestowed

For what might have been
And for what I wish could be
I remain wistful

Bounteous plastic
Death sentence for life on earth
Mass destruction tool

Sleep time ritual
Immersion into warmed bed
And fluffy novel

'Keep on keeping on!'
I continue this refrain
Often voiced by mom

I'm circling the drain
Close to death euphemism
Tickles funny bone

Ingestion of food
For tension mitigation
Eats you up inside

Hindsight evokes pain
Illumination, learning,
Forgiveness, and love

Sometimes hindsight speaks
To the need to heed foresight
Listen to my gut!

I am thankful for
Those generous with kindness,
Patience, teaching, love

When buying my home
I envisioned peace and joy
Noise, work, part of deal

Paper and ink kills
Through illegibility,
Scribbled doctors' notes

Wondering mind asks
Did gametic act occur?
Happy news to share?

Heavy-smoking friend
Has horribly phlegmy cough
I fear her death's near

Deep sea living art
Jet propulsioned Nautilus
Fibonacci shell

Brain formed spumescence
At the frothy pangram word
Wind blew it away

Male falsetto voice
A unique aural pleasure
When expressed in song

Too many to count
Mistakes made regularly
Learning is NOT fun!

Peaceful, sleeping cat
Hears and smells as though awake
Responds instantly

Fungal catalyst
Yeast performs zymolysis
Yields many compounds

Pleasure, pain, sorrow
Embroider seasons of life
With textures, colors

Necessity gives
Life; wants give temporary
Pleasure and soothing

Unexpected gift
Takes over my little brain
Yields sanguine feeling

Cat auriculae
Thirty two muscles apiece
Hear better than dogs

My brain deciphered
The trick that was being played
Shroom gift made me cook

Beloved Pinnacles
Unexpected bivouac

Our Pachamama
Heart lambent from humankind
Ignorance and greed

Six decades of life
Obsolescence setting in
Time for retirement

Strong great-grandmother
Centenarian plus three
Sicilian descent

Library ebooks
No bibliomania
Clutter averted

Black volcanic glass
Fractures to single atom
Obsidian rocks!

Perseverant drips
Create hidden solute art
Spikes of stalactites

Births, deaths, and events,
Our reasons for remembrance
Logged in calendar

Justice a fiction?
Like the dream of perfection?
Something we strive for?

Dark days of winter
Brightened by twinkle of stars
On Brisbane houses

PCBs deadly
Ubiquitous throughout world
In air, water, soil

Dear library card
You are my golden ticket
To finest banquet

A smile lights my face
When a rainbow visits me
Troubles float away

Now is perfect time
For mugwumpism action
Shed vile, corrupt skin

Crimson marks passage
From girlhood to young lady
Cycle follows moon

San Francisco is
A fortuitous birthplace
For open-minded

Dynamic teacher
Inspires and motivates class
Dream academics

Winter's cold embrace
Quiets my zealous cravings
For ice cream delights

Glorious planet
Elaborate life abounds

People missing friends
Eager for vaccination
To resume hobbies

Strong, constant yearning
For an abundance of time,
Energy, and rest

Lying sacks of poop
Are obsequious assholes
Just like pres-reject

Winter's cold kiss comes
From furry popsicle cat
With cold paws on lap

Children worlds apart
Grow up, travel, and make friends
Enjoy kindredness

Values, laws, mores,
Add safety, ease, and burdens
Adherence helpful

Tumbling through trauma
Kafkaesque fiction now fact
In twenty twenty

Soft warm sand cradles,
Zephyrs caress unclothed skin,
Tranquil mind floats free

An incandescence
Emanated from her eyes
When a thought took hold

Early night's slumber
To not abbreviate sleep
Avoid hellish day

Caused xerotic eyes and mouth
Mis-dubbed as Sjogren's

Women shouting NO!
No longer yielding power!
Women will now lead!

Wait...what? How?!! What the...!!!
Uproarious shouts arise
Pangram word hijacked!

Crisp view of craters
Moon picture through telescope
Resolves some details

What to do and when?
Negotiation helpful
Even with oneself

Difficult kindness
Patience with others and self
Best for all concerned

Please! Let us exit!
Four year journey inside HELL
Sanity! Prevail!

Lively, fit dancers
Captivate carnival crowd
Inject color, cheer

My favorite thing
Quality time with others
Family, friends, strangers

A luminous moon
Reflects sun's light through clear sky
This Halloween night

Underground alive
Animals, insects, fungi,
Roots, tubers, water

Learned through subterfuge
Tutorial not offered
Father shunned children

Under obscured sky
Orientation tricky
Landmarks integral

Fond fall memory
Searching through field of pumpkins
Enchanted by all

Delightful fragrance
From Clitocybe mushroom
Earl Grey tea odor

Three story building
Adjacent to little house
Casts a dreary pall

Restaurant staple
Toothpick after dining out
Helpful little tool

Mysteries of cats
Cause my mind to create tales
Accounting for acts

My native status
From immigrant Sicilian,
Russian, Irish folks

Soap operas silly
Over the top characters
Bring relaxing fun

I take voyages
Through literature portals
See many lands, lives

Phantom sounds startle
Snowy and I go inspect
Visitor unseen

All types of gambling
Money, health, happiness, life
Are risky business

T-rump voter sheep
Lack analytical brains
Swallow bozo's shit

Scorned by teenage me
Bedtime is now a reason
To celebrate zees

Things beyond knowledge
Things beyond understanding
May be possible

Cars driving by house
Cause TV interference
Disrupt resting brain

Fewer people would
Talk shit if they had to use
The word excrement

In this 'modern' age
Priorities essential
I can't do it all

Living takes courage
Especially when aging
Hats off to old folks!

Sad to say goodbye?
Oh hell no! Your departure...
Best for entire world!

Fall's fruiting fancies
A participant pleasure
Fungal foray fun

Volleyball looks fun
I would enjoy trying it
In summertime sun

Buying my own home
A frightening decision
One I don't regret

My tightening clothes
Highlighted my big belly
Born from Covid stress

A shared photograph
Transports me through time and place
Bringing tears of joy

Punster Navin taunts
With humorous intention
Waving cape of words.

Colorful, shapely
Sea creatures in ocean realm
Exquisite delights

Healthcare expense high
Good friends, food, sleep, and sunshine
Keep copays at bay

Books take me places
Without travel or expense

May germinate ideas
That grow into fact

Tragically long list
Liabilities blight U.S.
Lunatic at helm

Passage into death,
Memorial observance,
Dance and smile for me!

Group work a pain, but
Collegial efforts yield

Spring's tiny seedlings
Represented summer's fruit
Fall's harvest delights

Through my life's seasons
Experience has taught me
White-haired folk are wise

Little bell from phone
Does motivate me to act
Brain needs little bell

Beloved friends and pets
Like biological kin
Are family and more

I appreciate
Life, family, friends, food, purring,
Love, kindness, patience

Species' extinctions
Destiny known by ancients?
Can we change our course?

Exquisite wildlife
Abounds in Madagascar
Please do not visit

Deadliest creature
Present in Madagascar
Female mosquito

Keen attentiveness
Bequeathed Aruna with skills
Inga's food wisdom

Machine convenience
Automation serves people
We serve the machine

Kind calculator
A 1960 model
Tallies and emotes!

Bitter cacao seeds
Yield luscious chocolate treasures
Divine oral bliss

Throughout all seasons
Maintenance is essential
Dear friends provide help

Mother's voice, post death
Caused suspension of my grief
She's still in my life!

A warm bath soothes me
Its temperature, I know not
I happily soak

Earth's variety
Shapes, colors, textures, tastes, smells
Infinite pleasure

Man's variety
Plastics, chemicals, noise, stench
Infinite assaults

Sixty years of life
My consciousness evolving
Mind altered daily

I woke up this morn
Not gaining full consciousness
Slept walked through my day

Special furry friends
Cat and skunk visit nightly
Backyard enchantment

Darkened, ash-filled skies
Negate need for sunglasses
Goggles now in vogue

Intrigue, beauty, taste
Amazed and delighted me
Dynamic glacier

With microscope and mushrooms
My quiet refuge

Fierce September heat
Sparks a mental regression
Thoughts puddle in brain

Triumph and trouble
Electricity drives lives
Joy and destruction

Nurturing mountain
Wrought by tectonic forces
Haven for creatures

Sustain mother earth
Amend the constitution
Add Twenty eighth please!

Autumn years approach
Irrigated by visions
Of freedom from work

I opened my heart
To accommodate Snowy
Love and joy blossomed

Fucking; fun to say,
Grammatically versatile
And good for one's health

Your marvelous brain
Constantly monitoring
Your body's functions

Huge help and horror
Artificial everything
Plastic age sows death

A kind, thoughtful act
From an anonymous soul
Warms like the sun's rays

A rare summer storm
Assails landscape with lightening
Fires erupt far and wide

Philosophy lives
Amorphously in one's mind
Carved by life's tumults

Tranquil sapphire sky
Hushes frenetic humans
Draws them into night

'I want more money!'
Chump blubbered, dependently
Tied to his rich dad.

Vocal vehemence
Reveals strong patriotic
Love of my country

Ghoulish yellow sky
Apocalyptic, some say
Ash diffracts sun's waves

Whales boycotted men
Their cacophonous assault
Aural misery

The worst boogeymen
That I ever encountered
Lurked within my mind.

When feeling humbled
Revelations are exposed
I take a good look

Without realizing
An induction has occurred
Pangram fever starts

Dancing joyously,
Beneath summer's starry sky,
Anklebone power!

Paint balls shot at friends
A craze popular with youth
Better than YouTube?

Fanciful dreams birthed
Amazing delightful forms
Nature's gifts bring joy

Modular flowers
Bloom with fun pangram delights
Haiku fruit sprout forth

A mermaid mom sang
Audibly to her child, a
Bubbly lullaby

It wasn't money
It wasn't fruit, my windfall
Was meeting you all!

I raise my root beer
A fine potable, to cheer
Biden and Harris

Palatable treats
Dress the harvest tabletop
With comfort and joy

When sleep settles in
Dreams escape dormitory
Flying free at night

A Plumphag gal laugh
Plum palm hug lug glam maul haul?
A lump, a hump, gah!

This earth we call home
From birth 'til death do us part
My life's encampment

Opening of heart
Brings love, learning, joy, and calm
Adoption's rewards

Foraging slowly
Reveals Fall's fungal bounty
Secret forest friends

Unpopular me
Quiet phone and quiet home
I live peacefully

Ice cream's terrific
Summer's best calorific
Spoons down, just lick it!