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2021-06-26 FLOTSAM

Haiku floats adrift
Flotsam born from fractured views,
Elder divorcees
Are haunted by the flotsam
Of their failed marriage
Wrecked by endless hours
Some wash up on the far shore
As work life's flotsam

2021-06-23 TCHOTCHKES

Elder orphans with
Lots of tchotchkes precious to them
Make work for strangers
Shiny glass tchotchkes
Colorful dust collectors
Bring me smiles and cheer
Cute little trinkets
Each has a story to tell
My precious tchotchkes
Where have you traveled,
In your xenomania?
Tchotchkes tell the tale.

2021-06-19 EMPATHY

Empathy is hard
For most people, listening
To respond, not hear
Kinder, gentler world
Would blossom if empathy
Liberally applied
True empathy is
To understand and accept
Other people's limits.
Lifting others' worlds
With understanding muscles
In Empathy Gym

2021-06-16 XENOMANIA

Leads to printing Ganesha
On toilet covers 😳
Internet browsing
Assists xenomania
In lieu of travel
Local is boring.
Imported is exotic.
It's foreign to me
Perhaps that's why I love it

2021-06-12 EPHEMERAL

Ephemeral art
On Palo Alto sidewalk
Lovely stroll with friend
Ephemeral thoughts
Sail into mind and drift off
Without anchoring
Earthly pleasures fade
Everything's ephemeral
Enjoy while you can.
Through these life windows
Ephemeral joys and pains
Flit on daily wings

2021-06-09 CLOTHES

Shopping for new clothes
Traumatic experience
For overweight child
Colorful cotton
Nonrestrictive clothes a joy
Glamour not for me
Why do we wear clothes?
Comfort, beauty, protection.
Nudists disagree.
Precisely measured
And tailored words fit haiku
As clothes do bodies

2021-06-05 EQUATOR

Republic of the
Equator, Ecuador has
Lovely rainforests
Mount Chimborazo
Equator's highest mountain
Graces Ecuador
At the equator
You move at maximum speed
And weigh a whit less.
Sweat pours equally
During all months of the year
At the equator

2021-06-02 WHITEWASH

Whitewashed houses
With their blue shuttered windows
Charming Greek island
Ninety two percent
Of plastic not recycled
Marketing whitewash
Don't whitewash the truth
Leave all the warts, the smudges,
The beautiful flaws.
Pleasant history
Smiley face drawn on whitewash
Over dark bloodstains

2021-05-29 DRAMATIC

The rockies form a
Dramatic backdrop to the
City of Ouray
Loved one with cancer
Dramatic circumstances
Bring fear of death, loss
Life can be boring
It's not always dramatic
Boring is okay.
All the world's a page
The words merely players in
Dramatic haiku

2021-05-15 READING

Reading technical
Documents is surely a
Cure for sleeplessness
Reading is sublime
Historical romances
A guilty pleasure
Learning by reading
Is the important key skill
Of autodidacts.
For lovers of books
Today's word is endearing
Binding us to joy

Only if you aren't
Reading it literally
Then it's different 😁

2021-05-14 COMPETENT

Weeding out older
Competent folks: today's job
Interview process
Often overlooked
Older, graying-haired worker
Is most competent
Hiring managers:
The best question to ask is ...
Are you competent?
In job interviews
Many more are competent
Than are judged to be

2021-05-13 VOLITIONAL

Some of our actions
Can be coping mechanisms
Not volitional
Lusty interlude
A volitional escape
From reality
Life can be tricky
Volitional acts are rare
Habits run our days
Volitional actions make
Guest appearances


Comedians love
Performing for audience
Cachinnation thrills
Cachinnation heard
All the way from Kentucky
Guffaws of relief
The cachinnation
Reverberated throughout
The comedy club.
Moments when sudden
Cachinnation takes over
Make fun memories


Cheerlessness of the
Death Valley landscape does not
Deter visitors
Scouring cold wind
Oppressive overcast sky
Cheerlessness ensues
If you are feeling
Episodes of cheerlessness
Take time for more fun.
Bringing cheerlessness
At the click of a button
The semester ends

2021-05-10 BACTERIA

Bacteria are
Everywhere, even on skin
Glad we can't see them
Microscopic life
Healthy gut bacteria
Help us to flourish
Bacteria's task
Undertaker for nature
Decompose the dead
Diet of millions
Consuming bacteria
In every meal

2021-05-09 UNSULLIED

Not many rivers
Remain wild and unsullied
By humans' effects
New life unsullied
Innocence and purity
Treasured and guarded
No Republican
Is unsullied by Trump's stench
All have been defiled.
No place unsullied
By the destructive effects
Of global warming

2021-05-08 BACKLOG

Tackling the backlog
At home is difficult after
A long, hard day at work
Entire life backlogged
Complements of rusty years
Slow body and mind
When there's a backlog
Of paperwork and duties
I get overwhelmed
Immigration law
Creates decades-long backlog
For many people


People ignore kids
For endless entertainment
Found on their devices
Dancing liberates
Expressive entertainment
Feelings given voice
With The Web we have
No lack of entertainment.
Always distracted.
One can utilize
YouTube for entertainment
And graduation!

2021-05-06 IGNOMINIOUS

Once a champion
Andre's ignominious
Defeat in third round
Ended his career
Smokers defile air
Ignominious habit
Too bad death not fast
A new word: Trumpish
It means narcissistic and
End of semester
Ignominious failures
And roaring triumphs

2021-05-05 TOOLSMITH

Such a pleasure to
Observe toolsmiths hone their craft
To create beauty
Life before toolsmiths
Teeth, fingernails, sticks, and stones
Love heat and AC
Artisan toolsmiths
Are delighted when their tools
Are used in new ways.
Teachers are toolsmiths
The instruments they create
Shape the world at large

2021-05-04 ADORABLE

Fond memories of
Caring for adorable,
Cute baby brother
Babies and youngsters
Adorable beyond doubt
But mountain of work
Kids are innocent.
Adorable even when
Throwing a tantrum.
Nothing delights more
My adorable daughter
Than watching you laugh

2021-05-03 HAPPINESS

Chasing happiness
Or approval is futile
Find it in yourself
Happiness happens
When I gaze upon content
Feline, family, friends
Pursue happiness
Strive for a calm peaceful mind
A lifelong effort
There's no guarantee
Let's get together
For a walk of happiness
On the trail of life

2021-05-02 LANGUID

Nostalgia for
Languid summer days, staying
Home reading, playing
Dreams of languid days
Beckon me incessantly
To happier realm
A languid feeling
Is not helped by liquid bread.
Beer puts me to sleep.
Mountain of grading
Your sludgy terrain slows climb
To a languid crawl

2021-05-01 STRENGTH

Majestic redwoods
Create strength to withstand winds
With their root system
It takes strength to ask
Would you please lend me a hand?
Both sides benefit!
Strengths and weaknesses
Two sides of a single coin
Patience impatience
The strength of coffee
Helping drinkers feel awake
With but a few sips

2021-04-30 ZAMINDAR

Imagine having
To work the zamindar's land
For a mere pittance
Tenant cat Snowy
Walks all over zamindar
And friend Aruna
Real estate tycoon
California Zamindar
I yam what I yam.
If you're a peasant
Don't let the zamindar's eye
Catch you doing well

2021-04-29 ESSENTIAL

During covid times
People re-evaluate
What is essential
Delicious sunlight
Essential ingredient
Driving all of life
Essential workers
Have served us valiantly.
Pandemic heroes.
Books are essential
For learning and enjoyment
Of worlds beyond ours

2021-04-28 EXQUISITE

Peru rain forest
Exquisite toucans, macaws
Vacation too short
Pachamama gifts
Exquisite myriad life
Man obliterates
It is exquisite,
Rather extraordinary,
And quite excellent.
Exquisite haiku
Appear here every evening
Bringing poets joy

2021-04-27 RHYTHMIC

Rhythmic shouting with
Stamping feet celebrate life
The Maori dance
Bouncy rhythmic tunes
Take over my old body
Making me feel young
Ludwig 59-1
Allegretto vivace
Rhythmic obsession
Rhythmic cookery
Percussion in the kitchen
Sizzling stir fry beats

2021-04-26 YEARNING

Going a long time
Without Jon's cookies triggers
A yearning for them 😊
Yearning for peace, love,
Acceptance, end of sorrows
For each living soul
Yearnings are many
The few I choose to make real
Reveal who I am.
Pangram haiku pause
Leaves poets yearning for verse
Now they feel better

2021-04-11 FLOWERS

Early morning walk
Dewdrops glinting on flowers
Soothing to senses
Delicate flowers
Intricate designs and hues
Parading for sex
Flowers have evolved
As Nature's way of saying
'I'm here! Look at me!'
Colorful and bright
A haiku about flowers
You can smell its words

2021-04-10 TANTALIZING

Vegan cruise offered
Tantalizing desserts at
End of every meal
Tantalizing thoughts
Better than reality
And repercussions
With warmer weather
Tantalizing young women
Bare more of their skin.

With warmer weather
Some women wear fewer clothes
Simply to stay cool.
Creeping down the face
Asimovs tantalizing
Chin with beard prospects

2021-04-09 QUOTATION

A quotation is
Handy to have, to save one
From having to think
My fortune cookie
Quotation offers wisdom
Mistakes do likewise
'I hate quotations.'
Said Ralph Waldo Emerson
'Tell me what you know.'
Some day we shall make
"We'll haiku on the beaches"
A famed quotation

2021-04-08 XYLOGLYPHY

Observed wonderful
Driftwood xyloglyphy in
Small town near Auckland
Rosewood ganesha
Xyloglyphy impressive
Sadly, tree threatened
Xyloglyphy is
Carving your dear sweetie's name
In an oak tree trunk.
I plan to resume
My xyloglyphy hobby
In retirement

2021-04-07 HATLESSNESS

Is hatlessness a
Handicap for a golfer?
Wind likely more so
Hatlessness now chic
Bare head in grandparents' day
Like face without mask
Today's hatlessness
Is unphysiologic
Put bonnet on it.
On a sunny day
Hikers regret hatlessness
When trail's shade runs out

2021-04-06 DALLIANCE

My dalliance with
Subjects of Zoology,
Botany not fun
Fun motivation
For learning foreign language
Friendly dalliance
A brief dalliance
Nourished a sweet fantasy
Was fruitless, of course.
A shot to avoid
Dalliance with the virus
And stay in health's arms

2021-04-05 PITTANCE

Graduate students
Paid pittance for teaching the
Amount of fun time
Pittance compared to work time
Unhealthy balance
Their work was top notch
Their small fee seemed a pittance.
I added extra.
Employers like best
Those employees who work more
Though paid a pittance

2021-04-04 WASTEBASKET

Fewer items land
In wastebasket when food scraps
Go in compost bin
American mouth
Is the junk food wastebasket
For corporate crap
Without wastebaskets
The detritus of our lives
Would grow without bound.
Discarded lessons
Fill history's wastebasket
Failing all of us

2021-04-03 KITCHEN

Fond memories of
Delectable meals served in
Kalpathy kitchen
Love and heartbreak shared
Over coffee and cookies
At kitchen table
A neat clean kitchen
Beckons the creative cook
Yummy will happen
Aromas and words
Waft from the kitchen, bringing
Hunger and lessons

2021-04-02 MUTINOUS

Mutinous classmate
Eloped with eighth grade boyfriend
Trouble for sister
Mutinous body
Does not obey brain's commands
When nerves are fatigued
The job really sucked.
Feeling rather mutinous
I just up and quit.
Mutinous minutes
Rebel against plans' commands
Set day's ship adrift

2021-04-01 OPULENCE

Love farmers' markets'
Opulence of seasonal
Fresh fruits and veggies
Churches' opulence
Antithetical to their
Purported dogma
Some seek opulence
As if they are queens and kings.
I choose simple things.
Why do people think
Someone raised in opulence
Understands their lives?

2021-03-31 VIRTUOSO

Waiting post vaccine
Yo-yo Ma, the virtuoso
Serenaded staff
Born or made or both?
Virtuoso is much loved
Though not understood
A virtuoso
Achieves mastery with ease
And a cheerful joy
Talent is needed
To be a virtuoso
But not sufficient

2021-03-30 PAINFUL

Painful memories
Of dreams come true, yet hostile
Parents robbed our peace
Human acts painful
Born of ignorance, malice
Enlightenment slow
Attachments can be
Difficult and painful yet
Pain helps us let go
Painful conditions
Be they of mind or body
Can cause great despair

2021-03-29 COUNTENANCE

His countenance quite
Stern: "You're not doing enough
For the family."
So many tears shed
Countenance hidden
Behind pixelated screen
Your clicks tell all, though
Her countenance charmed
Her sharp intellect intrigued
Her figure seduced
A countenance seen
On a newspaper's pages
Someone misses you

2021-03-28 NEWSPAPER

Better to get news
From newspapers than TV
Which favors ratings
Newspaper tactile
Rustling pages, Inky smells
Soon to be obscure?
Newspapers today
Are mostly read on our phones
Less to recycle
"You take all the news
That the newspaper contains
There's none left for me"
These, your teasing words
Today they carry sadness
Their laughs are with you

2021-03-27 UMBRELLA

Trip to Hawaii
Lunch under sun umbrella
Lovely ocean views
With a pleasing pop
Cheery umbrella opens
To kiss Spring raindrops
Umbrellas for rain
Paraguas en Español
But rain is my friend!
Every now and then
We all need an umbrella
To shelter from storms

2021-03-26 PARENTS

Parents must teach their
Kids body autonomy
At an early age
Young, clueless parents
Did their best to raise wild child
Love was the best tool
Becoming parents
Changes many things

Some parents model
Behavior that is not wise

Conceiving children
Is more fun than raising them
Parents will agree
Easy for the young
To forget that their parents
Fumble as they do

2021-03-25 ADVANTAGE

Take advantage of
Clear and cool early morning
For a pleasant hike
Change disgruntles me
But, haiku share time change brought
Friendship advantage
Being white and male
Gives me a real advantage.
I try to share it.
Despite their having
Majority advantage
Some claim unfairness

2021-03-24 MINUTIAE

Minutiae of
Daily life didn't hamper
Katherine Johnson
Self and friends delight
In the minutiae of things
Many overlook
Mushroom minutiae
Medusoid mycelium
Wasabi will help.
Meetings are venues
To belabor minutiae
And hear one's own voice

2021-03-23 TABLEAUX

The exhibition
Showcased cultural tableaux
From the world over
Lifelike wax tableaux
Are disconcerting but fun
Artworks to behold
The tableaux of Chess
Pawns, Rooks, Knights, Bishops, Queen, King.
Ready for action.
The world's animals
Frozen in glass-framed tableaux
At Field Museum

2021-03-22 PROMPTLY

An ex friend claimed that
Arriving promptly is not
Very important
Addicted to speed
People want things instantly
Or, at least, promptly

Some are happy to promptly
Postpone until death
Doing things promptly
Is a way to clear your mind
Otherwise ... trouble.
Things not promptly done
Remain on the back burner
Until they're well burned

2021-03-21 BLATHER

It is tedious
To sit through pre-game blather
Before the match starts
Blather bothersome!
Are nerves or deceit to blame?
A masking of self?
He blathered Big Lies
That incited a riot
Bring on the lawsuits!
Let us require
Campaign haiku, not speeches
To prevent blather

2021-03-20 LAZINESS

Laziness is blamed
For obesity issues
By Big Foods while creating
Addictive snack foods
Laziness feels good
If there is no guilt attached,
Stressful otherwise
Laziness can be
A virtue if it leads you
To efficiency.
Oh long departed
Days of easy laziness
When will you return?

2021-03-19 SALIENCE

Cable TV has
Diminished the salience
Of the local press
Vast background clutter
Acquired salience when friend
Said she would help sort
As I grow older
The salience of cheap thrills
Gradually wanes.
Some refuse to see
The salience of science
In their daily lives

2021-03-18 MIRACLE

Miracle cure sought
To reverse aging process
The search continues
Miracle needed
To bring humans back from brink
Of death, destruction
Expect miracles
But be pragmatic and plan
Life can be tricky.
Technology's march
Things that are now commonplace
Were once miracles

2021-03-17 SCATTERED

Lovely sunny day
With scattered clouds is perfect
For hiking the trails
Breeze-scattered garbage
Unhoused by birds and raccoons
Collects along fence
My room is scattered
With random papers and books
Like thoughts in my mind.
Scattered attention
Makes all things come together
Slower than they should

2021-03-16 KNAVERY

Kids being quiet?
Some knavery going on
Better check on them
Women attracted
By knavery; pay a price
When it's aimed at them
Bringing one's own book
To dump at a used book sale.
Playful knavery.
Much knavery lurks
Beneath some honest veneers
Listen carefully

2021-03-15 REDOLENT

The mountain air in
Boulder was redolent with
Scent of pine needles
I hope home is not
Redolent of cat urine
Box cleaned twice daily
Friendly nice motel
Redolent of curry spice
Indian owner
A tiny kitchen
Redolent with spicy smells
Wafts in memory

2021-03-14 PASSENGER

First time passenger
On plane Bombay to US
Almost a whole day
Fierce motion sickness
Makes being a passenger
When I'm the driver
I listen to passengers
So please do speak up.
Driver is pleasant
Passenger seat is vacant
Want to come along?

2021-03-13 BAMBOOZLE

Online dating sites
Where vulnerable people
Get bamboozled by cheats
Pretty packages
Brightly colored and shiny
Bamboozle shoppers
They seemed really nice
I was fragile and confused
Bamboozled I was.
Product descriptions
Often aim to bamboozle
Not inform readers

2021-03-12 JUICINESS

Badami mangoes
Aruna loves juiciness
Messy but great fun
Round, firm, heavy orange
Nature's healthy, quenching, sweet
Ball of juiciness
Tasty juiciness
Creamy yummy lusciousness
Nature's gift to us
Solar energy
And water drawn from the ground
Yield sweet juiciness

2021-03-11 QUIZZICAL

Math teacher noticed
Quizzical expressions on
Faces of most kids
Some haiku perplex
Quizzical thoughts drift through brain
Fingers text question
I shared my passion
And got some quizzical looks.
It's still way way cool.
Looking quizzical
Upon reading quiz questions
Is not a good sign

2021-03-10 LAUGHED

Laughed till my eyes teared
Hearing stand up comedy
At the festival
I've laughed many times
When I have wanted to cry,
Then pushed myself on
Intense events caused
Mixed confusing emotions.
I laughed and I cried.
It's good to recall
The times we laughed together
Though they bring tears too

2021-03-09 BUOYANT

Spontaneous trip
Buoyant and happy drive to
Snowshoe for first time
Buoyant, fluffy clouds
Skimming gaily overhead
To sprinkle snowflakes
I'm at Walden Pond
Buoyantly swimming naked.
Thoreau would approve.
By this time next year
Maybe we'll be made buoyant
Needle by needle

2021-03-08 IMPOSTORISM

Seems common among women
In STEM field of work
Fruit of labors ripe
Bounty feels unmerited
Is a 5 syllable word
Tricky for haiku.

I'm rather famous.
I really don't deserve it.
Casting doubt's shadow
On shining accomplishments

2021-03-07 PEACEFUL

Peaceful, snowy park
Great place to watch meteors
But oh so chilly
Cacophonous life
Peaceful moments elusive
Humans clamorous
Avoiding all news
For a week or two creates
A more peaceful life
Peaceful morning hours
Before everyone wakes up
Coffee and book time

2021-03-06 PUNCTUAL

Punctual transit
Novelty for immigrants
Used to late buses
I am late to wake
But punctual to a fault
For delicious meal
Being punctual
Is not simply a virtue.
It is respectful.
Being punctual
Without health priorities
Brings an early end

2021-03-05 UXORIAL

Catholic school was
Training for uxorial
Role, not for career
Solo life hectic
Uxorial help needed
Prefer bossy cat
Women in my life
Have not been uxorial.
I never sought such.
A marriage of words
Uxorial, marital
Lexical love match

2021-03-04 HYPOTHESES

Math world has many
Unsolved hypotheses that
Attract bright people
Bad hypotheses
Celebrated annually
Posit at BAHfest!
Hypotheses are
Educated guesses that
Are not yet proven.
Many don't accept
Rational hypotheses
And cling to beliefs

2021-03-03 OBLIQUE

The oblique rays of
The morning sun make dew drops
Shine like diamonds
Oblique language used
By people dodging the truth
Parents are not fooled
Each season unique
Spring, summer, fall, and winter
Earth's oblique axis
Oblique reference
Divides those who understand
From those who do not


Immigrants need help
To successfully manage
Life in new country
Five AM wake up
Successfully accomplished
If eyes droop by ten
Good enough haiku
Successfully submitted
On to the next word
When at last I'd built
My card house successfully
Grandma blew it down 😢

2021-03-01 SATISFIED

On a strict diet
Appetite not satisfied
And cravings increase
I am satisfied
By a smile, a sunny day,
A piece of chocolate
Thirst keeps returning
Never fully satisfied
Must keep hydrating
Endless editing
It's hard to be satisfied
One more draft awaits

The night before last
I was berry satisfied
Eating Jon's haiku

2021-02-28 GOOSEBERRY

Eat large gooseberry
Tart and sweet, use the small ones
For making pickles
Lowly gooseberry
Hero born of thorny bush
Aids in human health
Blåbær, blueberry,
Multebær, gooseberry, and
Jordbær, strawberry
Summer's sour treat
Green Indian gooseberry
Makes water taste sweet

2021-02-27 NEBULOUS

Subconscious stirs up
Dreams with nebulous meaning
Wish they were more clear
Nebulous future
Allows for much surmising,
Dreaming, and planning
Technical syntax
Exact and lucid to some but
Nebulous to most.
Since Friday morning
Schedule has been nebulous
Must reset today

2021-02-26 COMPLETE

Need complete darkness
To view Milky Way's splendor
Rural locales best
The day feels complete
When I'm in the recliner
With Snowy on lap.
At the end of life
I hope my last words will be
'YES, it is complete.'
No summer classes
Maybe I'll get to complete
Things that I want to

2021-02-25 REALITY

In reality
Human life's about progress
And not perfection
One's reality
Malleable, input based
Thoughts, feelings, beliefs
It really sucks when
Hard facts and reality
Don't match fantasy.
Reality pot
Brewer of some bitter drinks
And of some sweet ones

2021-02-24 FOREIGNER

Foreigner used to
Phrases like "don't overtake"
Rather than "don't pass"
Those from distant lands
Rudely called foreigners, are
Friends we have not met
Foreigners: Welcome!
New ideas, open minds.
More the merrier.
Worn stairways, grooved paths
Where we step with practiced ease
Trip foreigners' feet

2021-02-23 MEMORABLE

Surprise birthday gift
Memorable flight lesson
In a small Cessna
Dry, dense, purple rind
Breached to savor sweet white lobes
Memorable joy
Memorable events
Acute grief and intense joy
Many moments fade
Minor but memorable
Ones linger in mind

2021-02-22 STRAIGHT

Yosemite hike
Half Dome straight cable climbing
Scary thought for me
From days of high school
'Straight' was a forbidden word
'Forward' used instead
Straight-edge and compass
Synthetic geometry
Euclid not Descartes
Why are we called 'straight'?
It seems to imply that they
Are somehow crooked

2021-02-21 SOLILOQUY

Memorizing of
Caesar soliloquy for
English class tiresome
My soliloquy
Provides me good company
Informs my smart cat
My inner thoughts are
A profound soliloquy.
When spoken they're trite.
My haiku wonders
If to be or not to be
A soliloquy

2021-02-20 EARTHENWARE

Cool water without
Refrigeration using
An earthenware pot
Ancient child near fire
Fashions doll out of wet clay
First earthenware birthed?
Hardcore vegans eat
Homegrown vegetables in
Homemade earthenware

Pragmatic vegans
Purchase boxes of pizza
Piled high with veggies.
Earthenware pot needs
No external energy
To keep water cool

2021-02-19 LACHRYMAL

Is sincerity
Of mourners judged by the flow
Of lachrymal glands?
Old, stern countenance
Softens and turns lachrymal
When family visits
Wipers and washers
Eyelids and lachrymal glands
Help me see clearly
The lachrymal glands
Keep the eyes lubricated
Make emotions run

2021-02-18 SUBLIME

Showering without
Fear of pain sublime
After TN subsides

Kulfi is sublime
On a scorching summer day
Sadly, not for me
Mix warm winter day
With freedom from work and chores
Sublime pleasure forms
Music! Beethoven.
Last piano sonata.
Profound and sublime.
When word tissues grow
And the story comes to life
The thoughts flow sublime

2021-02-17 FUTURISTIC

Futuristic car
One day a robo-taxi
Drives itself to me!
Futuristic world
Electromagnetic based
Thank you to photons
Futuristic thoughts
Are easily invented.
Will they work today?
Once futuristic
Phone without dial or keys
Rarely used for calls

2021-02-16 DISQUIETUDE

Disquietude from
Almost a year of covid
Lockdown challenging
Family disquietude
From rageaholic father
Impact is life long
Contentedness and
Acceptance can lead you to
Less disquietude
Limits and quotas
Cause untold disquietude
To immigrant minds

2021-02-15 KNOTTINESS

Philosophers like
Wrangling with knottiness of
Ethical problems
Rampant bouncing thoughts
Tangle into knottiness
Trouble soon follows
Gordian knots
Have a high knottiness quotient
They can't be untied
The fun of solving
And the problem's knottiness
Are in proportion

2021-02-14 HARMONY

Native people live
In harmony with nature
How uncivilized!
Friends bring harmony
Calm, soothe, buffer life's stresses
Add dimension, joy
Music must have both
Harmony and dissonance
To be beautiful.
Chilly harmony
Unmarked snowflake piles gather
Hushing the night's sounds

2021-02-13 YOUTHFUL

To retain youthful
Vigor, exercise and eat
Healthy whole grain foods
Youthful company
Exuberance ignites mood
Unlocks my old mind
You're youthful if you're
Flexible, spontaneous,
Open, forgiving.
Youthful shininess
Would make everything smoother
In one's rusty years

2021-02-12 COLLATERAL

Thirteen year old used
Earrings as collateral
To buy essentials
Human expansion
Equals collateral death
And soon, our demise
The collateral
For the million dollar loan.
Thoroughly vetted.
Pangram poets have
The collateral purpose
Of writing haikus

2021-02-11 JOCULAR

Good comedians
Transform a joke into a
Jocular jewel
Intense, heavy world
Jocular friend provides bridge
Into lighter realm
Juggling two jobs or
A jaguar jugular jab
Is not jocular.
In difficult times
It's good to be jocular
And laugh some things off

2021-02-10 SACRIFICE

Dedication to
Important endeavors needs
Lot of sacrifice
Reflection on past
Reveals mom's sacrifices
Boundless love bestowed
To save the planet
All must make some sacrifice.
What are you doing?
Things we sacrifice
The weight of them is the lift
Under wings of dreams

2021-02-09 WISTFUL

Wistful longing for
Lazy summer days playing
Carroms with cousins
For what might have been
And for what I wish could be
I remain wistful
Some times I'm wistful.
And some times I'm embarrassed.
Mostly I'm content.
Wistful the look back
At days spent sitting on rocks
Watching the goats play

2021-02-08 BOUNTEOUS

I am dreaming of
A bounteous harvest of
Ripe, yummy guavas
Bounteous plastic
Death sentence for life on earth
Mass destruction tool
Being bounteous
Consists not just in having
But not wanting, too
Bounteous harvest
Sweet aroma-filled warm air
Blushing mango mounds

2021-02-07 IMMERSION

Learning multiple
Languages requires immersion
And lot of practice
Sleep time ritual
Immersion into warmed bed
And fluffy novel
To learn a language
Immersion is a good way.
In the bed is best.
Poets take a dip
In deep pangram word fluid
Haiku immersion

2021-02-06 CONTINUE

The ground continued
Shaking for several seconds
During the earthquake
'Keep on keeping on!'
I continue this refrain
Often voiced by mom
It's amazing how
Far you can walk if you just
Start and continue.
Pause daily a while
Let the rush continue past
With its breathless minds

2021-02-05 EUPHEMISM

Employers resort
To euphemisms to fire
People. "Lay them off."
I'm circling the drain
Close to death euphemism
Tickles funny bone
When saying something
scandalous, shitty, or sad
Use euphemisms.
Euphemisms blunt
Edges of unpleasant words
For those saying them

2021-02-04 MITIGATION

Trigeminal pain
Mitigation difficult
And temporary
Ingestion of food
For tension mitigation
Eats you up inside
Is frequently much better
Than mitigation
Pain mitigation
Suddenly realizing
Bad companion's gone

2021-02-03 HINDSIGHT

Hindsight brings into
Focus the regrettable
Decisions of youth
Hindsight evokes pain
Illumination, learning,
Forgiveness, and love

Sometimes hindsight speaks
To the need to heed foresight
Listen to my gut!
Reviewing my life
Hindsight shows things I regret
Instead I just smile
Hindsight helped me see
The quarter of female deer
So did my four-sight

2021-02-01 GENEROUS

Wealthy billionaires
Are not generous in pay
Packages for people
I am thankful for
Those generous with kindness,
Patience, teaching, love
Being generous
Is one of the great pleasures
Of being wealthy.
Committee members:
Generous portfolio
Brings DAYS of reading

2021-01-31 ENVISIONED

Timid, silly girl
Envisioned better life for
Self and family
When buying my home
I envisioned peace and joy
Noise, work, part of deal
Real estate tycoon
A million dollars in debt
Never envisioned


Damp fountain pen notes
Makes illegibility
Paper and ink kills
Through illegibility,
Scribbled doctors' notes
A signature with
High illegibility
Signifies secrets.

2021-01-29 GAMETIC

Coral species use
Gametic isolation.
No hybrid corals.
Wondering mind asks
Did gametic act occur?
Happy news to share?
Gametic magic
One of nature's mysteries like
Magnetic magic
Professor ponders:
What foul gametic merger
Birthed portfolios?

2021-01-28 PHLEGMY

Consuming dairy
Results in phlegmy response
Better avoid it
Heavy-smoking friend
Has horribly phlegmy cough
I fear her death's near
Coughs that are phlegmy
Would sound cheerful and friendly
If they were flemmy.
Portfolio moves
With phlegmy speed and thickness
Can't wait for the end

2021-01-27 NAUTILUS

Nautilus spiral
Follows golden ratio
Pleasing to the eye
Deep sea living art
Jet propulsioned Nautilus
Fibonacci shell
A brilliant design
500 million years old
Chambered Nautilus
Art by secretion
Life function to nautilus
Beauty to humans

2021-01-26 SPUMESCENCE

Enjoy beach sunset
The spumescence of orange
Waves delight for eyes
Brain formed spumescence
At the frothy pangram word
Wind blew it away
When I put my hands
In warm water spumescence
Dishwashing is fun.
He plucks at our minds
Will great Neptune's spumescence
Wash Chump from this land?

2021-01-25 FALSETTO

Ella Fitzgerald
Employed falsetto deftly.
First lady of swing.
Male falsetto voice
A unique aural pleasure
When expressed in song
Human falsetto
Voices a very unique sound.
Violins as well!
Once this is turned in
Maybe I'll sing falsetto
And float my way home

2021-01-24 MISTAKE

No whiteout for
Some life mistakes, just accept.
No second chances.
Too many to count
Mistakes made regularly
Learning is NOT fun!
What are mutations?
Mistakes? Or experiments
To find a better way.
Nature is at play.
A mistake or two
In a few hundred pages
May not be noticed 😏

2021-01-23 SLEEPING

Spring warmth awakens
Sleeping trees to start growing
Tiny green leaves sprout
Peaceful, sleeping cat
Hears and smells as though awake
Responds instantly
While I am sleeping
I worry about spelling
Of, right, and rhythm.
Sleeping documents
Roused and driven to printer
For portfolio

2021-01-22 ZYMOLYSIS

Bitter fenugreek
Made sweet by zymolysis
In yummy dosas
Fungal catalyst
Yeast performs zymolysis
Yields many compounds
Did man once live on
Bread alone? Or beer alone?
Zymolysis, Yay!
Time zymolysis
By the portfolio beast
Delayed my haiku

2021-01-21 EMBROIDER

Good storytellers
Embroider their yarns using
Vivid imagery
Pleasure, pain, sorrow
Embroider seasons of life
With textures, colors
If you embroider
And embellish it too much
You will ruin it
Documenting work
To embroider my career
With a new title

2021-01-20 NECESSITY

Eating mindfully
Necessity to prevent
Necessity gives
Life; wants give temporary
Pleasure and soothing
Necessity is
The mother of invention
Who is the father?
Nice to hear again
A president speak just words
Of necessity

2021-01-19 SANGUINE

Sanguine sea surprised
People seeking azure sea
Harmful algae blooms
Unexpected gift
Takes over my little brain
Yields sanguine feeling
With the idiot gone
I am sanguine and hopeful.
Sanity restored.
For all who have tried
To remain sanguine of late
Relief tomorrow

2021-01-18 AURICULAE

Auriculae send
Sound waves into ear canal
And eardrums vibrate
Cat auriculae
Thirty two muscles apiece
Hear better than dogs
Exhales from my nose
Made his auriculae twitch.
My dear loving cat.
SACSman's brain is fried
Auriculae may be too
From promotion work

2021-01-17 DECIPHER

Insurance document
Jargon hard to decipher
For most consumers
My brain deciphered
The trick that was being played
Shroom gift made me cook
Chinese children read
Chinese writing that we can't
Hope to decipher
Google had trouble
When it tried to decipher
Tamil words tonight

2021-01-16 BIVOUAC

The huge bivouac
Resounds with crackling campfires
And people's laughter
Beloved Pinnacles
Unexpected bivouac
At the Capitol
Protecting democracy
Bivouacking soldiers
Tired, I emerge
From promotion bivouac
For fresh haiku air

2021-01-15 LAMBENT

Lambent sunlight bathes
Striated Painted Wall Cliffs
Of the black canyon
Our Pachamama
Heart lambent from humankind
Ignorance and greed
With the lambent light
Setting the romantic mood
She charmed my pants off.
Lambent sunlight bathes
Striated Painted Wall Cliffs
Of the black canyon


The digital age
Ushered in obsolescence
Of pay telephones
Six decades of life
Obsolescence setting in
Time for retirement
Out with the old and
In with the new is the way
Of obsolescence.
Planned obsolescence
The art of making you buy
More of what you have

2021-01-13 CENTENARIAN

Eat ice cream daily
When you're centenarian
And enjoy long life
Strong great-grandmother
Centenarian plus three
Sicilian descent
The length of life was
The centenarian's goal.
Was it also deep?
If you would like to
Be a centenarian
Live one percent years

2021-01-12 BIBLIOMANIA

Big budget needed
For bibliomania
During retirement
Library ebooks
No bibliomania
Clutter averted
All book lovers say
Bibliomania may
Cause great disarray
I could overcome
My bibliomania
But why lose good things?

2021-01-11 OBSIDIAN

Obsidian sky
Gives way to brilliant red dawn
With the rising sun
Black volcanic glass
Fractures to single atom
Obsidian rocks!
Early humans made
Obsidian arrowheads
They must have been pleased.
Obsidian folks
Do not take them for granite
Or they might erupt

2021-01-10 STALACTITE

Mystical beauty
Stalactites and stalagmites
Aged limestone caverns
Perseverant drips
Create hidden solute art
Spikes of stalactites
Stalactites are elastic
And celestial.
Stalactite fingers
Touch visitors with beauty
In cool Mammoth Caves

2020-12-20 CALENDAR

In this pandemic
Calendar has been vital
To track days of week
Births, deaths, and events,
Our reasons for remembrance
Logged in calendar
I'm not too busy.
My calendar is open.
I like it that way.
The parade of days
Marches through the calendar
No stops on the route

2020-12-19 JUSTICE

Justice focused on
Mediation, agreement
Used by Maoris
Justice a fiction?
Like the dream of perfection?
Something we strive for?
Supreme Court justice
Ms Amy Coney Barrett
Please be fair to all.
What does justice mean?
Putting affairs in order
That should have been so?

2020-12-18 TWINKLE

Early morning dew
Makes each blade of grass and leaf
Twinkle at sunrise
Dark days of winter
Brightened by twinkle of stars
On Brisbane houses
Why do stars twinkle?
Twinkling is not something they do
Little stars just are.
On Monday evening
Amid the twinkle of stars
Two planets, one shine.

2020-12-17 UBIQUITOUS

Dreaming of the day
When vegan foods and desserts
Are ubiquitous
PCBs deadly
Ubiquitous throughout world
In air, water, soil
They aren't everywhere.
Not truly ubiquitous.
Just what you desire
When there's work to do
Ubiquitous distractions
Make it take longer

2020-12-16 BANQUET

Indian weddings
Banquet on banana leaf
Delectable fare
Dear library card
You are my golden ticket
To finest banquet
For my memorial
A yummy vegan banquet.
Good for all creatures.
Banquet of haikus
Served daily on our website
Enjoy at leisure

2020-12-15 RAINBOW

Bridal veil falls split
White light into colorful
And lovely rainbow
A smile lights my face
When a rainbow visits me
Troubles float away
A double rainbow
Never ceases to amaze.
Look at that! Gorgeous!
A rainbow of grades:
Will students like its colors?
Some might raise a hue.

2020-12-14 MUGWUMPISM

Zealous mugwumpers
Quite enjoy their mugwumpism
And encourage it
Now is perfect time
For mugwumpism action
Shed vile, corrupt skin
I'm not Rep or Dem
Because I think for myself.
Mugwumpism, yes!
It's a truism
To say that mugwumpism
Defeats tRumpism

2020-12-13 CRIMSON

Forehead crimson dot
Delivers iodine to
Indian women
Crimson marks passage
From girlhood to young lady
Cycle follows moon
Crimson's more than red.
Birds, flowers, chili peppers.
A color with style.
Crimson Editor
Requires students to type
Code from their own minds

2020-12-12 FORTUITOUS

Scholarship offer
Fortuitous for poor kid
To make it to US
San Francisco is
A fortuitous birthplace
For open-minded
I can't get a round tuit
Because I'm lazy.
City connection
Fortuitous job email
Made a professor

2020-12-11 ACADEMICS

Academics' pay
Lags behind athletes' income
Lopsided values
Dynamic teacher
Inspires and motivates class
Dream academics
Some academics
Are so focused on details
That they miss the joy.
When semesters end
Academics sigh relief
And await next term

2020-12-10 ZEALOUS

Wild, zealous rivers
Erode rock and soil to make
Beautiful landscapes
Winter's cold embrace
Quiets my zealous cravings
For ice cream delights
The most zealous ones
Are often recent converts.
Need validation.
Caught in the tight grip
Of zealous finals grading
I missed last night's fun

2020-11-20 ELABORATE

Elaborate scheme
Of Don and his cronies made
For wretched four years
Glorious planet
Elaborate life abounds
Please elaborate.
But not too elaborate.
I don't have much time.
I wanted to write
An elaborate haiku
Too few syllables

2020-11-19 VACCINATION

Time spent with dear friends
Is worthy vaccination
For looming dark skies
People missing friends
Eager for vaccination
To resume hobbies
A vaccination
Had better save the nation
From that damn virus.
Comfortable fools
Ignorant of history
Scorn vaccination

2020-11-18 ABUNDANCE

Processed foods provide
Abundance of calories
But lack nutrition
Strong, constant yearning
For an abundance of time,
Energy, and rest
Abundance sounds good
But often devolves into
It's never enough.
Leaves in abundance
Crunch underfoot on the trail
Fall in Kentucky

2020-11-17 OBSEQUIOUS

Obsequious sun
Sinks into the horizon
Turns ocean orange
Lying sacks of poop
Are obsequious assholes
Just like pres-reject
I met someone new!
They're somewhat obsequious.
Charming, but ... Red Flag!
Obsequious ice
Acquiesces to slight heat
And turns aqueous

Ah, obsequious!
A word that does not behave
That way in haikus

2020-11-16 POPSICLE

Long walk for small legs
Popsicle made with real grapes
Ease the journey home
Winter's cold kiss comes
From furry popsicle cat
With cold paws on lap
Eat a popsicle
On your bicycle and you'll
Zip home in a flash.
Popsicle of life
You deliver much sweetness
While you melt away

2020-11-15 KINDREDNESS

Earth has kindredness
With other planets for how
They were created
Children worlds apart
Grow up, travel, and make friends
Enjoy kindredness
Kindredness is an
Awkward word to say simply
We're all one family.
Growing our circles
Of kindredness helps us all
Embrace other minds

2020-11-14 ADHERENCE

Adherence to a
De-floured diet important
For being healthy
Values, laws, mores,
Add safety, ease, and burdens
Adherence helpful
Adherence to rules
Is a great comfort to some.
They have many rules.

Adherence to rules?
Yes. Good. But Beethoven asked
How to best break them?!
Old habits possess
The fullness of adherence
Of a glue bottle

2020-11-13 KAFKAESQUE

Teen, young adult and
Adult Kafkaesque life makes for
Difficult old age
Tumbling through trauma
Kafkaesque fiction now fact
In twenty twenty
When our lives become
Kafkaesque what may help is
Taking a deep breath.
The world seeks escape
From its Kafkaesque prison
Some insects resist

2020-11-12 ZEPHYRS

Carpet of red leaves
Dance in the gentle zephyrs
Lovely fall season
Soft warm sand cradles,
Zephyrs caress unclothed skin,
Tranquil mind floats free
Northern zephyrs bring
Exotic tales of heroes
From far away lands.
Reaching from the west
Soft fingers of the zephyrs
Stroke the eastern lands

Ze weary old curs
Felt ze fingers of zephyrs
Run soft through ze furs


Incandescence of
Solar system's brightest star
Touches the hills
An incandescence
Emanated from her eyes
When a thought took hold
Incandescence is
Not just physics. Some people
Emit love and kindness.
Life treads through the night
Lit by the incandescence
Of thin filaments

2020-11-10 ABBREVIATE

Avalanche forecast
Forced skiers to abbreviate
Their fun in the snow
Early night's slumber
To not abbreviate sleep
Avoid hellish day
We abbreviate
To save time and space and breath
But what do we lose?

Th Hbrw lngg
T bbrvt th wrds
Vwls r rmvd
Artificial foods
Can abbreviate your life
Resist their sellers

2020-11-09 XEROTIC

Xerotic landscapes
Often shunned by cameras
Can be stunning too
Caused xerotic eyes and mouth
Mis-dubbed as Sjogren's
The xerotic spot
On my testicle is both
Dry and erotic.
The Earth bears tissues
Made xerotic by weather
Deserted by rain

2020-11-08 YIELDING

Reed survives the wind
By yielding to it, while oak
Is mighty but breaks
Women shouting NO!
No longer yielding power!
Women will now lead!
When bicycling
Yielding is indicated.
Iron monsters. Yikes!
Seeds sown for four years
Are now yielding bitter fruit
Eat them at leisure

2020-11-07 UPROARIOUS

Election results
Evoke uproarious joy
And jubilation
Wait...what? How?!! What the...!!!
Uproarious shouts arise
Pangram word hijacked!
It's Ridiculous.
Outrageous. Uproarious.
And Preposterous.
Let us begin this
With uproarious applause
Then work quietly

2020-11-06 TELESCOPE

Hawaii nights are
Magic. Telescopes help find
Far away planets
Crisp view of craters
Moon picture through telescope
Resolves some details
Telescopes aid sight
Computers help memory
Dear friends enhance life
Celestial beauty,
Planets, moons, stars, galaxies!
Through a telescope

2020-11-05 NEGOTIATION

With self important for health,
Deeper life rewards
What to do and when?
Negotiation helpful
Even with oneself
You can't always get
What you think you really want.
Of the pangram challenges
Takes many guesses

2020-11-04 PATIENCE

Waiting for coffee
Patience, says coffee maker
Hurry up, brain says
Difficult kindness
Patience with others and self
Best for all concerned
Patience. Impatience.
Both can be a true virtue.
It ain't an apt pet
Inept cat ate a paint can
Pat it in patience

2020-11-03 JOURNEY

Very first journey
By plane from Bangalore to
Milwaukee, long flights.
Please! Let us exit!
Four year journey inside HELL
Sanity! Prevail!
I took a journey.
Confusion to poverty.
I learned many things
Enjoy your journey
The miles pass by so quickly
Then the wheels go still

2020-11-02 CARNIVAL

Wake early to see
Rare carnival of planets
Parading the skies
Lively, fit dancers
Captivate carnival crowd
Inject color, cheer
Carnivals are fun!
Junk food and upside down rides.
Racing off the page
Bradbury's carnival train
Whistles into minds

2020-11-01 QUALITY

Quality over
Quantity for time only
Should be for life too
My favorite thing
Quality time with others
Family, friends, strangers
What to eat? How much?
Quality? and Quantity?
You are what you eat.
CDOPS on WhatsApp:
Home of quality haikus
And discussion fun

2020-10-31 LUMINOUS

Particles of sun
Collide with gases on earth
Makes luminous bands
A luminous moon
Reflects sun's light through clear sky
This Halloween night
Lights on bike helmet
Lights on wheels, Lights front and rear.
I am luminous.
In the ocean's depths
Luminous fish talk to friends
In lucid language

2020-10-30 UNDERGROUND

Caves of Blue mountains
Underground splendor, columns
Of calcium salts
Underground alive
Animals, insects, fungi,
Roots, tubers, water
At my father's grave
A sudden revelation
He is underground!
Superheated rocks
Due to underground friction
Cause the earth to quake

2020-10-29 TUTORIAL

Chump supporters need
Tutorial on civics
And constitution
Learned through subterfuge
Tutorial not offered
Father shunned children
Web Tutorials
A quick way to learn new things.
Pre web - libraries?
Many citizens
Could use a tutorial
On citizenship

2020-10-28 ORIENTATION

Of Earth's axis makes summer
And winter Christmas
Under obscured sky
Orientation tricky
Landmarks integral
I can't read a map.
I've lost orientation.
That damn GPS.
Poets who attend
Haiku orientation
Leave a little verse

2020-10-27 PUMPKINS

Artful glass pumpkins
At the great glass pumpkin patch
Outing with Denise
Fond fall memory
Searching through field of pumpkins
Enchanted by all
I made pumpkin pie
Not with canned pumpkin purée
But from real pumpkins!
Versatile pumpkins
Nourishment, entertainment
They excel at both

2020-10-26 FRAGRANCE

Strolling in the park
Fragrance of jasmine flowers
Delight the senses
Delightful fragrance
From Clitocybe mushroom
Earl Grey tea odor
A fleeting fragrance
Evokes childhood memories
Hidden deep within.
Fingers on keyboard
Filling curriculum forms
Fragrance of brain smoke

2020-10-25 ADJACENT

Adjacent states fight
Over Kaveri river
Water for farmers
Three story building
Adjacent to little house
Casts a dreary pall
Adjacent numbers
Odd Even Odd Even Odd
Like friendly neighbors.
Stirring deeds of sides,
Opposite and adjacent:
A Tale of Tangents

2020-10-24 TOOTHPICK

Why use toothpicks when
Fingers are perfectly fine
To eat hors d'oeuvres 😁
Restaurant staple
Toothpick after dining out
Helpful little tool
I was ten years old.
I made a toothpick sculpture.
I was very proud.
Toothpick's misery
Called only to dislodge food
Never to eat it

2020-10-23 MYSTERIES

Ocean's mysteries
Unexplored secrets in its
Depths, and still pristine
Mysteries of cats
Cause my mind to create tales
Accounting for acts
If all mysteries
Were revealed, solved, and case closed
Life would be boring.
Science can explain
All mysteries of the world
Yet in gods we rust

2020-10-22 IMMIGRANT

Immigrants become
Hyphenated on getting
US Citizenship
My native status
From immigrant Sicilian,
Russian, Irish folks
Having left their home
Immigrants can feel homesick.

Immigrants can bring
Fresh perspective, new approach.
We're ALL 'from' somewhere.
Immigrant brushes
Paint America's mural
In brilliant colors

2020-10-21 CHARACTERS

Good writers create
Characters who become good
Friends we care about
Soap operas silly
Over the top characters
Bring relaxing fun
On the stage of Life
Are we many characters
Or only our Self?
Characters delight
And aggravate and sadden
Readers and writers

2020-10-20 LITERATURE

Deep thought processes
Explored in literature
Expand our world views
I take voyages
Through literature portals
See many lands, lives
Our literature:
A connection to the past
And to the future
With a step or two
Upon literature's bridge
I can see your shore

2020-10-19 PHANTOM

Phantom, Archie and
Blondie. Comics of foreign
Culture entertain
Phantom sounds startle
Snowy and I go inspect
Visitor unseen
Phantoms are simply
People who you knew but now
Just live in your mind
The ones when I read
Stories of The Ghost Who Walks
Are now phantom days

2020-10-18 GAMBLING

Gambling, gluttony,
Drinking, indulge in many
Sin City vices
All types of gambling
Money, health, happiness, life
Are risky business
Rolling snake eyes twice
Corona virus gambling
255k dead
Gambling without masks
Lost wages as well as lives
Death by lazy mind

2020-10-17 ANALYTICAL

Creative, left or right brain
It's not black and white
T-rump voter sheep
Lack analytical brains
Swallow bozo's shit
Is a five syllable word.
Tricky for haiku
Parsing haikus helps
Analytical poets
Find their elements

2020-10-16 CELEBRATE

I celebrate dawn
With a strong cup of coffee
Drug of choice for brain
Scorned by teenage me
Bedtime is now a reason
To celebrate zees
How to celebrate?
Cheer, raise arms, high fives, pump fists,
Big hugs, eat and drink.
Let us celebrate
January twentieth
Writing harriskus

2020-10-15 POSSIBLE

Life is possible
On exo-planets, says NASA
We should start over
Things beyond knowledge
Things beyond understanding
May be possible
It's not possible.
I haven't tried it yet but
It's not possible
The poet dipped in
The well of possible verse
And drew some haiku


White light's traits revealed
By thin film interference
Riot of colors
Cars driving by house
Cause TV interference
Disrupt resting brain
Interference and
Diffraction are properties
Of light I don't grok.
Interference makes
Light and dark patterns appear
In light and in life

2020-10-13 EXCREMENT

Bulls highly valued
Bull urine means long stories
Excrement for lies
Fewer people would
Talk shit if they had to use
The word excrement
When we poop and flush
Where does our excrement go?
There is no 'away'.
Practicing a craft,
Some pieces bring excitement,
Some are excrement.

2020-10-12 PRIORITIES

Priorities in
Winter of life differ from
Those in spring of life
In this 'modern' age
Priorities essential
I can't do it all
My priorities
Define who I am and what
I want to become
Day's priorities:
Walk, sleep, eat, teach, find pangram,
Craft haiku and share

2020-10-11 COURAGE

Real courage lies in
Keeping tender heart open
After it's broken
Living takes courage
Especially when aging
Hats off to old folks!
If changing your mind
Is tricky for you to do.
You have no courage.
When it comes to health
The courage to face problems
Counts less than foresight

2020-10-10 DEPARTURE

Chump's departure from
White house eagerly awaited
Sanity at last
Sad to say goodbye?
Oh hell no! Your departure...
Best for entire world!
Coming and going
Arrival and departure
Hello and goodbye
When the moment comes
Can anyone be prepared
For their departure?

2020-10-09 PARTICIPANT

Young participant
Needs instructions to mail in
Absentee ballot
Fall's fruiting fancies
A participant pleasure
Fungal foray fun
Spectators won't learn.
Must be a participant.
It's also more fun!
Exercise helps you
Be a strong participant
In life's marathon

2020-10-08 VOLLEYBALL

Throwball, tennis
Baseball, volleyball and golf
Ball size gets smaller
Volleyball looks fun
I would enjoy trying it
In summertime sun
Volleyball's challenge:
Only 3 hits - dig set spike.
Keep it in the air!
Lovably like kids
MoDa went with their friend Tom
To play volleyball


2020-10-07 DECISION

Election means it's
Decision season for all
Important to vote
Buying my own home
A frightening decision
One I don't regret
Tricky decisions
Are best made with a coin flip
In the air you'll know.
Decision kitchen,
Where one cooks the dish of life
With no recipe.

2020-10-06 HIGHLIGHTED

Icicles hanging
From eaves highlighted middle
Of long cold winter
My tightening clothes
Highlighted my big belly
Born from Covid stress
Insightful haiku
Delighted her so. They were
Highlighted in orange.
Yesterday's haikus
Highlighted how developed
We are as poets

2020-10-05 PHOTOGRAPH

Cherished photographs
Memories of times gone by
Add color to lives
A shared photograph
Transports me through time and place
Bringing tears of joy
Binary digits
Values of red, green, and blue
Magic photograph
An old photograph
Of an unrecalled moment
And a hug still felt


Who makes breakfast foods?
Cereal entrepreneurs
Answers the punster
Punster Navin taunts
With humorous intention
Waving cape of words.
Brave entrepreneurs
Have ideas and take risks
To make life better.

My friend's a punster.
Always making clever quips.
I rarely feel heard.
Punsters' buzziness
Is to be entrepreneurs
Of the word market

2020-10-03 CREATURES

Baby elephants
Cute creatures enjoy water
With mama and herd
Colorful, shapely
Sea creatures in ocean realm
Exquisite delights
Humans at the top
Hierarchy of creatures
Let's be kind to all.
Creatures that best fit
Their surroundings' mesh, pass through
Evolution's sieve

2020-10-02 HEALTHCARE

Keep yourself healthy
Healthcare can be expensive
For aging bodies
Healthcare expense high
Good friends, food, sleep, and sunshine
Keep copays at bay
Healthcare is OUR job.
Some help from medical pros
Mostly it's up to US.
Please remain patient
Your healthcare will continue
As long as you live

2020-10-01 IMAGINATION

Sparked by cherished and loved books
Energizes humans
Books take me places
Without travel or expense

May germinate ideas
That grow into fact
Anne of Green Gables:
Using imagination
Life is less tragic.
I draw my haikus
From my imagination

2020-09-30 LIABILITIES

Indian culture
Considers boys assets, girls
Tragically long list
Liabilities blight U.S.
Lunatic at helm
Two sides of one coin:
Talents, virtues, beauties, charms.
Nation's balance sheet:
tRump-supporting asse(t)s are

2020-09-29 MEMORIAL

Memorial day
Reminds of students leaving
To fight in Gulf War
Passage into death,
Memorial observance,
Dance and smile for me!
Memorial service
An hour to Remember
Continues for years
Ink records poorly
My memorial for you
Unlike these teardrops

2020-09-28 COLLEGIAL

Ruth and Anthonin
Collegial justices'
Unlikely friendship
Group work a pain, but
Collegial efforts yield
Working together.
Geological scholars.
It is collegial.
Faculty meetings
Hours of collegial talk
For minutes of work

2020-09-27 REPRESENTED

In Topology
A donut represented
Deformed coffee mug
Spring's tiny seedlings
Represented summer's fruit
Fall's harvest delights
A Wyomingite
Is Senate represented
More than a Texan.
In our haiku group
Debbie is represented
By today's puzzle

2020-09-26 EXPERIENCE

Months of solitude
Pandemic experience
Enjoyment of home
Through my life's seasons
Experience has taught me
White-haired folk are wise
Experience is
Making many mistakes and
Remembering them.
A nice evening
To experience my friends'
New fire pit and chill

2020-09-25 MOTIVATE

Lockdown makes it harder to
Motivate oneself
Little bell from phone
Does motivate me to act
Brain needs little bell
A teacher's main aim:
Ignite curiosity.
Motivate students.
Motivate students
To learn math and programming
In only eight weeks? 🤔

2020-09-24 BIOLOGICAL

Family is not
Only biological
Friends fill the role too
Beloved friends and pets
Like biological kin
Are family and more
We are not machines.
We are biological.
Birth, growth, decay, death.
Life forms that are logical?
That excludes Chump fans.

2020-09-23 APPRECIATE

Cool autumn morning
Appreciate warm coffee
Mug in hand, deep breath
I appreciate
Life, family, friends, food, purring,
Love, kindness, patience
Thank you very much.
You are very generous.
Dear account balance,
I don't appreciate when
You lack interest.

Dear Tempurpedic,
I greatly appreciate
Your constant support.

2020-09-22 DESTINY

Earth's destiny to
Orbit the sun forever
And die with the sun
Species' extinctions
Destiny known by ancients?
Can we change our course?
When bad things happen
There's a lame futile response:
It's your destiny.

When good things happen
There's a lame futile response:
It's your destiny.
River of choices
Wherever your flow takes me
Is destiny sea

2020-09-21 MADAGASCAR

Ring tailed lemurs play
Amidst endemic flora
In Madagascar
Exquisite wildlife
Abounds in Madagascar
Please do not visit

Deadliest creature
Present in Madagascar
Female mosquito
Darwin was perplexed.
How to show evolution?
Madagascar helped.
Madagascar stayed;
Indian subcontinent
Left to join Asia


Fall and spring beauty
Nature's attentiveness to
Earth orbiting sun
Keen attentiveness
Bequeathed Aruna with skills
Inga's food wisdom
Attentiveness is
An essential element
Of loving kindness.

Attentiveness is
Um ... wait what? ... yesterday I ...
I will ... Who? Maybe.
Writing a haiku
Requires attentiveness
And a pangram word

2020-09-19 AUTOMATION

Use automation
To make excellent haikus?
Humans are better
Machine convenience
Automation serves people
We serve the machine
Robots everywhere
Automation does it all
Life becomes artless.
Earth's revolution
Celestial automation
By gravitation

2020-09-18 CALCULATOR

The calculator
Is ubiquitous in phones
No more mental math
Kind calculator
A 1960 model
Tallies and emotes!
TI-1200 [First calculator]
Cheap, hand held, fast and ... it's right!
The slide rule is dead.
School arithmetic:
Adding a calculator
Subtracts from learning

2020-09-17 CHOCOLATE

Chocolate covered
Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, yum
And yes, eggplant too
Bitter cacao seeds
Yield luscious chocolate treasures
Divine oral bliss
When Life gets intense
The daily need for chocolate
Is greatly increased.
Choco-late person:
One who takes long to unwrap
A chocolate bar

2020-09-16 MAINTENANCE

Sensors can help with
Predictive maintenance of
Smart elevators
Throughout all seasons
Maintenance is essential
Dear friends provide help
Old cars and old friends
Deserve careful attention
Maintenance takes love.
Maintenance is good
Of vehicles and bodies
To prevent breakdowns

2020-09-15 SUSPENSION

Cross river Tagus
Golden gate suspension bridge
Entrance to Lisbon
Mother's voice, post death
Caused suspension of my grief
She's still in my life!
Students are human
Sometimes they make bad mistakes
Suspension from school.
Standing suspension
Bridge hangs across the river's
Flowing suspension

2020-09-14 TEMPERATURE

Wind blows over snow
Sub zero temperature
Biting winter cold
A warm bath soothes me
Its temperature, I know not
I happily soak
Our temperature
Always monitored, controlled
Lake Superior
Sub-zero temperature
Sculpts icicle art

2020-09-13 VARIETY

What is spice of life?
Variety of chillies
Scoville units help
Earth's variety
Shapes, colors, textures, tastes, smells
Infinite pleasure

Man's variety
Plastics, chemicals, noise, stench
Infinite assaults
Each day Something new
Every month something Brand new
Variety! Woo!
The glacier's water
Irrigates variety
Of bountiful crops


Shards of consciousness
Observe solving the pangram
Too fleeting to grasp
Sixty years of life
My consciousness evolving
Mind altered daily

I woke up this morn
Not gaining full consciousness
Slept walked through my day
We have consciousness
But it evolved long before
Homo Sapiens.
How will I use this
New day's gift of consciousness?
The daily question.

2020-09-11 ENCHANTMENT

Enchantment sets in
Walls of snow lead to top of
Mount Shasta to play
Special furry friends
Cat and skunk visit nightly
Backyard enchantment
Enchantments and Loves.
Delightful delusions
That enrich my life.
Come to Kentucky
Enjoy nature's enchantment
Emerald forests

2020-09-10 SUNGLASSES

Orange and gray skies
Sunglasses wait in drawers
Wishing for bright days
Darkened, ash-filled skies
Negate need for sunglasses
Goggles now in vogue
Sunglasses shade eyes
From bright light but they also
Conceal lying eyes.
Eyes shielded from sight
Release long-captive sorrows
Behind sunglasses

2020-09-09 GLACIER

Iceland glacier lost
Orange skies due to fires
Climate change a hoax?
Intrigue, beauty, taste
Amazed and delighted me
Dynamic glacier
Last glacier melted
May 8, 2036
The River Ganga
Born of Gangotri glacier
Dying of people

2020-09-08 LABORATORY

Nature's own playground
Is Earth laboratory
Creates new species
With microscope and mushrooms
My quiet refuge
This laboratory
Does experiments with new

Lab Rah Tory
La Bore a Tree
La Bore a Tory
Labor Attery?
La Bore Attery?
Labor a Tory?
Labor a Tree?
Lab Rah Tree?
Labe Rah Tory?
Labe Rah Tree?
I make my haikus
In my poem laboratory
Distilling verse words

2020-09-07 REGRESSION

Modeling the world
Regression analysis
Curve fitting shows trends
Fierce September heat
Sparks a mental regression
Thoughts puddle in brain
I play piano
And I practice on and off
There is regression
After brief focus
Regression to digressions
Faculty meeting

2020-09-06 ELECTRICITY

Facilitating heart beats
Animating brains
Triumph and trouble
Electricity drives lives
Joy and destruction
Nature's mystery
Always there but hard to see
When first exposed to
Electricity's power
Everyone was shocked

2020-09-05 MOUNTAIN

Sangre de Cristo
Mountain views in the morning
Once a dream, now lost
Nurturing mountain
Wrought by tectonic forces
Haven for creatures
Climbing a mountain
Is quite a challenge but it
Makes the view worthwhile.
Relentless forces
Continental collision
Birth of a mountain


Our constitution
Often hotly debated
Living or static?
Sustain mother earth
Amend the constitution
Add Twenty eighth please!
Having a written
Personal constitution
Would keep me on track.
Citizens employ
Their strength of constitution
To repel the Chump

2020-09-03 IRRIGATED

Mari kanive dam
Irrigated Hiriyuru,
Challakere taluks
Autumn years approach
Irrigated by visions
Of freedom from work
Growing tomatoes.
Would be easier if they
Were irrigated.
Sun-rusted wheat fields
Thirst to be irrigated
Thoughtless rain declines

2020-09-02 ACCOMMODATE

Tiny green leaves grow
As maple trees accommodate
To the coming spring
I opened my heart
To accommodate Snowy
Love and joy blossomed
In relationships
We give, get, ask, listen, love.
We accommodate.
Semester's end sky
Rains pleas to accommodate
Months-long homework drought

2020-09-01 FUCKING

Law of attraction
Is a fucking scam, universe
Is not here to serve

Fucking unwoke phony
Is Elizabeth Gilbert
But often quoted
Fucking; fun to say,
Grammatically versatile
And good for one's health
Fucking is great fun
But it does lead to unchecked
Population growth.
Ckingfu, the Kungfu
Of fucking monarchs too good
For lay martial arts

2020-08-31 MONITORING

Most Wall Street gamblers
Monitoring stock values
For a quick profit
Your marvelous brain
Constantly monitoring
Your body's functions
Monitoring men
Motoring in big bad trucks
Is tough - NOT not grim.
The lizard crept up
Monitoring the insect
To thwart lunch's flight

2020-08-30 ARTIFICIAL

How not to die young?
Avoid artificial foods
Eat only plant based

Processed foods contain
Artificial flavors that
Help me die sooner
Huge help and horror
Artificial everything
Plastic age sows death
Artificial dyes,
Intelligence, and sweeteners.
They're pure but lack love.
Into night's darkness
Artificial lighting brings
Sight and sleeplessness

2020-08-29 ANONYMOUS

Cyber robin hoods
Anonymous hacktivists
Oppose censorship
A kind, thoughtful act
From an anonymous soul
Warms like the sun's rays
When we're in a crowd
We're mostly anonymous
Yet we're all family.
By writing under
Anonymous, one could make
A name for oneself

2020-08-28 LIGHTENING

After months of snow
Lightening May skies draw out
Winter weary folks
A rare summer storm
Assails landscape with lightening
Fires erupt far and wide
As I've grown older
There has been a lightening
Life gets cheerier
Enlightening thoughts
Swift comets across mind sky
Lightening darkness

2020-08-27 PHILOSOPHY

Ah, philosophy
Kids hate it, no 'right' answers
Why is it required?
Philosophy lives
Amorphously in one's mind
Carved by life's tumults
Philosophy can
Help us live our true values.
Eat vegan? Easy!
Lovers of wisdom
Decant philosophy drops
From the swill of thought

2020-08-26 SAPPHIRE

Lovely sapphire skies
Often hidden by the fog
Summer on the beach
Tranquil sapphire sky
Hushes frenetic humans
Draws them into night
A sapphire gem is
Cool energy from deep down
Maybe magic too.
Winter sun-fingers
Brush Kashmir sapphire sky
Hopeful eyes open

2020-08-25 DEPENDENTLY

Netflix loads content
Cache locale dependently
To minimize lag
'I want more money!'
Chump blubbered, dependently
Tied to his rich dad.
For this I need thee.
For that thou need me. Thus we
Live dependently.
Pendent cases clear
Dependently upon all
Parties agreeing

2020-08-24 PATRIOTIC

Mister ouchie foot
Not patriotic at all
Skipped out on serving
Vocal vehemence
Reveals strong patriotic
Love of my country
Trump's idiotic.
We must affirm that dissent
Is patriotic.
Ghoulish yellow men
Wear patriotic symbols
To claim false greatness

2020-08-23 DIFFRACT

Beautiful physics
Diffract, refract light to fool
All our eyes and brains
Ghoulish yellow sky
Apocalyptic, some say
Ash diffracts sun's waves
How does a turtle
See flies from under water?
It's easy. Diffract.
X-rays diffract through
Crystals and reveal clues to
DNA structure

2020-08-22 BOYCOTTED

Boycotted clothing with
Business logo on them; no
Free advertising
Whales boycotted men
Their cacophonous assault
Aural misery
Trump Hotels were once
Grand places. Now they're places
To be boycotted.
The Bytecode Octet's
Songs were hard to interpret
I boycotted them

2020-08-21 BOGEYMEN

Bogeymen: those who
Score one over par in golf?
Don't women play golf?
The worst boogeymen
That I ever encountered
Lurked within my mind.
Everybody knows
Bogeymen pick big boogers
From their biggy nose
Forget bogeymen
They creep but in fictive nights
Exorcise the Chump

2020-08-20 HUMBLED

Kamala thanks the
Suffragists who paved the way
Humbled by their grit
When feeling humbled
Revelations are exposed
I take a good look
Trump's epiphany
Transformed him and he's now truly
Humbled and sorry.
Just kidding 😜
Please forgive my fanciful galumphing.
My neighbor's hum bled
Through the walls so fluidly
That it humbled mine

When I am humbled
My humility's more pure
Than that of others

2020-08-19 INDUCTION

Mathematics fun?
Proof by induction, and by
Contradiction too.
Without realizing
An induction has occurred
Pangram fever starts
P 1 and P 2
P n then P n + 1
Proved by induction

Induction cooking
Seems to heat pans magically
But it's just physics
Today I received
An induction to duction
When I rolled my eyes

2020-08-18 ANKLEBONE

Tennis is so fun
Quick starts, stops and turns twist feet
And strain anklebones
Dancing joyously,
Beneath summer's starry sky,
Anklebone power!
Talus tibias
Dorsiflexion fibulas
Anklebone stanzas
It is hard to solve
Pangram puzzles when you have
An anklebone break

2020-08-17 PAINTBALL

Make fanciful art
Using paintball markers
More fun than playing
Paint balls shot at friends
A craze popular with youth
Better than YouTube?
Paintball is a game.
You hunt down and kill your friends.
It's jolly great fun!
Flying color orbs
Splat on moving canvases
Paintball artistry

2020-08-16 FANCIFUL

Thunder and lightning
Light up sky, fanciful dreams
Lost to wakeful sleep
Fanciful dreams birthed
Amazing delightful forms
Nature's gifts bring joy
Our president is
Creating a fascist state
Subverting democracy
Trusting an adversary
Discounting a pandemic
Sending troops to squash protests
Taking children from parents
Spewing stupid silly lies
Suggesting bleach injections
Paying porn stars for silence
Extorting foreign leaders
Blathering batty bullshit
Encouraging racist hate
Holding Bible upside down
Perverting the rule of law
Misogynistic bully
Enabled by McConnell
Cheered by a blind loyal base
Not Fanciful. Fact.

It's time for action
To reclaim Democracy
All can do SOMEthing.
I will realize
My fanciful dreams someday
With just one windfall

2020-08-15 MODULAR

Haiku touts its OS
For its modular design
But is it stable?
Modular flowers
Bloom with fun pangram delights
Haiku fruit sprout forth
Modular design
Is key to good programming
Hackers are exempt
Assembled apart
Lines fit together smoothly
Modular haiku

2020-08-14 AUDIBLY

Cruising the ocean
Ship moans and creaks audibly
Scares first timers
A mermaid mom sang
Audibly to her child, a
Bubbly lullaby
Cats are SO quiet
Good for catching prey, and yet
He audibly snores
While potable flowed,
Galumph stumbled awkwardly,
And audibly popped.

2020-08-13 WINDFALL

Need windfall to say
Sayonara employer
Own my hours and days
It wasn't money
It wasn't fruit, my windfall
Was meeting you all!
When fruit trees grow tall
Only way to get them all
Is with a ... windfall.
Dreams of a windfall
An air-formed mountain of cash
Or hill of mangoes

2020-08-12 POTABLE

Found Wallace fountain
Fresh, cold potable water
Refresh yourself here
I raise my root beer
A fine potable, to cheer
Biden and Harris

Palatable treats
Dress the harvest tabletop
With comfort and joy
Is it safe to drink?
Is the water potable?
Danger! Don't imbibe!
Yes. Chug. Slurp. Sip. Quaff.
Potable water
I walk miles for you daily
Some day you'll run here

2020-08-11 DORMITORY

Dormitory life
Paradise for extroverts
Hell for introverts
When sleep settles in
Dreams escape dormitory
Flying free at night
Forty teenagers
Finally free of dumb parents.
A dormitory.
To dormitory living
I practiced sleeping

2020-08-10 GALUMPH

I reluctantly
Galumphed behind Dad during
Early morning jog
A Plumphag gal laugh
Plum palm hug lug glam maul haul?
A lump, a hump, gah!
Twallig leck shun ooze?
Umpty stoopish Trumph galumph
Bedder Biden Yay!
Heavy, sluggish words
Galumph into my haikus
Blocking my triumph

2020-08-09 ENCAMPMENT

Mumbai encampment's
Slumdog millionaire rises
After much struggle
This earth we call home
From birth 'til death do us part
My life's encampment
What's an encampment?
Is it a group of camp sites?
See dictionary.
Uninspired thoughts
Fill my mental encampment
Pre-coffee squatters

2020-08-08 ADOPTION

Adoption magic
Anticipation growing
To welcome you home
Opening of heart
Brings love, learning, joy, and calm
Adoption's rewards
Molière and Sunshine
Came to us by adoption
Our fine feline friends
Words seek adoption
Eagerly hoping you will
Give them a good poem

2020-08-07 FORAGING

Foraging for purslane
Plant out of place on sidewalks
Free and nutritious
Foraging slowly
Reveals Fall's fungal bounty
Secret forest friends
Meals are sometimes planned
But mostly meals are merely
Fickle foraging
I'm not foraging
Picking wild fruits and berries
Helps me remain young

2020-08-06 UNPOPULAR

Golf seems unpopular
But it is as nuanced as
A good game of pool
Unpopular me
Quiet phone and quiet home
I live peacefully
I'm unpopular 😞
But my few friends are true and dear 😍
So I have no fear 😱
And I shed no tear. 😢
Shall we have a beer? 🍺
Unpopular Paul
Not a man of the people
His fall leaves none cold

2020-08-04 CALORIFIC

Restrictive diets
Made me crave calorific
Fried foods and ice cream
Ice cream's terrific
Summer's best calorific
Spoons down, just lick it!
Deep fried Oreos
Are not simply caloric
They're calorific.
Don't eat this pangram
While it is calorific
It lacks nutrients