Pangram Haiku

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By Aruna

Elder orphans with
Lots of tchotchkes precious to them
Make work for strangers

Empathy is hard
For most people, listening
To respond, not hear

Leads to printing Ganesha
On toilet covers 😳

Ephemeral art
On Palo Alto sidewalk
Lovely stroll with friend

Shopping for new clothes
Traumatic experience
For overweight child

Republic of the
Equator, Ecuador has
Lovely rainforests

Whitewashed houses
With their blue shuttered windows
Charming Greek island

The rockies form a
Dramatic backdrop to the
City of Ouray

Reading technical
Documents is surely a
Cure for sleeplessness

Weeding out older
Competent folks: today's job
Interview process

Some of our actions
Can be coping mechanisms
Not volitional

Comedians love
Performing for audience
Cachinnation thrills

Cheerlessness of the
Death Valley landscape does not
Deter visitors

Bacteria are
Everywhere, even on skin
Glad we can't see them

Not many rivers
Remain wild and unsullied
By humans' effects

Tackling the backlog
At home is difficult after
A long, hard day at work

People ignore kids
For endless entertainment
Found on their devices

Once a champion
Andre's ignominious
Defeat in third round
Ended his career

Such a pleasure to
Observe toolsmiths hone their craft
To create beauty

Fond memories of
Caring for adorable,
Cute baby brother

Chasing happiness
Or approval is futile
Find it in yourself

Nostalgia for
Languid summer days, staying
Home reading, playing

Majestic redwoods
Create strength to withstand winds
With their root system

Imagine having
To work the zamindar's land
For a mere pittance

During covid times
People re-evaluate
What is essential

Peru rain forest
Exquisite toucans, macaws
Vacation too short

Rhythmic shouting with
Stamping feet celebrate life
The Maori dance

Going a long time
Without Jon's cookies triggers
A yearning for them 😊

Early morning walk
Dewdrops glinting on flowers
Soothing to senses

Vegan cruise offered
Tantalizing desserts at
End of every meal

A quotation is
Handy to have, to save one
From having to think

Observed wonderful
Driftwood xyloglyphy in
Small town near Auckland

Is hatlessness a
Handicap for a golfer?
Wind likely more so

My dalliance with
Subjects of Zoology,
Botany not fun

Graduate students
Paid pittance for teaching the

Fewer items land
In wastebasket when food scraps
Go in compost bin

Fond memories of
Delectable meals served in
Kalpathy kitchen

Mutinous classmate
Eloped with eighth grade boyfriend
Trouble for sister

Love farmers' markets'
Opulence of seasonal
Fresh fruits and veggies

Waiting post vaccine
Yo-yo Ma, the virtuoso
Serenaded staff

Painful memories
Of dreams come true, yet hostile
Parents robbed our peace

His countenance quite
Stern: "You're not doing enough
For the family."
So many tears shed

Better to get news
From newspapers than TV
Which favors ratings

Trip to Hawaii
Lunch under sun umbrella
Lovely ocean views

Parents must teach their
Kids body autonomy
At an early age

Take advantage of
Clear and cool early morning
For a pleasant hike

Minutiae of
Daily life didn't hamper
Katherine Johnson

The exhibition
Showcased cultural tableaux
From the world over

An ex friend claimed that
Arriving promptly is not
Very important

It is tedious
To sit through pre-game blather
Before the match starts

Laziness is blamed
For obesity issues
By Big Foods while creating
Addictive snack foods

Cable TV has
Diminished the salience
Of the local press

Miracle cure sought
To reverse aging process
The search continues

Lovely sunny day
With scattered clouds is perfect
For hiking the trails

Kids being quiet?
Some knavery going on
Better check on them

The mountain air in
Boulder was redolent with
Scent of pine needles

First time passenger
On plane Bombay to US
Almost a whole day

Online dating sites
Where vulnerable people
Get bamboozled by cheats

Badami mangoes
Aruna loves juiciness
Messy but great fun

Math teacher noticed
Quizzical expressions on
Faces of most kids

Laughed till my eyes teared
Hearing stand up comedy
At the festival

Spontaneous trip
Buoyant and happy drive to
Snowshoe for first time

Seems common among women
In STEM field of work

Peaceful, snowy park
Great place to watch meteors
But oh so chilly

Punctual transit
Novelty for immigrants
Used to late buses

Catholic school was
Training for uxorial
Role, not for career

Math world has many
Unsolved hypotheses that
Attract bright people

The oblique rays of
The morning sun make dew drops
Shine like diamonds

Immigrants need help
To successfully manage
Life in new country

On a strict diet
Appetite not satisfied
And cravings increase

Eat large gooseberry
Tart and sweet, use the small ones
For making pickles

Subconscious stirs up
Dreams with nebulous meaning
Wish they were more clear

Need complete darkness
To view Milky Way's splendor
Rural locales best

In reality
Human life's about progress
And not perfection

Foreigner used to
Phrases like "don't overtake"
Rather than "don't pass"

Surprise birthday gift
Memorable flight lesson
In a small Cessna

Yosemite hike
Half Dome straight cable climbing
Scary thought for me

Memorizing of
Caesar soliloquy for
English class tiresome

Cool water without
Refrigeration using
An earthenware pot

Is sincerity
Of mourners judged by the flow
Of lachrymal glands?

Showering without
Fear of pain sublime
After TN subsides

Kulfi is sublime
On a scorching summer day
Sadly, not for me

Futuristic car
One day a robo-taxi
Drives itself to me!

Disquietude from
Almost a year of covid
Lockdown challenging

Philosophers like
Wrangling with knottiness of
Ethical problems

Native people live
In harmony with nature
How uncivilized!

To retain youthful
Vigor, exercise and eat
Healthy whole grain foods

Thirteen year old used
Earrings as collateral
To buy essentials

Good comedians
Transform a joke into a
Jocular jewel

Dedication to
Important endeavors needs
Lot of sacrifice

Wistful longing for
Lazy summer days playing
Carroms with cousins

I am dreaming of
A bounteous harvest of
Ripe, yummy guavas

Learning multiple
Languages requires immersion
And lot of practice

The ground continued
Shaking for several seconds
During the earthquake

Employers resort
To euphemisms to fire
People. "Lay them off."

Trigeminal pain
Mitigation difficult
And temporary

Hindsight brings into
Focus the regrettable
Decisions of youth

Wealthy billionaires
Are not generous in pay
Packages for people

Timid, silly girl
Envisioned better life for
Self and family

Damp fountain pen notes
Makes illegibility

Coral species use
Gametic isolation.
No hybrid corals.

Consuming dairy
Results in phlegmy response
Better avoid it

Nautilus spiral
Follows golden ratio
Pleasing to the eye

Enjoy beach sunset
The spumescence of orange
Waves delight for eyes

Ella Fitzgerald
Employed falsetto deftly.
First lady of swing.

No whiteout for
Some life mistakes, just accept.
No second chances.

Spring warmth awakens
Sleeping trees to start growing
Tiny green leaves sprout

Bitter fenugreek
Made sweet by zymolysis
In yummy dosas

Good storytellers
Embroider their yarns using
Vivid imagery

Eating mindfully
Necessity to prevent

Sanguine sea surprised
People seeking azure sea
Harmful algae blooms

Auriculae send
Sound waves into ear canal
And eardrums vibrate

Insurance document
Jargon hard to decipher
For most consumers

The huge bivouac
Resounds with crackling campfires
And people's laughter

Lambent sunlight bathes
Striated Painted Wall Cliffs
Of the black canyon

The digital age
Ushered in obsolescence
Of pay telephones

Eat ice cream daily
When you're centenarian
And enjoy long life

Big budget needed
For bibliomania
During retirement

Obsidian sky
Gives way to brilliant red dawn
With the rising sun

Mystical beauty
Stalactites and stalagmites
Aged limestone caverns

In this pandemic
Calendar has been vital
To track days of week

Justice focused on
Mediation, agreement
Used by Maoris

Early morning dew
Makes each blade of grass and leaf
Twinkle at sunrise

Dreaming of the day
When vegan foods and desserts
Are ubiquitous

Indian weddings
Banquet on banana leaf
Delectable fare

Bridal veil falls split
White light into colorful
And lovely rainbow

Zealous mugwumpers
Quite enjoy their mugwumpism
And encourage it

Forehead crimson dot
Delivers iodine to
Indian women

Scholarship offer
Fortuitous for poor kid
To make it to US

Academics' pay
Lags behind athletes' income
Lopsided values

Wild, zealous rivers
Erode rock and soil to make
Beautiful landscapes

Elaborate scheme
Of Don and his cronies made
For wretched four years

Time spent with dear friends
Is worthy vaccination
For looming dark skies

Processed foods provide
Abundance of calories
But lack nutrition

Obsequious sun
Sinks into the horizon
Turns ocean orange

Long walk for small legs
Popsicle made with real grapes
Ease the journey home

Earth has kindredness
With other planets for how
They were created

Adherence to a
De-floured diet important
For being healthy

Teen, young adult and
Adult Kafkaesque life makes for
Difficult old age

Carpet of red leaves
Dance in the gentle zephyrs
Lovely fall season

Incandescence of
Solar system's brightest star
Touches the hills

Avalanche forecast
Forced skiers to abbreviate
Their fun in the snow

Xerotic landscapes
Often shunned by cameras
Can be stunning too

Reed survives the wind
By yielding to it, while oak
Is mighty but breaks

Election results
Evoke uproarious joy
And jubilation

Hawaii nights are
Magic. Telescopes help find
Far away planets

With self important for health,
Deeper life rewards

Waiting for coffee
Patience, says coffee maker
Hurry up, brain says

Very first journey
By plane from Bangalore to
Milwaukee, long flights.

Wake early to see
Rare carnival of planets
Parading the skies

Quality over
Quantity for time only
Should be for life too

Particles of sun
Collide with gases on earth
Makes luminous bands

Caves of Blue mountains
Underground splendor, columns
Of calcium salts

Chump supporters need
Tutorial on civics
And constitution

Of Earth's axis makes summer
And winter Christmas

Artful glass pumpkins
At the great glass pumpkin patch
Outing with Denise

Strolling in the park
Fragrance of jasmine flowers
Delight the senses

Adjacent states fight
Over Kaveri river
Water for farmers

Why use toothpicks when
Fingers are perfectly fine
To eat hors d'oeuvres 😁

Ocean's mysteries
Unexplored secrets in its
Depths, and still pristine

Immigrants become
Hyphenated on getting
US Citizenship

Good writers create
Characters who become good
Friends we care about

Deep thought processes
Explored in literature
Expand our world views

Phantom, Archie and
Blondie. Comics of foreign
Culture entertain

Gambling, gluttony,
Drinking, indulge in many
Sin City vices

Creative, left or right brain
It's not black and white

I celebrate dawn
With a strong cup of coffee
Drug of choice for brain

Life is possible
On exo-planets, says NASA
We should start over

White light's traits revealed
By thin film interference
Riot of colors

Bulls highly valued
Bull urine means long stories
Excrement for lies

Priorities in
Winter of life differ from
Those in spring of life

Real courage lies in
Keeping tender heart open
After it's broken

Chump's departure from
White house eagerly awaited
Sanity at last

Young participant
Needs instructions to mail in
Absentee ballot

Throwball, tennis
Baseball, volleyball and golf
Ball size gets smaller

Election means it's
Decision season for all
Important to vote

Icicles hanging
From eaves highlighted middle
Of long cold winter

Cherished photographs
Memories of times gone by
Add color to lives

Who makes breakfast foods?
Cereal entrepreneurs
Answers the punster

Baby elephants
Cute creatures enjoy water
With mama and herd

Keep yourself healthy
Healthcare can be expensive
For aging bodies

Sparked by cherished and loved books
Energizes humans

Indian culture
Considers boys assets, girls

Memorial day
Reminds of students leaving
To fight in Gulf War

Ruth and Anthonin
Collegial justices'
Unlikely friendship

In Topology
A donut represented
Deformed coffee mug

Months of solitude
Pandemic experience
Enjoyment of home

Lockdown makes it harder to
Motivate oneself

Family is not
Only biological
Friends fill the role too

Cool autumn morning
Appreciate warm coffee
Mug in hand, deep breath

Earth's destiny to
Orbit the sun forever
And die with the sun

Ring tailed lemurs play
Amidst endemic flora
In Madagascar

Fall and spring beauty
Nature's attentiveness to
Earth orbiting sun

Use automation
To make excellent haikus?
Humans are better

The calculator
Is ubiquitous in phones
No more mental math

Chocolate covered
Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, yum
And yes, eggplant too

Sensors can help with
Predictive maintenance of
Smart elevators

Cross river Tagus
Golden gate suspension bridge
Entrance to Lisbon

Wind blows over snow
Sub zero temperature
Biting winter cold

What is spice of life?
Variety of chillies
Scoville units help

Shards of consciousness
Observe solving the pangram
Too fleeting to grasp

Enchantment sets in
Walls of snow lead to top of
Mount Shasta to play

Orange and gray skies
Sunglasses wait in drawers
Wishing for bright days

Iceland glacier lost
Orange skies due to fires
Climate change a hoax?

Nature's own playground
Is Earth laboratory
Creates new species

Modeling the world
Regression analysis
Curve fitting shows trends

Facilitating heart beats
Animating brains

Sangre de Cristo
Mountain views in the morning
Once a dream, now lost

Our constitution
Often hotly debated
Living or static?

Mari kanive dam
Irrigated Hiriyuru,
Challakere taluks

Tiny green leaves grow
As maple trees accommodate
To the coming spring

Law of attraction
Is a fucking scam, universe
Is not here to serve

Fucking unwoke phony
Is Elizabeth Gilbert
But often quoted

Most Wall Street gamblers
Monitoring stock values
For a quick profit

How not to die young?
Avoid artificial foods
Eat only plant based

Processed foods contain
Artificial flavors that
Help me die sooner

Cyber robin hoods
Anonymous hacktivists
Oppose censorship

After months of snow
Lightening May skies draw out
Winter weary folks

Ah, philosophy
Kids hate it, no 'right' answers
Why is it required?

Lovely sapphire skies
Often hidden by the fog
Summer on the beach

Netflix loads content
Cache locale dependently
To minimize lag

Mister ouchie foot
Not patriotic at all
Skipped out on serving

Beautiful physics
Diffract, refract light to fool
All our eyes and brains

Boycotted clothing with
Business logo on them; no
Free advertising

Bogeymen: those who
Score one over par in golf?
Don't women play golf?

Kamala thanks the
Suffragists who paved the way
Humbled by their grit

Mathematics fun?
Proof by induction, and by
Contradiction too.

Tennis is so fun
Quick starts, stops and turns twist feet
And strain anklebones

Make fanciful art
Using paintball markers
More fun than playing

Thunder and lightning
Light up sky, fanciful dreams
Lost to wakeful sleep

Haiku touts its OS
For its modular design
But is it stable?

Cruising the ocean
Ship moans and creaks audibly
Scares first timers

Need windfall to say
Sayonara employer
Own my hours and days

Found Wallace fountain
Fresh, cold potable water
Refresh yourself here

Dormitory life
Paradise for extroverts
Hell for introverts

I reluctantly
Galumphed behind Dad during
Early morning jog

Mumbai encampment's
Slumdog millionaire rises
After much struggle

Adoption magic
Anticipation growing
To welcome you home

Foraging for purslane
Plant out of place on sidewalks
Free and nutritious

Golf seems unpopular
But it is as nuanced as
A good game of pool

Restrictive diets
Made me crave calorific
Fried foods and ice cream