Paavo Airola - Let's Live - March 1976Index

Diet for Hypoglycemia

Here is the suggested diet for patients with hypoglycemia, based on my low-animal-protein, high-natural-carbohydrate dietary principle, as outlined in part one of this two-part article.

7 A.M. - Glass of fruit juice or herb tea. Juice must be diluted with water. Best juices are grapefruit juice and lemon juice.

8 A.M. - Breakfast: nuts, seeds, fruit, yogurt, cottage cheese, wheat germ.

Or: cooked cereal with oil and raw milk.

Or: if eggs are used in the diet, 1 or 2 soft-boiled eggs, slice of whole grain bread, 1 glass of fresh milk.

10 A.M. - A few nuts, or glass of yogurt, or piece of fruit.

Or: Glass of grapefruit juice with 1 tbsp. of brewer's yeast powder.

12 NOON- Glass of fresh juice diluted with water: apple, pineapple, grapefruit, grape.

1 P.M. - Lunch: cooked cereal: oats, buckwheat, millet, etc., with olive oil and fresh milk, if not eaten for breakfast. Or: fruit or vegetable salad with yogurt and slice of whole grain bread with cheese and butter.

3 PM. - Glass of grapefruit juice or kefir with 2 tbsp. of yeast. Or: snack of nuts, fruit, or halvah, (see recipe in my books).

5 PM. - 1/2 glass of fresh vegetable juice: celery, beet, carrot.

6 PM. - Dinner: vegetable salad with choice of following cooked vegetables: beans, tortillas, yams, green beans, baked potato, etc. Slice or two of whole grain bread. Cottage cheese, yogurt. Animal protein, if desired.

9 PM. - Glass of milk or yogurt with 1 tbsp. of brewer's yeast.

This diet can be followed by most hypoglycemics. In some extreme cases of hypoglycemia, the patient may be extremely sensitive, even allergic, to practically all concentrated carbohydrates and sugars. Therefore, the diet must be tailored and modified to fit the individual needs. The general rule is that the more severe the case, the more restricted the diet. In the most extreme cases, sweet fruits, starchy vegetables, and even grains (except millet) may need to be excluded from the diet completely, until the body is "desensitized", and able to tolerate them.

When the hypoglycemic is actually allergic to carbohydrates, his carbohydrate tolerance must be built up gradually. The emphasis at such a stage must be on natural protein-rich foods such as almonds, millet, buckwheat, pumpkin seeds, milk, natural cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, and, possibly, eggs or fish, if desired. But remember, even the most severe hypoglycemic needs some carbohydrate in the diet. This fact has now been recognized even by hard-core high-protein advocates. 9

Special Supplements

The hypoglycemic's diet should be supplemented with the following adult daily doses of vitamins and supplements (children 10 to 16 years of age - 1/2 or 1/4 of the adult dose):

Vitamin C - 2,000 to 3,000 mg.

B-complex, 100% natural, high-potency - 2-3 tablets a day.

Pantothenic acid - 100 mg.

Vitamin E - up to 1,600 IU.

Vitamin B6 - 50 mg.

Vitamin B12 - 25 to 50 mcg. (More can be taken if prescribed by a doctor.)

Magnesium chloride or citrate - 500 mg.

Potassium citrate - 500 mg.

Sea water, 1-2 tbsp. a day.

Multi-vitamin-mineral formula, natural, low potency - 2-3 tablets or as directed.

Garlic capsules - 2-3

All of the above supplements are available at health food stores.

Vitamins C and B increase tolerance to sugars and carbohydrates and help to normalize sugar metabolism. 5 Pantothenic acid, B6, or B-complex help to build up adrenals, which are often exhausted in persons with hypoglycemia. Vitamin E improves glycogen storage in the muscles and tissues. B12 is an aid to the liver which is often toxic in this condition.

Potassium and sea water can help to normalize mineral balance and supply essential trace elements which are involved in sugar metabolism. 5 Trace minerals aid in regulating the blood sugar level.

If the hypoglycemic is also overweight, he should supplement the diet with lecithin, kelp, and apple cider vinegar, cut down on calories, and do more exercises, such as walking, bicycling. swimming, etc.

If the hypoglycemic suffers from a disrupted digestive system - indigestion, gas, bloating, etc. - he should take digestive enzyme supplements, preferably a comprehensive kind which contains most digestants such as hydrochloric acid, pancreatic enzymes, bile, lipase, papain, pepsin, bromelain, etc. One tablet after each main meal.

Biological Medical Treatment for Hypoglycemia

Dr. Alan H. Nittler, an expert on hypoglycemia, uses injections of complete adrenocortical extract (ACE), intramuscularly (in oil) or intravenously (aqueous ACE), in addition to a nutritional program, which is a high-natural-carbohydrate diet, as suggested in this article.

The intravenous formula used by Dr. Nittler is as follows: 11

Aqueous adrenocortical extract: 1,000 mcgm.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin):

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): 250 mg.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): 100 mg.

Calcium glycerophosphate: 2 cc. (Calphosan)

Dilute Hydrochloric Acid 1:1,000: 10 cc.

Beneficial Herbs

The following herbs have been proven to be beneficial in hypoglycemia:


I have outlined the causes, the prevention, and therapeutic treatments for one of the most subtle, but also one of the most devastating ailments of modern man - hypoglycemia. The hypoglycemia program you have just read is radically different from what the average doctor would prescribe. Hypoglycemia is a "new" disease, not even mentioned in most medical books published ten or more years ago. So the majority of doctors were never trained to recognize it, correctly diagnose it, or to treat it. To paraphrase Will Rogers, "All they know is what they read in the papers". And "papers," following the general orthodox high-protein line, know nothing better than to recommend the high-protein diet - the panacea of the 50's and 60's - even for hypoglycemia.

While the orthodoxy remains generally quite ignorant regarding the true causes and most effective treatments of hypoglycemia, many prominent doctors, pioneers of Biological Medicine, have been developing the most effective therapies for hypoglycemia and treating thousands of patients. Dr. Alan Nittler, of Santa Cruz, California, is one of such pioneers. He, perhaps, has more clinical experience with hypoglycemia than any other doctor, having worked with low blood sugar patients for over a decade. The Russian researcher, Dr. Uri Nikolayev, has been working in the same area and has come to similar conclusions. The supplementary program outlined in this article is in accord with the programs developed by these experts, and also is based on my own clinical experience while directing clinics in Europe and Mexico.

Since my book, How To Get Well, which contains a complete diet for hypoglycemia, was published less than 2 years ago, I have received many glowing reports from hypoglycemics who have changed from the orthodox high-protein diet. Their general health has improved, they have more pep, more vitality, and they are able to control their hypoglycemia symptoms without stuffing their bodies with an excess of toxin-producing proteins. You can do the same. Naturally, if your condition is severe, I suggest that you undertake this biological program for hypoglycemia with an understanding doctor's cooperation and supervision (for a list of biologically - and nutritionally - oriented doctors, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Dr. Paavo Airola, Let's LIVE magazine, 444 Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90004).

Once the condition is corrected and the functions of the adrenal system and pancreas are normalized, I suggest that you stick to the Optimum Diet, as outlined in my books, to prevent relapse. This diet will not only prevent hypoglycemia, but also build a higher level of general health, helping to prevent most of our diseases of civilization as well.

Hopefully, in the not too distant future, orthodox medicine will recognize hypoglycemia as a major ailment and adopt the biological approach to its treatment as presented in this article. Unless drastic dietary changes are made soon, and new rational approaches to hypoglycemia are adopted, a great many people will suffer needlessly, perhaps falling victim to other serious or fatal diseases while trying to control their hypoglycemia.


  1. Nittler, Alan, M.D., "Hypoglycemia". Let's LIVE, March 1974, p.15.
  2. Fredericks, Carlton, "Our Diet Is a National Disaster", Prevention, October, 1973, p. 58.
  3. Rodale, J.I., Encylopedia of Common Diseases, Rodale Press, Emmaus, Penn, 1970.
  4. Abrahamson, EM, and Pezet, A.M., Body, Mind, and Sugar, Henry Holt and Co., N.Y., 1951.
  5. Airola, Paavo, How to Get Well, Health Plus Publishers (P.O. Box 22001) Phoenix, AZ. 85028,
  6. Fredericks, Carlton, "Allergy Causes Hypoglycemia", Prevention, October, 1974, p. 59.
  7. Wigmore, Ann, N,D., "Hypoglycemia Symposium", Vegetarian 1:3.
  8. Jennings, Joan, "Brewers Yeast Holds a Key to Health", Prevention, February, 1974, p. 58.
  9. Fredericks, Carlton, "Some Hypoglycemics Need More Starch", Prevention, July, 1975, p. 54.
  10. Davis, Adelle, Let's Get Well, New American Library, Signet, paperback, New York, 1972, p.174
  11. Nittler, Alan, M.D., A New Breed of Doctor, Pyramid House, New York, 1972.
  12. Griffin, LaDean, 'Is Any Sick Among You?', Bi-World Publishing House, 1972
  13. Hutchens, Alma, Indian Herbology of North America, 1974.
