Paavo Airola - Nutrition Forum - Let's Live - February 1977 Index

Buzzing Sounds in the Ears

Q. I have a buzzing around my left ear, perhaps it's in the ear? I have been to several doctors, and they tell me there is no cure, that I must learn to live with it. But, I believe if something happens to your body, there has to be a reason for it, perhaps something I am lacking as far as nutrients are concerned, and that there must be a cure for everything. Am I asking the impossible? I take a multiple vitamin, plus 400 units of vitamin E and 50 mg. of vitamin B, daily. I eat raw vegetable salad daily, cheese, and whole wheat products and drink pure orange juice. I have had this problem for 2 1/2 years. Can you help? It is very annoying. I am 59 years old, but I feel great except for this problem. Mrs. S.A.R., Palm Beach, Florida.

A. Your symptoms of buzzing in the ears may be related to one of several things. One of the most common causes is hardening of the arteries or arteriosclerosis. Almost 90% of all Americans over the age of 20 suffer from some degree of hardening of the arteries.

The other very common cause is drug poisoning or other severe toxicity in the system. Aspirin toxicity, for example, may cause not only ulcers, but also ringing, roaring, hissing, and buzzing sounds in the ears and even complete loss of hearing. Those are common symptoms among persons taking heavy doses of aspirin for arthritis. Many other drugs cause similar symptoms, especially antibiotics such as streptomycin.

High blood pressure is another possibility. Noises in the ears is one of the most common symptoms of high blood pressure.

You and your doctor must determine which of these possible causes may be related to your problem and then institute the corrective and supportive biological and nutritional program to eliminate the underlying causes of the ear noises. If you wish a list of nutritionally and biologically oriented doctors, who may have a better understanding of your problem than your present doctor, who has no better advice than to "live with it", you may write to: International Academy of Biological Medicine, Inc., PO. Box 31313, Phoenix, Ariz. 85046. They will send you a directory of such doctors upon request, but only if you enclose a self-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope.

The best biological therapy to eliminate buzzing sounds or other noises in the ear is extensive juice fasting, which is also the cardinal therapy for high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and general detoxification of the body.

Artificial Food Coloring

Q. I became concerned because my children have been taking vitamin tablets which contain artificial coloring and flavoring. I wrote to Mead-Johnson Company, the manufacturers of the vitamins, and they replied that while they used no FD&C Red #2, they do use the following: FD&C Red # Lake, Blue #2 Lake, Yellow #6 Lake. Would you be kind enough to let me know if any of these colorings are considered as health hazards. - S.V., Cambridge, Moss.

A. Periodically, the FDA removes some of the artificial food colorings from the market because animal studies link it to cancer, but then reverses its decisions because of the pressures from food industries. Red #2 was indicted repeatedly as a cancer-causing chemical, and was off and on the market for years. Finally, the FDA has now supposedly permanently banned Red #2, following the example of most civilized countries, since the evidence linking it with cancer is overwhelming.

In my opinion, all artificial colorings are a health hazard. Most food colorings are either coal tar derivatives or other man-made synthetic products, and have no place in food. My advice is never to touch anything that you suspect (and especially if the label admits it) as containing artificial flavorings and/or artificial colorings.

Schizophrenia and Celiac Disease

Q. One doctor diagnosed my condition as schizophrenia; another said that I have celiac disease. Are these two diseases similar, or do I have two different diseases? - N.H., Santa Margarita

A. Schizophrenia is a mental disease caused, according to many avant-garde researchers - notably Drs. Carl Pfeiffer, A. Hoffer, M. Singh, Stanley R. Kay, et. al, with whom I completely agree - by a biochemical disorder in the brain due to nutritional imbalances and/or deficiencies. Celiac disease is a strictly physical disorder, a nutritional malabsorption problem caused by improper absorption of fats, that leads to malnutrition, diarrhea and distended abdomen (celiac is from the Greek word for abdomen). The similarity and confusion, even among doctors, between schizophrenia and celiac disease is due to the fact that many of the symptoms of celiac disease are identical with those of schizophrenia - schizoid, paranoid behavior, negativism and depression. The difficulty in making a correct diagnosis is further complicated by the fact that many recent studies have pointed to one identical factor involved in both conditions: dietary gluten. It has been found that wheat and specifically wheat gluten is extremely toxic to celiacs. Gluten also has been shown to aggravate the schizophrenic syndrome. Both celiac and schizophrenic patients improved considerably on a gluten-free diet, as demonstrated at Bronx Psychiatric Center's studies (Science News, Vol 109, #4, January 31, 1976). Milk is another aggravating factor in both celiac disease and schizophrenia, and should be removed from the diet of those who suffer from either condition.

To sum up: Celiac disease is a physical malabsorption disorder, which can lead to severe malnutrition, which can be evidenced by symptoms of both physical and mental derangement.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder caused by a biochemical derangement and imbalance due to nutritional deficiencies and inadequacies. To state it even more simply: one is caused by malabsorption, and the other is caused by malnutrition. In celiac disease, it is vital to eliminate all the dietary factors, one of which is gluten, in order to improve digestion and assimilation. Schizophrenia is best treated by Optimum Nutrition and mega-doses of factors that are usually deficient in schizophrenics, such as zinc, manganese, magnesium, and vitamins C, E, B-15, and niacin. For exact dosages, see page 115 in How To Get Well.

Grain Phytates

Q. I imagine that you are being swamped with letters about the Consumer Reports, May issue, on the nutritive value of various commercial breads. It really has me and my friends and family amazed and confused. I would be most grateful if you would give your opinion on this study and clarify a few questions that are really bothering me.

  1. Which grains contain phytates? How are phytates destroyed completely? CR ventured the opinion that possibly some bread-making methods destroyed phytates and others do not. How does one insure all phytates are destroyed in home bread making?
  2. Is there any problem or danger in eating generous quantities of whole wheat in the form of pasta, cooked cereal and bread-type products leavened with soda or baking soda or baking powder (not yeast)? How about eating cooked cereals such as millet, buckwheat and oats?
These questions are really upsetting me as I am following your hypoglycemia diet and am eating lots of whole grains. I also make my own whole wheat bread, and wonder how nutritious it really is. I have also been found to be slightly deficient in zinc through hair analysis and am afraid of zinc destruction by phytates. - S.R., San Francisco, CA.

A. All grains and beans contain phytates, or phytic acid. Phytates in grains tend to bind minerals and trace elements and prevent their assimilation. Phytates do not destroy minerals, as you say, but make minerals less available for the assimilation in the digestive tract. This is the reason why I have always - long before Consumer Report's findings - discouraged eating grains raw, and advocated cooking them. Cooking, as in bread or cooked cereals, destroys phytates and releases minerals and trace elements, assuring their effective assimilation. The most effective breakdown of phytate is achieved through a combination of fermentation and cooking, as in sourdough bread. Sprouting also helps to break down phytates and increases the assimilation of minerals.

Although the general rule of optimum nutrition is that most of our foods should be eaten raw, in their natural state, this rule has several important exceptions. Some foods, like soybeans, contain trypsin inhibitors in addition to phytates, and, therefore, must be cooked for several hours to get rid of both. If soybeans are used in sprouted form, they must be soaked for 24 hours, changing water every eight hours, to get rid of trypsin inhibitors. Most legumes contain a substance called "toxalbumins", which is toxic in a raw state, but is destroyed by cooking. Legumes also contain a goiterogenic factor which blocks the uptake of iodine by the thyroid gland. Hemagglutinins, which also can be found in legumes, interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. Therefore, no beans should ever be eaten raw.

Even some vegetables are better cooked, since they contain toxic and undesirable factors such as oxalic acid. Cabbage, spinach, rhubarb, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale should always be cooked, and the cooking water discarded. All grains are better cooked, largely because of their phytic acid content. Those grains that can be sprouted, such as wheat, can be used raw, if desired. The best grains for making cooked cereals are millet, buckwheat, oats, corn, and rice.

To answer your final question, yes, eating "generous quantities" of whole wheat (as in pasta) can be harmful, since eating "generous" amounts of anything (overeating) is incompatible with healthful eating. Grains are highly nutritious, but very concentrated foods, and should be consumed in moderate quantities, especially by hypoglycemics like yourself. Breads made with yeast or culture are more nutritious than those made with baking soda.


Q. I seem to have a continual problem with gas. My body seems to react to many foods by creating gas and the problem lasts for hours. What causes gas, and what can I do to stop having it so often? - D.S., Los Angeles, CA.

A. It seems that you must be allergic to certain foods. Foods that your body is allergic to cannot be digested effectively. They putrefy and create gas. Eliminate all known and suspected allergens (the foods you are allergic to). The most common allergens are milk, cheese, wheat products, corn, and citrus fruits. If this does not solve your problem, you may have to take some digestive enzymes, especially hydrocholoric acid, to improve your digestion. You should take one or two tablets of betaine-hydrochloric acid after each meal with 1/2 glass of water. Also, make sure you eat only small meals, eat slowly, and chew your food extremely well. And, remember, if your meal contains protein-rich foods and carbohydrates, eat the protein-rich foods first, on an empty stomach, to assure gas-free digestion.

Psoriasis and Lecithin

Q. I am happy to read of more and more psoriatics that find lecithin helpful, but, I also worry. It is my understanding that over a period of time, lecithin can cause calcium deficiency. Please comment on this. Also, advise the ratio of calcium-lecithin, and if other supplements are important for their assimilation.

I have psoriasis and will appreciate any information that will help me to find the proper balance. - C.S., Encinitas, CA.

A. Your concern is well founded. Lecithin in large doses could upset the mineral balance in the system. In my nutritional program for psoriasis, I recommend taking four tablespoons of lecithin granules daily for two months, then reducing to two tablespoons. I also recommend taking a calcium-magnesium supplement to balance the excess of phosphorus in lecithin, and prevent mineral imbalances. Every time lecithin is taken in large doses, it should be supplemented with extra calcium. For four tablespoons of lecithin granules, you should take at least 1,000 mg. of calcium. Also, please remember that four tablespoons of lecithin granules is an exceptionally large therapeutic dose and should not be taken for more than two months. As a regular supplement, I recommend only 2 teaspoons of granulated lecithin daily for most people.
