Paavo Airola - Nutrition Forum - Let's Live - October 1976 Index

Cancer Prevention

Q. Thank you for your most valuable articles on cancer in recent issues. My question: Would you recommend for the prevention of cancer, vitamin B17 by way of three apricot pits daily for an adult, and one pit daily for an eight-year old? Or 100 mg. B17 tablet for an adult three times a week? This is, of course, along with everything else you mentioned. M. P. F. , Parsippany, N.J.

A. Let me stress first your last sentence, "along with everything else you mentioned." I made it quite clear that both for the prevention and the treatment of cancer, the total approach is imperative. We cannot hope that this or that pill, or this or that food or vitamin, will do the trick and prevent us from developing cancer, or cure it when it manifests itself. To help make sure that cancer will by pass you, you must avoid all well known carcinogens in your food, air, water, and environment. You must also always keep your body at the peak of resistance with a good health building diet, sufficient rest, proper mental attitude, and plenty of exercise. You must avoid toxic drugs, nutritionless processed foods, sugar, alcohol, and tobacco. You must take all the anti-cancer vitamins and supplements I recommended in the article, and eat specific protective foods such as brewer's yeast, whole grains, seeds and nuts (which contain B-17), plenty of raw, fresh vegetables and fruits especially apricots, peaches, and plums. When eating these fruits, as well as apples, you must eat the seeds and pits, which are all rich sources of B17. The other foods that are rich in B17 are buckwheat and millet, and all kinds of beans - especially lima beans and garbanzos. For an eight-year old, such a dietary regime will offer sufficient protection. If you wish to maximize your own B17 intake, you may add a few apricot pits to your diet each day, maybe up to 5 or so. At present, I don't see any reason to supplement the diet with B17 in tablet form for preventive purposes but it may be used as part of the total therapeutic approach in the treatment of cancer.

Face Lift

Q. Your Nutrition Forum is a great inspiration to all of us. I am a woman of 40 years, with a young body (I am 5'4" and weigh 109 pounds) but an old face, which is beginning to sag, after 15 years of marriage which ended in a divorce. I would like very much to improve my face, giving it a youthful look to match my body, and I am considering very seriously a face lift. What is your opinion of this type of surgery? Is it harmful? Would you recommend it? D.S. Bladensburg, MD

A. I believe that everyone should try to look his or her best. Vanity? Possibly, but I think a tasteful attire, neatness, personal hygiene, and attractive grooming, as well as cosmetic assistance in looking our best all can help to make our co-existence on this crowded planet aesthetically more pleasant, and physically and psychologically more enjoyable. By all means, if a face lift will make you happier, have one. I don't think there is much danger or health hazard involved with it, if you make sure that:

  1. You deal with a very reputable, honest, and highly recommended plastic surgeon.
  2. You are in top health condition.
  3. You prepare your body before surgery with optimum nutrition and adequate vitamin and mineral supplements which will help to counteract the stress of the surgery and/or the possible medication which will be connected with it - as well as continue with such supportive nutritional and supplementary program after the surgery.

Vitamins and Drugs

Q. I had open heart surgery and have one plastic heart valve, so I am on a salt free diet. For the last three years, I have been taking all kinds of vitamins, but the more I read, the more I became confused. There are all kinds of vitamin brands, and all tell you that their brand is better than the others. So, after reading all these years, I have come up with this program.

In the morning, I take one glass of vegetable juice with the following in it: 1 tablespoon brewer's yeast, 1 tbsp. liver powder, 1 tbsp. raw wheat germ, two tbsp. blackstrap molasses.

Later in the day, I take 30 mg. of zinc, one tablet of vitamin A, and 250 mg. of natural vitamin C. I also take the following drugs every day: Coumadin, 5 mg.; Digoxin, .25; and Quinidine, 200 mg., 4 daily.

Do you feel there is enough vitamins in these items for my condition? F.C., Connecticut

A. Since you are taking daily three different kinds of drugs for your heart, prescribed by your doctor, and you failed to inform me how long ago you had heart surgery, your age, or the general state of your health, I would hesitate to offer you any suggestions. You had better discuss your vitamin supplementation program with your doctor who prescribed the medication. Or, if he is not nutritionally minded, with some doctor who is. When you take so many drugs for your heart condition, you must be sure that the vitamins and minerals you take do not interfere with or are not antagonistic to. the drugs you take. By the way, the glaring gap in your supplementation program is the absence of vitamin E. Vitamin E is singularly the most important for most heart conditions. The raw wheat germ would not supply enough vitamin E for therapeutic purposes, and if it is not fresh, but rancid, most vitamin E in it will be destroyed.

KH-3 and Royal Jelly

Q. Recently a neighbor went to Europe and brought back some things which she is raving about. I hesitate to argue because she feels they are so far ahead in Holland and Germany. She says she feels great by taking these things.

One is a capsule called KH-3 , which is sold over the counter in Europe, and the other is Royal Jelly, which I have seen mentioned in Let's LIVE, but don't know anything about, and have never seen in this country.

Can you help by telling me something about this? R.S., Brightwaters, N.Y.

A. KH-3 is a product developed by Dr. Ana Aslan of Rumania. Its basic ingredient is procain and it is fortified with B vitamins. It is sold everywhere in Europe and also in Mexico, and has been used extensively for several decades.

Royal Jelly is a natural substance produced by bees for the exclusive food of the queen bee. It is sold in this country in most health food stores, plain, or as an ingredient in both cosmetic and food supplement preparations.

Both KH-3 and Royal Jelly are considered to be effective revitalizing and rejuvenative agents. Dr. Aslan recommends KH-3 for everyone over 50, especially those who suffer from degenerative disorders. KH-3 and Royal Jelly supposedly prevent premature aging and will keep you younger longer. In men, they are claimed to increase virility and prevent impotence. Both substances and their properties have been researched quite extensively in Europe and are described in detail - more than we can squeeze into this Forum - in my book, Health Secrets From Europe, (available at your health food store).

Growing Taller at 22

Q. I have married a girl from India, and she recently joined me here in the U.S. She is 5 ft. tall. This shortness never bothered her back home. However, by our standards, she is quite short. This is constantly bugging her. I have tried my best to help her overcome that complex, but I don't seem to be able to reason with her. Is there any way she can add a couple of inches to her height naturally, through exercises, medicine, or selective food? She is 22 years old. Please advise. P.G.S., Naperville, Ill.

A. Yes, it is possible to grow taller until about the age of 25 or 26, provided that growth was delayed due to some disease or nutritional deficiencies and/or inadequacies. However, if the height is genetically predetermined, all nutritional efforts to increase it will be futile. The factors responsible for the unnatural tallness of North American and North European people are:

  1. An excessive amount of animal protein in the diet, especially meat, milk, and milk products
  2. A sedentary life and lack of hard physical activity during adolescence.
Milk and meat contain growth factors, and, if consumed in excess, will contribute to unnatural tallness. Tall stature is not necessarily, of course, a sign of good health. Rather the opposite is true. It is more of a handicap and a health hazard unless of course, one wishes to be a basketball player. You see, your heart is not genetically programmed to pump blood to excessive heights, which is comparable to obesity in terms of cardiac stress. J.I. Rodale presented massive valid evidence to show that short people are actually healthier and tend to live longer than tall people. But, if your wife's height is not genetically determined, and if she desperately wants to get taller, she may try to eat large amounts of animal protein - especially milk and meat.


Q. Is there any natural remedy for ringworm? Also, what about keratotic ringworm? Are they caused by differing fungi? M.B., Milford, Mass.

A. Ringworm is a contagious skin disease caused by a fungus. It often erupts in the shape of a ring thus the name. Keratotic means that it is on the outer, corny layer of the skin - ringworm can also be located in the scalp, nails, soles of the feet, etc. The same fungus is involved in all forms of ringworm.

Ringworm of the body can be easily cured by several antiseptic ointments available at drugstores without prescription, such as, Whitfields or vioform. Among more natural treatments are:

  1. Application of straight apple cider vinegar several times a day on affected areas.
  2. Rubbing affected areas with castor oil or chestnut oil.
  3. Rubbing affected areas with borax.

Natural High-Potency B Complex

Q. In your books, articles, and Nutrition Forum, you often refer to B-complex tablets, 100% natural, HIGH POTENCY. It is my understanding that potencies of natural vitamins are restricted in tablets that can be swallowed. Can you be specific about what you consider to be 100% natural, high-potency B complex tablets? L.L., Rome, Georgia

A. A 100% natural, high-potency Bcomplex tablet would contain approximately 7-10 mg. of major Bs - B1, B2, and B3 - and varying but relatively low amounts of the other B-complex vitamins. Several vitamin companies (some of which advertise in Let's LIVE) produce 100% natural B-complex formula, which is more or less a concentrated brewer's yeast product. If an average size B-complex tablet contains more than 10 mg. of B1 or B2, it is NOT 100% natural, even if the word "natural" appears on the label. Why are natural B-complex tablets containing only 7-10 mg. of B1 or B2 called "high potency"? Because this is about the highest potency that can be made using materials from 100% natural sources. There are 100% natural B-complex tablets on the market that contain only 2-3 mg. of major Bs. They are not referred to as "high potency".
